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Organization / Workplace
Kristiansand Area, Norway Norway
Medlem av Utlendingsnemnda (UNE)/Member of the Immigration Appeals Board
I have both administrative and professional experience within education, as principal, an academic dean, as well as an executive director of a mission organization, Wycliffe Bible Translators in Norway.
Presently I teach intercultural communication issues at NLA Høgskolen Gimlekollen and University of Agder. I also hold seminars and conferences on intercultural, media and globalization issues.
Specialties: Teaching in intercultural issues, anthropology, globalization, media and culture, missiology.
Book published: "Innvandrerungdom og mediebruk: Norsk-somalisk ungdom i en global medieverden." ("Immigration youth and media usage: Norwegian-Somalian youth in a global media world"). Pub...
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