The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against developing mental illness and improve symptoms for those who already suffer from conditions like anxiety and depression.
This document provides recommendations from the 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation. It focuses on recommendations for selecting anticoagulant regimens to balance stroke risk and bleeding risk. The recommendations were updated based on new evidence regarding anticoagulation options including the approval of new drugs. Modifications to the recommendations are described and include changes to levels of evidence and exclusion criteria.
2019 prevention-guideline-slides-gl-preventionPHAM HUU THAI
The document provides the top 10 take-home messages from the 2019 ACC/AHA guidelines on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. The key recommendations are to promote a healthy lifestyle through diet, physical activity, not smoking, and controlling conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. It also recommends calculating 10-year heart disease risk for adults aged 40-75 and discussing treatment such as statins based on that risk level. The guidelines emphasize a team-based approach and addressing social factors that influence health.
The document discusses stable ischemic heart disease and new approaches for its treatment. It summarizes several studies comparing different drug combinations for treating angina, finding that combining multiple hemodynamic drugs provides no additional benefit over monotherapy. Newer drugs like ivabradine, ranolazine, and trimetazidine are discussed as alternatives for treating angina by non-hemodynamic mechanisms like metabolic modulation. Trimetazidine in particular is highlighted for its efficacy in reducing angina symptoms and improving quality of life in real-world clinical studies. The document advocates for more personalized treatment approaches combining different drug classes tailored to individual patient characteristics and comorbidities.
Standards of medical care in diabetes 2018PHAM HUU THAI
- The document summarizes guidelines from the American Diabetes Association's Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes - 2018.
- It discusses recommendations for classifying and diagnosing different types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes.
- Testing criteria and screening recommendations are provided for each type, with evidence-based guidance on which diagnostic tests to use and when to perform screening.
This document provides guidelines for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure in adults. It was published in 2017 by several medical organizations including the American College of Cardiology Foundation and American Heart Association. The guidelines were developed by a writing committee that included cardiologists, internists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurses and others. The guidelines include recommendations on accurate blood pressure measurement, out-of-office monitoring, treatment targets, drug therapy options, screening for secondary causes of hypertension, and management of related conditions like sleep apnea.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Staying active also helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps muscles, bones and joints healthy as we age.
This slide set provides an overview of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It defines COPD as a common lung disease characterized by airflow limitation caused by exposure to noxious particles or gases. The slide set outlines the GOLD board of directors and science committee, lists national leaders, and describes the objectives, evidence levels, and chapters covered in the 2017 GOLD report on defining, diagnosing, preventing, and managing COPD.
This document provides an overview of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2017 update. It outlines GINA's structure, objectives, and resources. Key points include:
- GINA aims to provide global asthma strategy recommendations for diagnosis, management, and prevention.
- It has a board of directors, science committee, and assembly of participating countries.
- Resources include the full GINA strategy report, pocket guides, and dissemination tools available on their website.
- The 2017 update focuses on areas like the asthma-COPD overlap, lung function assessments, FeNO measurements, and immunotherapy.
The document summarizes key findings from the LIFE study, a large clinical trial that compared losartan to atenolol for reducing cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. The main findings were:
1) Losartan reduced the primary composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, stroke or myocardial infarction by 13% compared to atenolol, with comparable blood pressure reduction in both groups.
2) Secondary analyses found losartan reduced risks for several individual components of the primary endpoint including stroke and heart failure hospitalizations.
3) Losartan provided greater regression of left ventricular hypertrophy compared to atenolol based on electrocardiogram and echocardiogram assessments
Thyroid nodules are common, especially in women and older adults. While most are benign, thyroid cancer occurs in 5-15% of nodules. Risk factors for cancer include age under 18 or over 60, male sex, family history, rapid growth, fixation, hoarseness, lymphadenopathy, and radiation exposure. Tests include thyroid function tests, ultrasound, and fine needle aspiration. Ultrasound features such as hypoechogenicity, irregular borders, microcalcifications, and taller-than-wide shape indicate higher cancer risk. Guidelines from the American Thyroid Association and other groups provide recommendations on evaluation and management of thyroid nodules and cancer.
The document summarizes guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) regarding standards of medical care for diabetes in 2017. It discusses recommendations for classifying and diagnosing different types of diabetes, including prediabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. The ADA recommends screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in asymptomatic adults starting at age 45 or earlier for those with risk factors. It also provides criteria for diagnosing diabetes based on hemoglobin A1C, fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance tests.
The Role of SGLT 2 Inhibitors and GLP 1 Receptor Agonists and DPP 4 InhibitorsPHAM HUU THAI
This document discusses the role of SGLT-2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, and DPP-4 inhibitors in managing type 2 diabetes. It provides background on the pathophysiology and progression of type 2 diabetes and limitations of older drug classes. It then describes the mechanisms and roles of the newer drug classes like SGLT-2 inhibitors in promoting urinary glucose excretion and GLP-1 agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors in augmenting the body's own incretin response. It also discusses ongoing cardiovascular outcome trials and FDA approvals of these newer agents.
This document summarizes guidelines for diagnosing and treating hypertension. It discusses:
- Preferred methods for diagnosing hypertension including ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home monitoring.
- Lifestyle modifications that are recommended as first-line treatment options such as reducing sodium, weight loss, limiting alcohol, and regular exercise.
- Classes of antihypertensive drugs and their comparative effects, with ACE inhibitors recommended as initial drug therapy.
- Treatment guidelines for hypertension in patients with conditions like heart disease, stroke, and heart failure which emphasize controlling blood pressure and recommend ACE inhibitors in many cases.
2014 esc esa slides-non-cardiac surgery_pptxPHAM HUU THAI
Me dotrungquan
2. Con s畉 kh担ng 畛i m畛t ngy kia
khi m畉 m畉t i m畛i gi畉t m狸nh kh坦c l坦c
Nh畛ng d嘆ng s担ng tr担i i c坦 tr畛 l畉i bao gi畛?
Con h畛t ho畉ng tr動畛c th畛i gian kh畉c nghi畛t
Ch畉y i棚n cu畛ng qua tu畛i m畉 gi nua
3. m畛i ngy qua con l畉i th畉y b董 v董
ai n鱈u n畛i th畛i gian?
ai n鱈u n畛i bao gi畛 ?
4. Con m畛i ngy m畛t l畛n l棚n
M畉 m畛i ngy th棚m gi c畛i
Cu畛c hnh tr狸nh th畉m l畉ng ph鱈a hong h担n.
5. Con s畉 kh担ng 畛i m畛t ngy kia
c坦 ng動畛i ci l棚n 叩o cho con m畛t n畛 b畉ch h畛ng
m畛i th畉ng th畛t nh畉n ra m狸nh m畉t m畉
6. m畛i ngy i qua ang ci cho con m畛t b担ng h畛ng
hoa 畉p 畉y c畛 sao l嘆ng con ho畉ng s畛?
Gi畛t n動畛c m畉t kia bao l但u n畛a c畛a m狸nh?
7. Ta ra i m動畛i nm xa v嘆ng tay c畛a m畉
S畛ng t畛 do nh動 m畛t c叩nh chim b畉ng
Ta lm th董 cho 畛i v bi畉t bao nhi棚u ng動畛i con g叩i
C坦 bao gi畛 th董 cho m畉 ta kh担ng?
8. Nh畛ng bi th董 ch畉t ng畉p c畉 t但m h畛n
au kh畛 chia l狸a bu畛n vui h畉nh ph炭c
C坦 nh畛ng bn ch但n 達 gi畉m xu畛ng tr叩i tim ta 畛c 叩c
m ta v畉n c畛 棚m v畛 thao th畛c lm th董
9. ta qu棚n m畉t th畛m x動a d叩ng m畉 ng畛i ch畛
gi畛t n動畛c m畉t gi nua kh担ng 畛a n畛i
ta m棚 m畉i tr棚n bn ch但n rong ru畛i
m畉t m畉 gi th畉m l畉ng d探i sau l動ng
10. Khi gai 畛i 但m 畛a m叩u bn ch但n
m畉y k畉 i qua
m畉y ng動畛i d畛ng l畉i?
Sao m畉 gi 畛 c叩ch xa 畉n v畉y
tr叩i tim 但u lo 達 gi畛c gi達 i t狸m
12. H担m nay
anh 達 bao l畉n d畛ng l畉i tr棚n ph畛 quen
ng達 n坦n 畛ng cho xe tang qua ph畛
ai m畉t m畉?
sao l嘆ng anh ho畉ng s畛
ti畉ng kh坦c kia bao l但u n畛a
c畛a m狸nh?
13. Bi th董 ny xin th畉p m畛t b狸nh minh
tr棚n 畛i m畉 bao nm r畛i tm t畛i
bi th董 nh動 n畛 b畉ch h畛ng
Con ci s畉n cho th叩ng ngy
s畉 t畛i!
14. H畉nh ph炭c nh畉t kh担ng ph畉i l khi b畉n c坦 cu畛c s畛ng giu c坦
Kh担ng ph畉i l khi 畛a v畛 c畛a b畉n cao
Kh担ng ph畉i l khi c坦 m畛t ng動畛i y棚u hon h畉o
M H畉nh ph炭c nh畉t l khi b畉n c坦 M畉 v c嘆n M畉高!!!