Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Istanbul, Turkey Turkey
Deputy Chief Physician
Medical / Health Care / Pharmaceuticals
Nilüfer Koyluoglu Unal M.D. is working as a Retina Specialist and Deputy Medical Superintendent in Dünyagöz Hospital
Focus areas are as follows:
* Diabetic retinopathy prevention (Dünyadiyabet branch) and treatment
* Retinal tear and peripheral retinal degenerations
* Preop and postop management of patients for LASÄ°K and Cataract surgery
* Aged macular degeneration (AMD) follow up and treatment
Futhermore her special focus area is Sports and Eye Project, Eye Care for all Athletes (not only boxers) as the initial step of See The Eye Project.
She is member of Turkish Medical Association (, Turkish Ophthalmology Association Glaucoma Branch, Türk Tabipler ...
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