Bandi Hemant Raj is seeking a challenging position in mechanical engineering. He has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ideal Institute of Technology with 62.1% marks. He has experience in projects such as designing a pressure die casting tool for an engine side cover. His skills include CAD programs such as AutoCAD, Pro-E, and CATIA. He is a quick learner with strong analytical and communication abilities.
General relativity is Einstein's theory of gravitation published in 1915. It explains gravitational phenomena by describing how spacetime is curved by mass and energy. Some key points:
- General relativity superseded Newton's theory of gravity and describes gravity not as a force but as a curvature of spacetime.
- Einstein made several predictions with general relativity including the bending of starlight and gravitational time dilation, which have all been confirmed by observations.
- Tests of general relativity include measuring the precession of Mercury's orbit, the deflection of starlight near the sun, and gravitational redshift of light escaping gravitational fields.
This question tests concepts of finding areas of semi circles and right isosceles triangles. The crux of solving this GMAT problem solving practice question is one's ability to see the shaded region and the remaining parts as geometrical shapes for which areas can be computed.
Presented as part of Q-51 series by 4GMAT. Tough GMAT Quant practice questions.
Bandi Hemant Raj is seeking a challenging position in mechanical engineering. He has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ideal Institute of Technology with 62.1% marks. He has experience in projects such as designing a pressure die casting tool for an engine side cover. His skills include CAD programs such as AutoCAD, Pro-E, and CATIA. He is a quick learner with strong analytical and communication abilities.
General relativity is Einstein's theory of gravitation published in 1915. It explains gravitational phenomena by describing how spacetime is curved by mass and energy. Some key points:
- General relativity superseded Newton's theory of gravity and describes gravity not as a force but as a curvature of spacetime.
- Einstein made several predictions with general relativity including the bending of starlight and gravitational time dilation, which have all been confirmed by observations.
- Tests of general relativity include measuring the precession of Mercury's orbit, the deflection of starlight near the sun, and gravitational redshift of light escaping gravitational fields.
This question tests concepts of finding areas of semi circles and right isosceles triangles. The crux of solving this GMAT problem solving practice question is one's ability to see the shaded region and the remaining parts as geometrical shapes for which areas can be computed.
Presented as part of Q-51 series by 4GMAT. Tough GMAT Quant practice questions.
GMAT Descriptive Statistics : Mean Median Rangeq51
This difficulty GMAT quant question tests concepts in number properties and statistics including elementary properties of prime numbers, odd and even numbers, mean, median and range.
Consider a set S = {2, 4, 6, 8, x, y} with distinct elements. If x and y are both prime numbers and 0 < x < 40 and 0 < y < 40, which of the following MUST be true?
I. The maximum possible range of the set is greater than 33.
II. The median can never be an even number.
III. If y = 37, the average of the set will be greater than the median.
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. III only
E. I, II, and III
Visit for tough GMAT quant practice questions
GMAT data sufficiency practice. This one is a word problem testing basic understanding of ratio, and percents. Such questions often appear as part of the GMAT quantitative reasoning section.
The document contains a compliance calendar for the years 2014-2015 listing important tax filing and payment due dates for services like Service Tax, TDS, PF, and others. It notes that Service Tax, TDS, and PF need to be deposited by the 5th, 7th, and 15th of each month respectively. It also includes reminders for other compliances like renewal of shop licenses, advance tax payments, and annual returns. The calendar is intended to help remember all important tax compliance deadlines on a monthly basis.
1. The question asks for the remainder when a positive integer x is divided by 6.
2. Statement 1 alone and Statement 2 alone are not sufficient because counter examples can be found where x satisfies the statement but has different remainders when divided by 6.
3. When considering both statements together, x can be determined to be 12, which has a remainder of 0 when divided by 6. Therefore, the data provided in both statements together is sufficient to answer the question.
GMAT word problem in rates. Q-51 series by 4GMATq51
This one is a problem solving question in rates and is a word problem. Note the crux of solving a word problem is translating words into mathematical expressions and equations.
A can complete a task in a days and B in b days. They take turns in doing the task with each working 2 days at a time. If A starts they finish the task in exactly 10 days. If B starts, they take half a day more. How long does it take to complete the task if they both work together?
46/9 days
50/9 days
50/11 days
36/7 days
210/41 days
The document provides information about Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences in Germany. It summarizes that it is located in Deggendorf, between the Danube River and town center, and offers bachelor's and master's degree programs in subjects like business, engineering, and natural sciences across multiple campuses. It has approximately 4,800 students total and partnerships with over 130 universities in 50 countries.
3. .亠于亠亞 于 仆亠仄亠从仂仄
仍亳亠舒仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 亳 从亳亳从亠
Krausnick M. Die eiserne Lerche. Weinheim und
Basel, 1998 (于仗亠于亠 于 1993).
Enzensberger U. Herwegh. Ein Heldenleben.
Eichborn, Frankfurt am Main 1999.
Ziegengeist G. Herzen und Herwegh. Zwei
unbekannte Briefe 端ber ihren Bruch im Januar
1851 // Zeitschrift f端r Slawistik. Volume 7, 1962.
Issue 1, S. 210215.
13. 束 亠仂亞 亠于亠亞損
(束An Georg Herweg損, )
An Georg Herweg
Ein K旦nig nimmt dich auf mit seltner Milde,
Ein K旦nig, der zu lehnen du gewagt,
Den du in z端gellosem Binder Bilde
Der Tr辰gheit und der Tohrheit angeklagt <>
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仂仂仍, 从仂仂仂亞仂 仂于亠亞仆 仂于舒亢亳仍,
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于磿仂亳 亳 亞仍仗仂亳 仂弍于亳仆磳 <>
Dein Lied ist L端ge. Wo sind Deutschlands
丐于仂 仗亠仆 仍仂亢. 亟亠 仂仆, 亠仄舒仆亳亳
Wie schlecht verstehst du Vaterlandes Jugend
Heran! Dir trotzt ein deutscher M辰nnerbund!
舒从 仗仍仂仂 仗仂仆亳仄舒亠 亠亠于舒
仗亠亠亟! 丐亠弍亠 仗仂亳于仂仂亳 仆亠仄亠从亳
仄亢亠亶 仂ミ!