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Pamela D. Cowart
Work Experience Bank of America Mortgage Company
9000 Southside Blvd., #700
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
2013  August, 2016
Document Custodial Manager (ReconTrust)/Assistant Vice President
 Managed a team of 10 permanent/ 6 contractor associates
 Responsible for timely delivery of requested original mortgage notes to
various departments within the bank
 Responsible for review of original FNMA.FHMLC/GNMA mortgage notes.
 Responsible for daily/weekly production reporting and monitoring
 Responsible for quarterly and yearly performance reviews of associates
2009  2013
Imaging & File retention Manager/ Assistant Vice President
 Managed a team of 4 permanent/ 4 contractor associates
 Responsible for timely delivery of requested mortgage origination files
and documents to various departments within the bank
 Conducted interviews for newly hired associates as well as exit interviews
for associates leaving the department/company
2001  2009
Document Custodial Manager/Assistant Vice President
 Managed a team of 14 permanent/ 6 contractor associates - maintained
personnel records, conducted quarterly and annual performance reviews
of associates, annual salary review of associates
 Conducted Interviews for newly hired associates as well as exit
interviews for associates leaving the department/company
 Responsible for timely delivery of Original Mortgage Notes to Private
 Responsible for maintaining/segregating of FNMA/FHMLC/GNMA pools
of mortgage notes
 Responsible for maintaining and tracking mortgage notes for sale on the
Cell no. 904.859.4441
E-mail p9cow@bellsouth.net or
secondary market
 Managed a document vault containing over 1.2 million original mortgage
 Coordinated the move of approximately 450,000 original mortgage notes
from Brea, California to Jacksonville, Florida
1998 - 2001
Quality Resource Representative
 Perform random audits on a specified percentage of work completed in each
functional area of the National Post Closing Department.
 Maintained Reporting of QC results back to associates and Management
 Provide support (coaching/troubleshooting) to associates in their respective
 Developed and maintained written policies and procedures manuals for the
 Developed and maintained Contingency Plan for National Post Closing
 Train and assist new associates on computer applications.
 Ordering of departmental supplies
Auditor II
 Review mortgage documents on closed residential real estate loans from 50
states to ensure compliance with servicing set-up requirements and
investor/agency guidelines.
 Legal review of collateral documents to ensure lender/investor has a secure
lien position.
 Provided assistance with training of new associates on their daily job
 Set up new loans for servicing.
 Updated tracking system to reflect movement of documents and files.
Mailroom Support Rep
 Receive, sort and distribute incoming interoffice, US mail.
 Inventory of supplies ordered and received.
 Inventory and maintenance of office equipment.
Computer experience: Windows , Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, faxing, data
entry, EMBTrust system, Green Belt certified
Available upon request.

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  • 1. Pamela D. Cowart Work Experience Bank of America Mortgage Company 9000 Southside Blvd., #700 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 2013 August, 2016 Document Custodial Manager (ReconTrust)/Assistant Vice President Managed a team of 10 permanent/ 6 contractor associates Responsible for timely delivery of requested original mortgage notes to various departments within the bank Responsible for review of original FNMA.FHMLC/GNMA mortgage notes. Responsible for daily/weekly production reporting and monitoring Responsible for quarterly and yearly performance reviews of associates 2009 2013 Imaging & File retention Manager/ Assistant Vice President Managed a team of 4 permanent/ 4 contractor associates Responsible for timely delivery of requested mortgage origination files and documents to various departments within the bank Conducted interviews for newly hired associates as well as exit interviews for associates leaving the department/company 2001 2009 Document Custodial Manager/Assistant Vice President Managed a team of 14 permanent/ 6 contractor associates - maintained personnel records, conducted quarterly and annual performance reviews of associates, annual salary review of associates Conducted Interviews for newly hired associates as well as exit interviews for associates leaving the department/company Responsible for timely delivery of Original Mortgage Notes to Private Investors Responsible for maintaining/segregating of FNMA/FHMLC/GNMA pools of mortgage notes Responsible for maintaining and tracking mortgage notes for sale on the Cell no. 904.859.4441 E-mail p9cow@bellsouth.net or Pcowart1@yahoo.com
  • 2. secondary market Managed a document vault containing over 1.2 million original mortgage notes Coordinated the move of approximately 450,000 original mortgage notes from Brea, California to Jacksonville, Florida 1998 - 2001 Quality Resource Representative Perform random audits on a specified percentage of work completed in each functional area of the National Post Closing Department. Maintained Reporting of QC results back to associates and Management Provide support (coaching/troubleshooting) to associates in their respective functions. Developed and maintained written policies and procedures manuals for the department. Developed and maintained Contingency Plan for National Post Closing Train and assist new associates on computer applications. Ordering of departmental supplies 1994-1998 Auditor II Review mortgage documents on closed residential real estate loans from 50 states to ensure compliance with servicing set-up requirements and investor/agency guidelines. Legal review of collateral documents to ensure lender/investor has a secure lien position. Provided assistance with training of new associates on their daily job functions. Set up new loans for servicing. Updated tracking system to reflect movement of documents and files. 1992-1994 Mailroom Support Rep Receive, sort and distribute incoming interoffice, US mail. Inventory of supplies ordered and received. Inventory and maintenance of office equipment. Additional Experience References Computer experience: Windows , Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, faxing, data entry, EMBTrust system, Green Belt certified Available upon request.