A SiMple PersOn Yet A naughty GurL
A Friend wHose aLways Stay At your side in StoRmY daYs Of Your Life
A GuRlh That maKes you haPPy ebRitYnm you Are emo=-D
A 'Ateh' wHO gIve Some Advices WheN You Nid A MagiC WoRds ThAt
ENCoUrGe YOu To Face alll The trIaLs That ComeS oN yoUr way
A DAugtHer That VerY ObediEnt To Her ParEnts
A BhEiBy ThAt Is So SwEet=D
A PErSon ThAt Is WillIng to ExtEND Her Arm WHen You niD HeLp
A pERsOn tHaT iS wiLLiNg tO sAcrIfICE eBrITiNg fOr tHe sAkE Of tHe hApPiNeSS oF the PiPOl aRoUnD hEr..
I Am Nice to ThoSE PerSon wHo Is also NiCe to Me
I HaTe those PiPol who Are HypoCrite