Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Walton, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Full name-Very obvious
This year 21 years old. I'm old enough.LOL
I describe myself the Prettiest One.
I don't care how people judge my look
Cos I simply love my look and my confident
I am a girl who wants to be better at every stage of life.
I don't care how you judge whether I'm a lesbo or not
Cos I am just Born This Way
Don't try to hurt me as I can't bear anymore pain.
Don't try to promise me anything if you can't do it as I will remember it for life.
If you think you hate me,get away then. My profile don't need you as friend.
I am searching for a new partner. I might sound desperate but I have my own reason to do so <3
People who know me,they'll know <3
and I love blo
Users following Ooi Wen