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21st Century Realty
 reformer of opinion
 G.M.F. (get money
21st Century Realty
A is for Alignment
 Alignment of things in the park at night:
 The low bushes
 The trees
 The street lamps
 Playgrounds, slides
 Semi trucks and garbage trucks
 Sometimes things are unAligned
 Ex. Extraction rate of containers of peanut
butter and jelly
Bushes:Chaotic Evil
Trees: Chaotic Neutral
Of course...
 Street lamps: Lawful Evil
 際際滷s and playground: Lawful Good
 Semi trucks: Neutral Evil
 Garbage trucks: Benign Neutral
B is for Big Calf Summer
C is for is for
 Assigned yearly journeys
 These annual pilgrimages evaluated
 Usually filtered thru an apse, where those
ashamed are held to be viewed
this movement is brownian in nature
D is for Different
 There are Different kinds of things
 time  changers: most drugs, sex,
amusement parks, masturbation
 time  extenders: food, water, health, climate
appropriate clothing (these are the things
keep you alive and thus extend your time),
 time  maximizers: these maximize the
potential of time (i.e. save time) and are
things like oil/gas, fire, food, caffeine,
transportation, money
 Dispositional states
 Causal levers (stuff you can reach)
Causal levers can also be called
E is for Etiquette
 Saying sorry, please, thank you, Im just
joking (especially sorry)
 If you wanna talk, talk!
 If you cant think of anything to talk about,
talk about the weather!
 Dont think of your friends when you pee
 Dont be an Indian giver
21st Century Realty
F is for Friends
 If you bring something up to a Friend (an
anecdote, a fact) and something comes up
shortly thereafter in their lives that relates to
your anecdote, or if your fact helps them
accomplish something, then you can be said
to be a prophet and what you spoke is said to
be Truth.
 If your convictions dont align with someone's
100% your Friendbar can never max out
G is for Good
 No town can do without a fire department. That is why,
while love of risk (thumos) is generally not encouraged in
our town, we guiltily have a small reservoir of citizens
with a decent allocation of the virtue willing to put their
lives at risk to save others

You can talk about the Good in people by talking about
them to other people
 You can talk about whether they are #climbingforthetop
or #descendingtothelowerreaches
21st Century Realty
H is for Hour
 Youre 7pm to me
 Really, thats the worst time of day
 Youre high noon to me
 Thanks, I love you too
 Youre April 7th, 1976 to me
 Fuck you
 Youre the 2000 Sydney Olympics
 Oh yeah, did they win or lose?
 When you interrupt someone you are doing the
opposite of maximizing their Time
 When you appear uncomfortable to others they see
you as not maximizing your own Time
 Indian giving is telling someone how to increase
extraction yield and then demanding a cut of the yield
 Forcing people to learn/adopt new actions speech to
J is for Just Having Fun
or Just for Fun
It s how we do it,
why we do it,
and when we do
K is for Knowledge
 Drink it thru a straw
 Leave it overnight and then come back
 Keep it in an airtight container if you dont
want it to change, leave it in a dry place
 If you want it really safe really protect it
 Always better to guess than to leave
something blank
21st Century Realty
L is for L.U.S.O.C.O.R.
Let Us Start Our Conception Of Realty:
 On the advertisement on the side of the bus that says
Make every night legendary
 On going inside us the chief increasers of our dispositional
 Based on everyone treating their lives as an interlocking
series of filmic moments
 On everyone having a pleasure/pain stratification similar to
the 1% 99% Occupy wall street claim (respectively)
 Based on people having partitions of omniscience
according to their power
 Based on people having blacked out eyes if they dont
exhibit proper etiquette
 One where friends and stars align :)
21st Century Realty
M is for Materials
 Though Time can be spent through labour to
purchase Materials, Materials must be cautioned
for, and can be evil or contain malevolent qualities
by association.
 For example, many a child has been made sick by
sunlight incorrectly hitting a plastic toy they were
playing with, giving the warm plastic a sensation
and smell to induce them to nausea.
 If they belong to a big person (e.g. the govt) and
you damage them, they might make you stay at
your house or in their building for a while to waste
your T
N is for Names
 Imposing the correct names on things
 Paper + bread = ice
 The adding and subtracting of names
generally agreed upon
O Is for Other methods of social
decision making
 O.I.O.E (optimific input-output equation)
Best explained in figure 7.12:
21st Century Realty
Other methods (cont.)
 Mode of thinking engaged half-willingly where
one judges every pain and every pleasure,
ever friend and every enemy, every hope and
every error, every blade of grass and every
ray of sunshine, the whole fabric of things
that make up their lives, and decide whether
they could bear the eternal recurrence of their
lives if they act in the way they are about to
Other methods (cont.)
 Doing things in advance for ends you do
not yet know (hoping they will be helpful)
P is for Places
 Places are part location (physical
situatuedness) part other stuff
 Can be Good or Bad
 Vacation City 13
 The Town of Las Talkas
 Parts of them can change but location usually
stays the same
 Places make up different zones together (in a
honeycomb structure)
21st Century Realty
Q is for Questions
 What recently have you done of note?
 Which among you would die fighting
on the balconies and in the vitrines of
the Art Institute protecting our cultural
treasures from the barbarians at the
R is for Referent
 What you choose first so you can base other
 A measurement:
 angry minute
 ashamed inch
 proud liter
 quick foot
 Make sure youre using the right one at the
right time
Briefly, let us look at Skills:
S is for Skills
 Built up from foundations of more basic
skills. Ex.: spatially operating > crawling >
walking > socialization > school > drivers
ed > driving > pizza delivery driver or drive
to building sites to lay bricks
 there is such a thing as MAX SKILLS
 Inability to perform a task isn't your fault it
hints at the failure of a different you
(maybe you weren't even present)
 One takes great care crossing the street. Street crossing is a
time when one is most vulnerable, when one entrusts ones
existential condition to the good will of the car drivers.
 Customers running into shops:
 Why does your coffee suck ass!
 Who do you think youre catering to!?
 Why isnt this can lid adequatley perforated!
 People all distancing themselves (equally) from a noted pariah
in physical space
 One person being adored by all or most functioning as acting
 People receive partitions of omniscience in the mail according to
level of authority/noteworthiness and people respond to them in
 People stuck eternally in a state of loneliness because they are
Purely Rational
 When the slightest inconvenience occurs, a person screams out
loud, clutching their chest and thinking themselves cursed
A conversation from Las Talkas:
> Walking, women in front of me drops penny, events as follows:
> Hear penny drop (audio registration)
> Find penny by glint of light (visual registration)
> Pick up penny (physical acquisition)
> Say: Mam, you dropped this, (verbal notification)
> Doesnt hear me, continues walking (failed audio registration)
> Decide walking after her, begin to do so, see person watching
me decide what I will do, decide it is only a one cent piece and
therefore continue on my way (rationalization)
> See a man panhandling for change, give penny to him, explain
situation and background (interaction/ further rationalization)
>Thanks me (gratification)
^a rare
 People acquire skills, knowledge, and exp
(experience) as they move through life. This
is good. People who have accumulated a lot
die (old people) and people with none are
born (new borns). More new borns are being
borned and filled up with s, k and e as they
move through life. if world population is
constantly increasing wouldnt this dictate
that overall s, k, and e increases overall and
thus overall potential for Good increases?
V is for
21st Century Realty
 Held to usually be the most important of
the four Cardinal directions
 Direction in which Vacation City is in
West (cont.)
 Conversation with peer (female) at party:
 Q: How big is your ego?
 Out of?
 Is it 10?
 I guess or 100?
 Like what is 10 Kanye Wests ego?
 Why does it have to be Kanye West?
 I just figured it was the best example of a 10
 What is it?
 Like 7/10
 What is yours?
 *no response*
 Will engage your Metaphoric, Ingenious,
and Sentimentary levels to gauge your
xDSL Characteristic
X is for xDSL Characteristic
21st Century Realty
21st Century Realty
 You are a m/SDSL !
What does this mean??
 Radius: 5.5 miles (8.9 km)
 Capacity: 2
 Number of TwistedPairs速: 2
21st Century Realty
Y is for Yield
 Containers with liquid inside
 Extraction rates
 Displacement rates
 Airtight containers
 Containers sealed under pressure
 Containers left outside
Containers w/ quick extraction rates vs.
containers w/ unquick extraction rates
Z is for Zones
Some Zones:
 Humboldt Park (22-47)
 West Town (1-19)
 Lincoln Square (20-29)
 Stony Island (30-39)
 Lake View (40-49)
 South Lands (50 -59)
 Vacation City 13 (0-99)
 Town of Las Talkas (70-99)
21st Century Realty

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21st Century Realty

  • 2. Guile Pride Fear Force temperance Virtue Lawgiver reformer of opinion Teacher G.M.F. (get money fanatic)
  • 4. A is for Alignment Examples: Alignment of things in the park at night: The low bushes The trees The street lamps Playgrounds, slides Semi trucks and garbage trucks Sometimes things are unAligned Ex. Extraction rate of containers of peanut butter and jelly
  • 7. Of course... Street lamps: Lawful Evil 際際滷s and playground: Lawful Good
  • 8. Semi trucks: Neutral Evil Garbage trucks: Benign Neutral
  • 9. B is for Big Calf Summer
  • 10. C is for is for CirculambulatoryRegimens Assigned yearly journeys These annual pilgrimages evaluated Usually filtered thru an apse, where those ashamed are held to be viewed
  • 11. this movement is brownian in nature
  • 12. D is for Different
  • 13. There are Different kinds of things time changers: most drugs, sex, amusement parks, masturbation time extenders: food, water, health, climate appropriate clothing (these are the things keep you alive and thus extend your time), money time maximizers: these maximize the potential of time (i.e. save time) and are things like oil/gas, fire, food, caffeine, transportation, money Dispositional states Measurements Causal levers (stuff you can reach)
  • 14. Causal levers can also be called softswitches
  • 15. E is for Etiquette Saying sorry, please, thank you, Im just joking (especially sorry) If you wanna talk, talk! If you cant think of anything to talk about, talk about the weather! Dont think of your friends when you pee Dont be an Indian giver
  • 17. F is for Friends If you bring something up to a Friend (an anecdote, a fact) and something comes up shortly thereafter in their lives that relates to your anecdote, or if your fact helps them accomplish something, then you can be said to be a prophet and what you spoke is said to be Truth. If your convictions dont align with someone's 100% your Friendbar can never max out
  • 18. G is for Good No town can do without a fire department. That is why, while love of risk (thumos) is generally not encouraged in our town, we guiltily have a small reservoir of citizens with a decent allocation of the virtue willing to put their lives at risk to save others You can talk about the Good in people by talking about them to other people You can talk about whether they are #climbingforthetop or #descendingtothelowerreaches
  • 20. H is for Hour Youre 7pm to me Really, thats the worst time of day Youre high noon to me Thanks, I love you too Youre April 7th, 1976 to me Fuck you Youre the 2000 Sydney Olympics Oh yeah, did they win or lose?
  • 21. When you interrupt someone you are doing the opposite of maximizing their Time When you appear uncomfortable to others they see you as not maximizing your own Time Indian giving is telling someone how to increase extraction yield and then demanding a cut of the yield Forcing people to learn/adopt new actions speech to accomplish NO NEW ENDS; NO NEW ENDS
  • 22. J is for Just Having Fun or Just for Fun It s how we do it, why we do it, and when we do it
  • 23. K is for Knowledge Drink it thru a straw Leave it overnight and then come back Keep it in an airtight container if you dont want it to change, leave it in a dry place If you want it really safe really protect it Always better to guess than to leave something blank
  • 25. L is for L.U.S.O.C.O.R. Let Us Start Our Conception Of Realty: On the advertisement on the side of the bus that says Make every night legendary On going inside us the chief increasers of our dispositional states Based on everyone treating their lives as an interlocking series of filmic moments On everyone having a pleasure/pain stratification similar to the 1% 99% Occupy wall street claim (respectively) Based on people having partitions of omniscience according to their power Based on people having blacked out eyes if they dont exhibit proper etiquette One where friends and stars align :)
  • 27. M is for Materials Though Time can be spent through labour to purchase Materials, Materials must be cautioned for, and can be evil or contain malevolent qualities by association. For example, many a child has been made sick by sunlight incorrectly hitting a plastic toy they were playing with, giving the warm plastic a sensation and smell to induce them to nausea. If they belong to a big person (e.g. the govt) and you damage them, they might make you stay at your house or in their building for a while to waste your T
  • 28. N is for Names Imposing the correct names on things Paper=block Bread=frozen Paper + bread = ice The adding and subtracting of names generally agreed upon LIKE AN ARCHER, WE AIM TO OVERSHOOT OUR TARGET KNOWING WE WILL disappoint ESTIMATIONS
  • 29. O Is for Other methods of social decision making O.I.O.E (optimific input-output equation) Best explained in figure 7.12:
  • 31. Other methods (cont.) E.R.T. Mode of thinking engaged half-willingly where one judges every pain and every pleasure, ever friend and every enemy, every hope and every error, every blade of grass and every ray of sunshine, the whole fabric of things that make up their lives, and decide whether they could bear the eternal recurrence of their lives if they act in the way they are about to act.
  • 32. Other methods (cont.) Doing things in advance for ends you do not yet know (hoping they will be helpful)
  • 33. P is for Places Places are part location (physical situatuedness) part other stuff Can be Good or Bad Vacation City 13 The Town of Las Talkas Parts of them can change but location usually stays the same Places make up different zones together (in a honeycomb structure)
  • 35. Q is for Questions What recently have you done of note? Which among you would die fighting on the balconies and in the vitrines of the Art Institute protecting our cultural treasures from the barbarians at the gates?
  • 36. R is for Referent What you choose first so you can base other things A measurement: angry minute ashamed inch proud liter quick foot Make sure youre using the right one at the right time
  • 37. Briefly, let us look at Skills:
  • 38. S is for Skills Built up from foundations of more basic skills. Ex.: spatially operating > crawling > walking > socialization > school > drivers ed > driving > pizza delivery driver or drive to building sites to lay bricks there is such a thing as MAX SKILLS Inability to perform a task isn't your fault it hints at the failure of a different you (maybe you weren't even present)
  • 39. One takes great care crossing the street. Street crossing is a time when one is most vulnerable, when one entrusts ones existential condition to the good will of the car drivers. Customers running into shops: Why does your coffee suck ass! Who do you think youre catering to!? Why isnt this can lid adequatley perforated! People all distancing themselves (equally) from a noted pariah in physical space One person being adored by all or most functioning as acting sovereign People receive partitions of omniscience in the mail according to level of authority/noteworthiness and people respond to them in kind People stuck eternally in a state of loneliness because they are Purely Rational When the slightest inconvenience occurs, a person screams out loud, clutching their chest and thinking themselves cursed
  • 40. A conversation from Las Talkas: > Walking, women in front of me drops penny, events as follows: > Hear penny drop (audio registration) > Find penny by glint of light (visual registration) > Pick up penny (physical acquisition) > Say: Mam, you dropped this, (verbal notification) > Doesnt hear me, continues walking (failed audio registration) > Decide walking after her, begin to do so, see person watching me decide what I will do, decide it is only a one cent piece and therefore continue on my way (rationalization) > See a man panhandling for change, give penny to him, explain situation and background (interaction/ further rationalization) >Thanks me (gratification) ^a rare
  • 41. People acquire skills, knowledge, and exp (experience) as they move through life. This is good. People who have accumulated a lot die (old people) and people with none are born (new borns). More new borns are being borned and filled up with s, k and e as they move through life. if world population is constantly increasing wouldnt this dictate that overall s, k, and e increases overall and thus overall potential for Good increases?
  • 44. Held to usually be the most important of the four Cardinal directions Direction in which Vacation City is in
  • 45. West (cont.) Conversation with peer (female) at party: Q: How big is your ego? Out of? Is it 10? I guess or 100? Like what is 10 Kanye Wests ego? Why does it have to be Kanye West? I just figured it was the best example of a 10 What is it? Like 7/10 What is yours? *no response*
  • 46. Volunteer Will engage your Metaphoric, Ingenious, and Sentimentary levels to gauge your xDSL Characteristic X is for xDSL Characteristic
  • 49. You are a m/SDSL !
  • 50. What does this mean?? Radius: 5.5 miles (8.9 km) Symmetrical Capacity: 2 Number of TwistedPairs速: 2
  • 52. Y is for Yield Containers with liquid inside Extraction rates Displacement rates Airtight containers Containers sealed under pressure Containers left outside
  • 53. Containers w/ quick extraction rates vs. containers w/ unquick extraction rates
  • 54. Z is for Zones Some Zones: Humboldt Park (22-47) West Town (1-19) Lincoln Square (20-29) Stony Island (30-39) Lake View (40-49) South Lands (50 -59) Vacation City 13 (0-99) Town of Las Talkas (70-99)