Community Assessment Information showing the purposes of assessment, what we use to assess, achievement information and some information on National Standards.
Nigeria cassava varietal adoption study draft 1 011812_codespravinkumarbw
The document appears to be a draft questionnaire for a Nigeria Cassava study, containing various codes and questions to be asked in modules on topics like demographics, farming practices, cassava varieties, groups, and nutrition. The questionnaire collects information through multiple choice and open-ended questions from respondents in different Nigerian states, local government areas, and wards. It aims to understand cassava production, utilization, and preferences in Nigeria.
Missing Economic Growth: The Case of PakistanVaqar Ahmed
This presentation exhibits the journey of Pakistan economy. The historical performance is exhibited and explained through contemporary theories of economics
Stora Enso is expanding its business in Pakistan through a joint venture with Packages Ltd. The joint venture will produce packaging products for the fast-growing Pakistani market and employ around 950 people. Stora Enso's maximum financial commitment is USD 130 million, which will be invested in the joint venture over time and used to modernize facilities. The investment allows Stora Enso to gain access to Pakistan's attractive consumer packaging market and grow in an important region.
The document provides instructions for several analytic geometry problems involving finding points and lines based on given coordinates, distances, and equations. Problem #3 asks to find the coordinates of point R that divides the line segment between points A(8,0) and B(4,-8) in a ratio of 2 to 1.
The NHS Number Programme aims to improve patient safety by minimizing clinical risks caused by misallocation of patient information and resolving barriers to safely sharing information across healthcare settings. Incidents of patient confusion and errors due to reliance on local hospital number systems have endangered patient safety. Priority settings for implementing the NHS Number include general practice, secondary care, ambulance services, and social care. Current projects include developing published standards for general practice and secondary care, as well as social care standard development and a public awareness campaign.
1) The document presents the Motilal Oswal MOSt 10 Year Gilt Fund, an open-ended gilt scheme that will invest predominantly in 10-year benchmark government securities.
2) It analyzes factors like slowing growth, high inflation, and tight liquidity that have led to rising interest rates in India, suggesting rates may decline going forward.
3) The fund aims to benefit from falling interest rates by investing in long duration 10-year government bonds, providing a pure play on the interest rate cycle with low credit risk.
Robert Chote: Health and the spending squeezeNuffield Trust
The document discusses health spending in the UK and the outlook given the economic crisis. It notes that NHS spending has grown consistently rapidly since the 1950s and was the biggest winner of increased spending under the previous Labour government. However, the economic crisis has led to a significant downgrade in growth projections and increased deficit. As a result, the government plans fiscal stimulus in the short-term but then significant fiscal tightening and spending cuts from 2010 onward, including cuts to NHS capital budgets and requirements for efficiency savings.
The document summarizes research from the Cork & Kerry Study, which involved representative samples of middle-aged men and women in Ireland. Key findings include high rates of overweight/obesity, hypertension, and diabetes based on 1998 and 2010 data. Risk factor trends over time were examined. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure data provided additional insights. The study highlighted the importance of data quality, protection, coding, and audit in primary care research.
This document lists photos that room 2 photographers have taken of various objects, including something see-through, stripes, a lock, glitter, something growing, something red, something metal, something spikey, something wet, sparkles, something green, circles, something blue, wheels, and something made of wood.
The document describes the process of preparing a traditional Maori hangi meal. First, a pit is dug and lined with stones for cooking. Wood is then lit inside the pit to heat the stones. Food is placed in baskets and lowered into the pit to cook above the hot stones, covered until ready. Finally, the food is removed from the pit and baskets to be served.
The document discusses e-learning at Koputaroa School. It notes that the educational paradigm has shifted from a production line/book based model to a more collaborative and internet based model. The school aims to prepare students for an uncertain future by fostering creativity and ensuring students have skills to succeed. The school's vision is for e-learning to enhance and support learning through collaboration, exploration and generating new learning online. Considerations around policy and safety are also discussed.
Presentation to Wanganui Reading Association explaining how the concepts and principles of formative assessment can be incorporated to deliver an engaging and motivational writing programme.
Formative Assessment is the active involvement of children in the learning process. This presentation shares the elements of what is required to create a learning environment in which children are collaborative partners in the learning and teaching process.
The document discusses assessing a job candidate's values to determine what motivates them and where they focus their time and energy. It contains questions about what is important to the candidate in their career, including freedom, autonomy, and achievement. The candidate's answers indicate they value independence at work and being successful at hitting goals.
This chart shows weight-for-age percentiles for girls from birth to 6 months. The y-axis displays weight in kilograms and the x-axis shows age in completed weeks or months. The chart includes the 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th percentiles to indicate the range of healthy weights for girls of different ages.
This chart shows weight-for-age percentiles for girls from birth to 6 months. The y-axis displays weight in kilograms and the x-axis shows age in completed weeks or months. The chart includes the 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th percentiles to indicate the range of healthy weights for girls of different ages.
This document shows growth charts for weight and length in boys from birth to 6 months. The charts display percentiles for weight and length by age. They indicate average growth as well as ranges above and below average.
This document shows growth charts for weight and length in girls from birth to 6 months. The charts display percentiles for weight in kilograms and length in centimeters by age in weeks and months. The charts can be used to monitor infant growth over time and compare to standardized percentiles.
In the third quarter of 2009, Linea Directa Communications - part of Studio Moderna Group, one of the biggest and fastest developing direct marketing and call center companies, conducted by phone a survey among 1200 Sales/ Marketing/ General Directors about economic crisis and its consequences for Central and Eastern Europe
Objective of the survey was to investigate industries pains, needs and challenges during financial crisis.
The analysis included not only the kind of effects companies have experienced but also measures that have been taken or planned so far.
The managers answered where did the companies cut the budgets and where did increase it comparing to 2008.
Last part of the questionnarie is related to utilization of marketing and direct marketing channels. We will find if companies are interested to invest in sales and promotion activities during financial crisis and the evolution of budgets per each country.
This document discusses wellbeing at Thomas Tallis school. It defines wellbeing and explains that it encompasses personal, physical, emotional, mental, social and other dimensions of a student's life. The school aims to promote wellbeing through its curriculum, initiatives like Every Child Matters, and activities across the school like enterprise days. There is discussion around the role of tutors in wellbeing and whether PSHE should be taught by specialists. The document examines case studies of other schools and their approaches to wellbeing and considers future directions for Thomas Tallis.
This document is a math challenge worksheet. It contains two word problems involving adding multiple single-digit numbers together. The first problem has the numbers 1, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6, 8, 10 arranged in a grid. The second problem has another arrangement of single-digit numbers to add up. The document also includes spaces to write the sum for each problem and a total score at the end.
A math challenge document presents word problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers with up to two digits. The document tests whether dormice sleep in dorms and includes spaces to write answers and calculate a score.
This document provides an introduction to a class on study habits. It includes a welcome message, list of subjects taught at school, new vocabulary words related to studying, examples of reported speech structures, and a true/false comprehension activity. The teacher's name is Pham Thi Lan Phuong and the class is being held at Tan Phong Secondary School. The document covers various topics like subjects, vocabulary, grammar structures and a quiz to help students improve their study skills.
The teacher conducted an applied research study with 20 below-level fifth grade students to improve their academic success using eight instructional strategies including providing a supportive environment, using various assessments, and increasing opportunities for independent reading and choice. Assessment data showed growth in the students' reading fluency, comprehension, and test scores over the course of the study. The teacher concluded that the multi-pronged instructional approach was effective in helping the students experience more satisfactory academic performance.
Graphs showing results of Quantitative QuestionsSara
The document presents survey results from students in years 7 through 11 about festival attendance and participation. The first graph shows that festival attendance increases with year, except for year 10. Overall, more female students attended festivals than male students. The second graph shows a large number of students across all years would participate in a festival, with equal interest from boys and girls.
This document contains notes from a math class on ratios and proportions. It includes definitions of ratios and proportions, examples of each, and practice problems for students to work on ratios, proportions, and setting up proportions to solve for unknown values. The teacher's agenda is also outlined, including covering ratios and proportions in class, having students complete an exit slip, returning tests, and working on homework if there is remaining time.
1) The document contains musical notation for a jazz solo over the chord progression of Lester's Blues.
2) It is a solo performed by Dave Cliff on tenor saxophone.
3) The solo contains improvised lines over the standard 12-bar blues form, moving through the chord changes of G7, C7, and E7.
1. The document presents a math challenge asking if dormice sleep in dorms similar to how house mice sleep in houses and field mice sleep in fields.
2. It includes two word problems for the user to solve, showing the calculations for adding and subtracting numbers with multiple digits.
3. The user is prompted to complete the activity and their score will be recorded on the website.
This document analyzes test score and poverty rate data from schools in CESA 3 to identify schools that may be "beating the odds". It ranks schools based on their free/reduced lunch counts and their percentages of students scoring advanced on math tests. Subtracting these ranks identifies schools with higher than expected test scores given their poverty levels. The document provides these rankings for each grade level and school-wide to help identify programs from schools that are exceeding expectations. It notes this is not a scientific analysis but may provide useful information for planning or program comparisons.
This document lists photos that room 2 photographers have taken of various objects, including something see-through, stripes, a lock, glitter, something growing, something red, something metal, something spikey, something wet, sparkles, something green, circles, something blue, wheels, and something made of wood.
The document describes the process of preparing a traditional Maori hangi meal. First, a pit is dug and lined with stones for cooking. Wood is then lit inside the pit to heat the stones. Food is placed in baskets and lowered into the pit to cook above the hot stones, covered until ready. Finally, the food is removed from the pit and baskets to be served.
The document discusses e-learning at Koputaroa School. It notes that the educational paradigm has shifted from a production line/book based model to a more collaborative and internet based model. The school aims to prepare students for an uncertain future by fostering creativity and ensuring students have skills to succeed. The school's vision is for e-learning to enhance and support learning through collaboration, exploration and generating new learning online. Considerations around policy and safety are also discussed.
Presentation to Wanganui Reading Association explaining how the concepts and principles of formative assessment can be incorporated to deliver an engaging and motivational writing programme.
Formative Assessment is the active involvement of children in the learning process. This presentation shares the elements of what is required to create a learning environment in which children are collaborative partners in the learning and teaching process.
The document discusses assessing a job candidate's values to determine what motivates them and where they focus their time and energy. It contains questions about what is important to the candidate in their career, including freedom, autonomy, and achievement. The candidate's answers indicate they value independence at work and being successful at hitting goals.
This chart shows weight-for-age percentiles for girls from birth to 6 months. The y-axis displays weight in kilograms and the x-axis shows age in completed weeks or months. The chart includes the 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th percentiles to indicate the range of healthy weights for girls of different ages.
This chart shows weight-for-age percentiles for girls from birth to 6 months. The y-axis displays weight in kilograms and the x-axis shows age in completed weeks or months. The chart includes the 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th percentiles to indicate the range of healthy weights for girls of different ages.
This document shows growth charts for weight and length in boys from birth to 6 months. The charts display percentiles for weight and length by age. They indicate average growth as well as ranges above and below average.
This document shows growth charts for weight and length in girls from birth to 6 months. The charts display percentiles for weight in kilograms and length in centimeters by age in weeks and months. The charts can be used to monitor infant growth over time and compare to standardized percentiles.
In the third quarter of 2009, Linea Directa Communications - part of Studio Moderna Group, one of the biggest and fastest developing direct marketing and call center companies, conducted by phone a survey among 1200 Sales/ Marketing/ General Directors about economic crisis and its consequences for Central and Eastern Europe
Objective of the survey was to investigate industries pains, needs and challenges during financial crisis.
The analysis included not only the kind of effects companies have experienced but also measures that have been taken or planned so far.
The managers answered where did the companies cut the budgets and where did increase it comparing to 2008.
Last part of the questionnarie is related to utilization of marketing and direct marketing channels. We will find if companies are interested to invest in sales and promotion activities during financial crisis and the evolution of budgets per each country.
This document discusses wellbeing at Thomas Tallis school. It defines wellbeing and explains that it encompasses personal, physical, emotional, mental, social and other dimensions of a student's life. The school aims to promote wellbeing through its curriculum, initiatives like Every Child Matters, and activities across the school like enterprise days. There is discussion around the role of tutors in wellbeing and whether PSHE should be taught by specialists. The document examines case studies of other schools and their approaches to wellbeing and considers future directions for Thomas Tallis.
This document is a math challenge worksheet. It contains two word problems involving adding multiple single-digit numbers together. The first problem has the numbers 1, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6, 8, 10 arranged in a grid. The second problem has another arrangement of single-digit numbers to add up. The document also includes spaces to write the sum for each problem and a total score at the end.
A math challenge document presents word problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers with up to two digits. The document tests whether dormice sleep in dorms and includes spaces to write answers and calculate a score.
This document provides an introduction to a class on study habits. It includes a welcome message, list of subjects taught at school, new vocabulary words related to studying, examples of reported speech structures, and a true/false comprehension activity. The teacher's name is Pham Thi Lan Phuong and the class is being held at Tan Phong Secondary School. The document covers various topics like subjects, vocabulary, grammar structures and a quiz to help students improve their study skills.
The teacher conducted an applied research study with 20 below-level fifth grade students to improve their academic success using eight instructional strategies including providing a supportive environment, using various assessments, and increasing opportunities for independent reading and choice. Assessment data showed growth in the students' reading fluency, comprehension, and test scores over the course of the study. The teacher concluded that the multi-pronged instructional approach was effective in helping the students experience more satisfactory academic performance.
Graphs showing results of Quantitative QuestionsSara
The document presents survey results from students in years 7 through 11 about festival attendance and participation. The first graph shows that festival attendance increases with year, except for year 10. Overall, more female students attended festivals than male students. The second graph shows a large number of students across all years would participate in a festival, with equal interest from boys and girls.
This document contains notes from a math class on ratios and proportions. It includes definitions of ratios and proportions, examples of each, and practice problems for students to work on ratios, proportions, and setting up proportions to solve for unknown values. The teacher's agenda is also outlined, including covering ratios and proportions in class, having students complete an exit slip, returning tests, and working on homework if there is remaining time.
1) The document contains musical notation for a jazz solo over the chord progression of Lester's Blues.
2) It is a solo performed by Dave Cliff on tenor saxophone.
3) The solo contains improvised lines over the standard 12-bar blues form, moving through the chord changes of G7, C7, and E7.
1. The document presents a math challenge asking if dormice sleep in dorms similar to how house mice sleep in houses and field mice sleep in fields.
2. It includes two word problems for the user to solve, showing the calculations for adding and subtracting numbers with multiple digits.
3. The user is prompted to complete the activity and their score will be recorded on the website.
This document analyzes test score and poverty rate data from schools in CESA 3 to identify schools that may be "beating the odds". It ranks schools based on their free/reduced lunch counts and their percentages of students scoring advanced on math tests. Subtracting these ranks identifies schools with higher than expected test scores given their poverty levels. The document provides these rankings for each grade level and school-wide to help identify programs from schools that are exceeding expectations. It notes this is not a scientific analysis but may provide useful information for planning or program comparisons.
This document shows growth charts for boys from birth to 2 years of age. The charts track weight-for-age and length-for-age percentiles. Weight and length are plotted on the y-axis against age in months on the x-axis. The charts include reference percentiles of 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th to assess whether a child's growth matches what is typical.
Graph 1 matches Table 1 and the equation y = 3x + 2.
Graph 2 matches Table 2 and the equation y = 2x + 1.
Graph 3 matches Table 3 and the equation y = 1/2x + 1.
D2 - Tony Nasta & Lynn Rogers (IOE): Impact of the LLUK/SVUK assessment regim...Mike Blamires
D2 - Tony Nasta & Lynn Rogers (IOE): Impact of the LLUK/SVUK assessment regime on ITT curricula and the professional development of trainees across PCET providers in HE
This document shows growth charts for weight-for-age and length-for-age for girls from birth to 2 years. The charts display weight and length percentiles including the 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th percentiles. The x-axis represents age in months and years and the y-axis represents weight in kilograms and length in centimeters.
2. What is Assessment?
Assessment is the evaluation of the quality or
ability of someone/something.
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve
students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as both
student and teacher respond to the information
that it provides.
Assessment for the primary purpose of improving
student learning is best understood as an ongoing
process that arises out of the interaction between
teaching and learning.
3. Effective Assessment
- Benefits students
- Involves students
- Supports teaching and learning goals
- Is planned and communicated
- Is suited to the purpose
Formative Assessment v Summative Assessment
4. Assessment at Koputaroa
At our school we use a range of assessments to
evaluate our students’ understanding and find their
‘next steps’.
Kowhai Team Rimu Team
- Classroom Observation - GLOSS
(first 4-6 weeks at school) - Running Records (when
- Running Records necessary)
- Word Power - Spelling Under Scrutiny
- Essential Spelling Lists - e-asTTle - Reading
- Numpa and GLOSS - PAT Maths
- 6 Year Net - PAT Vocabulary
- Writing Matrix - Writing Matrix
5. PAT Maths - March
85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
national level.
6. 8
PAT - Year 3 All PAT Maths - March
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 3 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 7
0 PAT - Year 3 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8
Stanine 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7. 8
PAT - Year 4 All PAT Maths - March
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 4 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 7
0 PAT - Year 4 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8
Stanine 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8. 8
PAT - Year 5 All PAT Maths - March
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 5 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 8
0 PAT - Year 5 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9
Stanine 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9. 8
PAT - Year 6 All PAT Maths - March
7 Target:
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 6 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 7
0 Pat - Year 6 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8
Stanine 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10. 8
PAT - Year 7 All PAT Maths - March
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 7 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 7
0 PAT - Year 7 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8
Stanine 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11. 8
PAT - Year 8 All PAT Maths - March
7 Target:
6 85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
5 national level.
0 PAT - Year 8 Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stanine 7
0 PAT - Year 8 Boys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8
Stanine 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12. PAT Maths - March
85% of children in Year 4/5 and Year 7/8 achieving at or above the
national level.
13. Kowhai Running Records - April
90% of children achieving at or above the national level.
Currently we have 86% of children achieving at or above.
Number of Children
Below At Above Below At Above Below At Above Below At Above
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Year Level
14. Rimu e-asTTle Reading - April
85% of children achieving at or above the national level.
Currently we have 65% of children achieving at or above.
Number of Children
Below At Above Below At Above Below At Above Below At Above
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8
Year Level
15. Writing Moderation
75% of all children to be at or above national level.
2010 - School Wide Writing Focus and Professional
Creation of Koputaroa School Writing Matrix. Merger of: NZC
Exemplars, Literacy Learning Progressions, National
Twice yearly school wide writing moderation in 2010.
2011 - School Wide Writing Focus.
Moderation occurred in May.
Moderation will occur again in October.
Moderation enables levelling of children’s samples.
18. National Standards
What are the National Standards?
National Standards support national expectations of student progress and achievement
across all areas of The New Zealand Curriculum. They are descriptions of what students
should know and be able to do in reading, writing, and mathematics at different points of
their schooling from years 1-8.
National Standards are a tool to help teachers and schools understand the expected levels
of achievement at stage/year-appropriate levels, know how to measure the achievement of
each student in relation to the expectations, and to improve teaching and learning for
better student learning and progress in all areas of the curriculum.
20. National Standards
What are the issues?
Why are there concerns?
Not all children learn at the same rate - comparing apples with apples
Potential focus on the ‘3 Rs’
Detracting from intent of NZC
We already have quality information and data about our students
Continual assessment/testing doesn’t lead to improvement
Standards v Aspiration
Haste of implementation
Lack of consultation with the sector
Changing information
Potential reporting to parents
23. What are we doing with
National Standards?
We have been unpacking the National Standards and what they mean.
Incorporated the Standards into our Writing Matrix.
Have attended Professional Development on using the National Standards.
Had staff meetings focused on understanding the Standards.
Worked with trying to align the Standards with our assessment practices.
Will begin to report in relation to the Standards at the end of 2011.