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Olivia J. Deysher
484-332-2705 43 Heartstone Circle
olivia.j.snyder@gmail.com Bluffton, SC 29910
Physical therapist passionate about providing quality evidenced-based patient-centered care
Lebanon Valley College  Annville, PA
Doctorate of Physical Therapy May 2015
Bachelor of Health Sciences and Spanish Minor May 2013
Waikato University  Hamilton, NewZealand Mar. 2011  Jun. 2011
Semester Study Abroad Opportunity
Lowcountry Therapy Center  Bluffton, SC Aug. 2015  present
Outpatient Pediatrics
- Provided interdisciplinary care with speech and occupational therapy centered around play to patients with
various diagnoses including developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, cerebralpalsy, traumatic brain
injury, torticollis, idiopathic toe walking, tuberous sclerosis complex, CDKL5, downs syndrome,
chromosome deletion syndromes, hypotonia, and pediatric orthopedic cases
- Completed orthotic prescription coordinated with local orthotists for ankle-foot orthoses, supramalleolar
orthoses, and cranial remolding orthoses including writing required letters of medical necessity
- Collaborated with equipment representatives for prescribing appropriate seating equipment
- Recommended appropriate supportive sneakers for athletes in coordination with local running store
- Administered pediatric outcome measures including the PDMS-2,BOT-2, PEDI-CAT and GMFM
- Communicated with families and patients via the Spanish language both written and orally
Early Intervention
- BabyNet certified  South Carolinas early intervention program for children with developmental delays
- Provided free screenings,evaluations and intervention for children with developmental delays and various
diagnoses in the natural environment at local preschools and the home setting
- Collaborated with early interventionists as well as vision, speech and occupational therapists to provide
treatment centered around the complete child in the natural environment
Lowcountry Therapy Center  Bluffton, SC Jan. 2015  May 2015
Outpatient Pediatrics
- Provided evaluation and intervention to children with developmental delays, various medical diagnoses and
orthopedic injuries in collaboration with speech and occupational therapists
- Performed specialized car seat fitting for a child with cerebralpalsy
- Presented a research article to rehabilitation staff on Idiopathic Toe Walking
Coordinated Health  Allentown, PA Jul. 2014  Aug. 2014
Outpatient Orthopedics
- Utilized McKenzie techniques, manual therapy, and instrument assisted massage
- Evaluated and treated Spanish speaking patients and Workers Compensation cases
- Administered evaluation and treatment to patients following various orthopedic surgeries including total
knee arthroplasty, total hip arthroplasty, rotator cuff repair, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, knee
arthroscopy, spinal fusion as well as treated patients with low back pain and various extremity injuries
- Presented an in-service to rehabilitation staff on The Benefits of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Reading Health Rehabilitation Hospital  Wyomissing,PA May 2014  Jun. 2014
Transitional Sub-acute Unit
- Facilitated multidisciplinary team communication, provided patient/family education, completed discharge
planning, prescribed assistive devices, utilized various transfers and mechanical lift systems
- Managed a variety of diagnoses including chronic stroke, inclusion body myositis, total hip arthroplasty,
total knee arthroplasty, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and general de-conditioning
- Observed and treated patients in the traumatic brain injury unit for one day
- Provided an in-service to rehabilitation staff on Functional Exercise in OlderAdults
Olivia J. Deysher Page 2
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation at Easton Hospital  Easton, PA May 2013  Jun. 2013
Acute Care Hospital
- Provided transfer training to nursing staff, completed discharge planning, managed multiple
lines/equipment, utilized Hoyer lifts, utilized all levels of transfers and facilitated multidisciplinary team
- Treated patients of various ages bedside in the intensive care,orthopedic, cardiac, oncology, general
medicine units and emergency department. Diagnoses consisted of general de-conditioning, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty,
Parkinsons Disease,and above knee amputation
- Presented an in-service to therapists on Rehabilitation of Patients with Lower Extremity Amputation
SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care and Hospice (formerly Diakon)  Wyomissing, PA Aug. 2011  Jun. 2015
Personal Care Assistant
- Assisted older adults with activities of daily living and hygiene management, provided medication
reminders, transportation to appointments and completed various errands
Lebanon Valley College  Annville, PA Aug. 2010  Dec. 2014
Information Desk Employee/Supervisor
- Managed student workers through on-call responsibilities, opened/closed main college center building,
answered primary college telephone line, answered questions related to the college and campus events
Compassionate Undenied Rehabilitation Experience  Annville, PA Sep. 2012  Dec. 2014
Student-run Pro-bono Outpatient Clinic
- Outcomes director, clinic manager, and clinic volunteer in free physical therapy clinic
Lebanon Valley College Body Armor  Annville, PA Mar. 2013  Oct. 2014
Injury Prevention Program
- Instructed collegiate athletes in an evidence-based stretching and conditioning program
Vacation Bible School  Fleetwood, PA Aug. 2013 & Aug. 2014
Volunteer Teacher
- Taught Bible lessons and led various activities for preschool to second grade aged children
Aquatic Exercise Program for Children with ASD  Annville, PA Mar. 2014  Apr. 2014
Health Promotions Project/Research Study
- Conducted research to investigate the effects of aquatic exercise on behaviors in children with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) and the social validity of the intervention
- Presented research at the American Physical Therapy Associations Combined Sections Meeting Feb. 2015
Lebanon County Special Olympics  Annville, PA Sep. 2009  Dec. 2012
Volunteer Opportunity
- Coached children with disabilities including CerebralPalsy, Downs syndrome, and ASD
- Spanish skills: basic conversation, reading and writing ability including medical Spanish terminology
- Computer-based Documentation Experience: EPIC,Rehab Optima, ReDoc, Web PT,Clinic Source

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  • 1. Olivia J. Deysher 484-332-2705 43 Heartstone Circle olivia.j.snyder@gmail.com Bluffton, SC 29910 OBJECTIVE: Physical therapist passionate about providing quality evidenced-based patient-centered care EDUCATION: Lebanon Valley College Annville, PA Doctorate of Physical Therapy May 2015 Bachelor of Health Sciences and Spanish Minor May 2013 Waikato University Hamilton, NewZealand Mar. 2011 Jun. 2011 Semester Study Abroad Opportunity EXPERIENCE: Lowcountry Therapy Center Bluffton, SC Aug. 2015 present Outpatient Pediatrics - Provided interdisciplinary care with speech and occupational therapy centered around play to patients with various diagnoses including developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, cerebralpalsy, traumatic brain injury, torticollis, idiopathic toe walking, tuberous sclerosis complex, CDKL5, downs syndrome, chromosome deletion syndromes, hypotonia, and pediatric orthopedic cases - Completed orthotic prescription coordinated with local orthotists for ankle-foot orthoses, supramalleolar orthoses, and cranial remolding orthoses including writing required letters of medical necessity - Collaborated with equipment representatives for prescribing appropriate seating equipment - Recommended appropriate supportive sneakers for athletes in coordination with local running store - Administered pediatric outcome measures including the PDMS-2,BOT-2, PEDI-CAT and GMFM - Communicated with families and patients via the Spanish language both written and orally Early Intervention - BabyNet certified South Carolinas early intervention program for children with developmental delays - Provided free screenings,evaluations and intervention for children with developmental delays and various diagnoses in the natural environment at local preschools and the home setting - Collaborated with early interventionists as well as vision, speech and occupational therapists to provide treatment centered around the complete child in the natural environment CLINICAL AFFILIATIONS: Lowcountry Therapy Center Bluffton, SC Jan. 2015 May 2015 Outpatient Pediatrics - Provided evaluation and intervention to children with developmental delays, various medical diagnoses and orthopedic injuries in collaboration with speech and occupational therapists - Performed specialized car seat fitting for a child with cerebralpalsy - Presented a research article to rehabilitation staff on Idiopathic Toe Walking Coordinated Health Allentown, PA Jul. 2014 Aug. 2014 Outpatient Orthopedics - Utilized McKenzie techniques, manual therapy, and instrument assisted massage - Evaluated and treated Spanish speaking patients and Workers Compensation cases - Administered evaluation and treatment to patients following various orthopedic surgeries including total knee arthroplasty, total hip arthroplasty, rotator cuff repair, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, knee arthroscopy, spinal fusion as well as treated patients with low back pain and various extremity injuries - Presented an in-service to rehabilitation staff on The Benefits of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Reading Health Rehabilitation Hospital Wyomissing,PA May 2014 Jun. 2014 Transitional Sub-acute Unit - Facilitated multidisciplinary team communication, provided patient/family education, completed discharge planning, prescribed assistive devices, utilized various transfers and mechanical lift systems - Managed a variety of diagnoses including chronic stroke, inclusion body myositis, total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and general de-conditioning - Observed and treated patients in the traumatic brain injury unit for one day - Provided an in-service to rehabilitation staff on Functional Exercise in OlderAdults
  • 2. Olivia J. Deysher Page 2 Good Shepherd Rehabilitation at Easton Hospital Easton, PA May 2013 Jun. 2013 Acute Care Hospital - Provided transfer training to nursing staff, completed discharge planning, managed multiple lines/equipment, utilized Hoyer lifts, utilized all levels of transfers and facilitated multidisciplinary team communication - Treated patients of various ages bedside in the intensive care,orthopedic, cardiac, oncology, general medicine units and emergency department. Diagnoses consisted of general de-conditioning, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty, Parkinsons Disease,and above knee amputation - Presented an in-service to therapists on Rehabilitation of Patients with Lower Extremity Amputation WORK EXPERIENCE: SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care and Hospice (formerly Diakon) Wyomissing, PA Aug. 2011 Jun. 2015 Personal Care Assistant - Assisted older adults with activities of daily living and hygiene management, provided medication reminders, transportation to appointments and completed various errands Lebanon Valley College Annville, PA Aug. 2010 Dec. 2014 Information Desk Employee/Supervisor - Managed student workers through on-call responsibilities, opened/closed main college center building, answered primary college telephone line, answered questions related to the college and campus events COMMUNITY/CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT: Compassionate Undenied Rehabilitation Experience Annville, PA Sep. 2012 Dec. 2014 Student-run Pro-bono Outpatient Clinic - Outcomes director, clinic manager, and clinic volunteer in free physical therapy clinic Lebanon Valley College Body Armor Annville, PA Mar. 2013 Oct. 2014 Injury Prevention Program - Instructed collegiate athletes in an evidence-based stretching and conditioning program Vacation Bible School Fleetwood, PA Aug. 2013 & Aug. 2014 Volunteer Teacher - Taught Bible lessons and led various activities for preschool to second grade aged children Aquatic Exercise Program for Children with ASD Annville, PA Mar. 2014 Apr. 2014 Health Promotions Project/Research Study - Conducted research to investigate the effects of aquatic exercise on behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the social validity of the intervention - Presented research at the American Physical Therapy Associations Combined Sections Meeting Feb. 2015 Lebanon County Special Olympics Annville, PA Sep. 2009 Dec. 2012 Volunteer Opportunity - Coached children with disabilities including CerebralPalsy, Downs syndrome, and ASD LANGUAGE/COMPUTER SKILLS: - Spanish skills: basic conversation, reading and writing ability including medical Spanish terminology - Computer-based Documentation Experience: EPIC,Rehab Optima, ReDoc, Web PT,Clinic Source