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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Munich Area, Germany Germany
Sr. Account Development Manager CIS & CEE
Technology / Software / Internet
Working together with the experienced people within OpenText company we bring over to the CIS and CEE market the value of managing information, documents and data within Enterprise processes. Creative business process thinker, problem solver - result- and outcome-oriented. In my role as an Account Development Manager I strive to be valuable in prospects', customers' and channel partners' businesses in all main industries, whether by contributing to their revenue growth, process optimisation, or customer experience management, strengthening the value of OpenText solutions, driving EIM innovation and social selling trends. About myself: 12 years of doing business development in CIS & C...
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Archiving and compliance for SharePoint on premise and online
Archiving and compliance for SharePoint on premise and onlineArchiving and compliance for SharePoint on premise and online
Archiving and compliance for SharePoint on premise and online


Document Life Cycle
Document Life CycleDocument Life Cycle
Document Life Cycle
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