Каста предателейденис климовВ данной работе показаны исторические и экономические причины того, почему наша Родина находится сегодня в состоянии экономического хаоса и политического распада, а также проанализированы процессы, идущие в современной России, и дан прогноз ее будущего развития.
Saha lecture updated1Nomun Bukh-OchirThe document discusses how Mongolia's financial system is interconnected with the global system and affected by global financial crises and developments. It provides a brief history of the international financial system, from the gold standard to the present system of institutions like the IMF. It then outlines some past global financial crises in the 1990s and 2008. It describes Mongolia's banking system, capital markets, and risks from its dependence on commodities exports. Finally, it examines how global monetary flows, foreign reserves, interest rates, and fiscal policy transmission mechanisms impact Mongolia's economy and financial vulnerabilities.
Wheelen10 ppt01Nomun Bukh-OchirThe document discusses key concepts in strategic management including:
1) Strategic management involves setting long-term plans to manage opportunities/threats based on strengths/weaknesses and determining corporate performance.
2) The strategic management process includes environmental scanning, strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
3) Strategic flexibility and becoming a learning organization are important for adapting to changing environments.
4) Different levels of strategy include corporate, business unit, and functional strategies.
Sanhuu udirdlagaNomun Bukh-OchirThe document appears to contain numerical data in a table format with percentages listed across the top and increasing whole numbers down the left side. The interior of the table contains increasing decimal values with up to 4 decimal places.
Handbook exampleNomun Bukh-OchirThis document appears to contain time series data from 1952 to 1989 with annual observations of GDP, M1 money supply, inflation rate (PR), and interest rate (RS) for the United States. The data is organized by year and period (quarterly) with corresponding values listed for each economic indicator.
Chapter 26Nomun Bukh-OchirThis document summarizes key aspects of economic policy under flexible exchange rates. It discusses how flexible exchange rates allow monetary policy to target domestic goals while fixed rates relinquish monetary control. Fiscal and monetary policies are examined, finding that fiscal policy is less effective if capital is mobile while monetary policy remains effective. Coordinating the two policies can help achieve multiple targets. The impacts of various exogenous shocks are also analyzed.
Chapter 25Nomun Bukh-OchirThis document provides an overview of economic policy under fixed exchange rates. It discusses Robert Mundell's influential Mundell-Fleming model, which shows how monetary and fiscal policy can be used to achieve internal and external balance. The model is presented graphically using IS, LM, and BP curves. An increase in government spending is used as an example of how these curves shift in response to fiscal policy under fixed exchange rates.