Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Bengaluru Area, India India
Assistant Manager- Institutional Strategies and Branding
Human Resources / Recruitment
About has over 3.3 million registered job seekers with 90,000 of them registering every month. Our users, mostly freshers, visit us on a near daily basis to access job posting, placement and interview experience and resources that help prepare for their chosen jobs and careers. For over a decade since our inception has been facilitating over 1000 companies in closing fresher job positions.
We offer:
- Do-it-yourself Recruitment Drive Management Tool
- End-to-End fresher recruitment solution
- On Campus/off Campus Recruitment Solutions
- Access to Pool of Pre-assessed Candidates
- Employer Branding.
Specialties: Client Management,Recruitment, Human Resources...
Contact Details
Users following Nilima N.