ABOUT ME. hurmmm
1. I love up-to-date people <3 *meaning that people who knows what is currently happening to the world and all the latest issues about the outside world, artist, bla bla bla,,,, I think they are COOL. so if you are one of these.. then you're COOL. :D
2. I respect people who protects *without any feeling of shameness,
agama kita yang suci , agama islam :D n writes about muslims nowadays in their blogs or wateva blablabla
3. I totally DISLIKE org yg tegor pndai. tp buat jugak! adoii. *nk kene sepak ke ek? be honest la to yourself. straight-forward pon ak x kesah la. saket2 ati pon,, asl ko taw ape ko wat and ko jujor mmbuatnyee