Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Quito, Ecuador
You're living a fairytale, but so am I...
We show our differences not by how we are different, but how we think we are the same.
Visit to read my poems:
XP I like earning peoples respect and trust. I feel sorry for a lot of people even though there is nothing I can do to help, I still want to. If you aren't feeling well(girls), tell me before I give you a BIG hug. If you spell my name wrong I might hunt you down and kill you. Just joking, but I don't have a K or an H or a Q or a Z in my name, just to clarify. I play keyboard percussion for fun: Marimba, Xylophone, Vibraphone, etc. and play around on the piano. I run to keep in shape, and I'm also on th
Users following Nicolás Merritt