Snakes and Ladders Information Literacy Display - Kelowna Winter 2011
Word doc - information to go in squares on game board
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Snakes and Ladders
1. Ladders (Good)<br />Instead of using a simple keyword search, you use the Subject Headings in your research database which leads to a precise and relevant result list.
3. You give yourself time to play with your topic in a few article databases. When you realize not much has been written on your topic, you have time to change your focus.
4. You attended a Cite It Right session so completing your Reference list takes no time at all.
5. (Continued from 3 Snake) You keep a research journal so you can find your sources again.
7. You limit your Google search to urls ending in (Canadian Government), which leads to excellent supportive research for your argument.
8. You give yourself lots of time for your research so when you find useful articles not available electronically at OC, you are able to request them through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
9. You follow the LibGuide for your class step-by-step which leads you through researching for your project.
10. You find a good article and remember to check the bibliography where you find more useful articles.
11. You book a group study room in myOkanagan so your project team is able to use the big screen and whiteboard to easily communicate ideas.Snakes (Bad)<br />You dont evaluate your web research and end up relying heavily on a deceptive opinion site.
12. You look for 20 minutes in Kelowna for a book in Vernon.
13. Your dog ate your memory stick. (matched with 5 Ladder).
14. You find lots of relevant articles but most of them are not available electronically at OC. Since your paper is due tomorrow, you do not have time to order them through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
15. You are not sure how to tell if a source is scholarly and consequently end up using non-academic sources for your paper.