The document discusses the water cycle and conservation of water. It explains that water can exist in three forms - solid, liquid, and gas. It also notes that water is vital for survival and that the water cycle and life cycle are interconnected. The document encourages conserving water by turning off taps while brushing teeth, only flushing toilets when needed, and suggests that if many people conserve water it can make a big difference. It emphasizes the importance of individual action and spreading awareness of conservation.
Powerpoint presentation on "save water save life" made in office2013 within 10 slides. if anyone want to contact me then here is my email id-
Water: water is renewable resource. Three- fourth of surface is covered with water but only a small proportion of it accounts for freshwater fit for use.
This document discusses the importance of water, describing how it is essential for human life and activities like growing plants, cooking, cleaning, and more. It explains that water is a molecule made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and that the same water has been recycled through the water cycle for hundreds of millions of years. The water cycle is also summarized, noting that the sun heats water which evaporates and forms vapor before collecting in bodies of water.
This document summarizes a student project on drinking water scarcity conducted by students in India, Tunisia, and Macedonia. The project highlighted that water scarcity and pollution are major issues around the world. Some key points discussed include differences in access to drinking water between rural and urban areas, overuse of groundwater resources, importance of conserving and harvesting rainwater, and steps like adopting drip irrigation and using alternative energy to mitigate water scarcity issues. The students found participating in the international learning circle to be a fun and insightful experience.
The document discusses the water cycle and conservation of water. It explains that water can exist in three forms - solid, liquid, and gas. It also notes that water is vital for survival and that the water cycle and life cycle are interconnected. The document encourages conserving water by turning off taps while brushing teeth, only flushing toilets when needed, and suggests that if many people conserve water it can make a big difference. It emphasizes the importance of individual action and spreading awareness of conservation.
Powerpoint presentation on "save water save life" made in office2013 within 10 slides. if anyone want to contact me then here is my email id-
Water: water is renewable resource. Three- fourth of surface is covered with water but only a small proportion of it accounts for freshwater fit for use.
This document discusses the importance of water, describing how it is essential for human life and activities like growing plants, cooking, cleaning, and more. It explains that water is a molecule made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and that the same water has been recycled through the water cycle for hundreds of millions of years. The water cycle is also summarized, noting that the sun heats water which evaporates and forms vapor before collecting in bodies of water.
This document summarizes a student project on drinking water scarcity conducted by students in India, Tunisia, and Macedonia. The project highlighted that water scarcity and pollution are major issues around the world. Some key points discussed include differences in access to drinking water between rural and urban areas, overuse of groundwater resources, importance of conserving and harvesting rainwater, and steps like adopting drip irrigation and using alternative energy to mitigate water scarcity issues. The students found participating in the international learning circle to be a fun and insightful experience.
El documento lista y describe diferentes sentimientos humanos como alegrÃa, tristeza, duda, aburrimiento, sorpresa, enfado, nerviosismo y miedo. Identifica estos sentimientos como parte de la experiencia emocional humana.
El documento enumera diferentes sentimientos humanos como la duda, el miedo, la sorpresa, el aburrimiento, la tristeza, el nerviosismo, la alegrÃa y el enfado. Estos sentimientos se repiten varias veces a lo largo del texto de forma desordenada.
Este documento enumera diferentes sentimientos humanos como la tristeza, el enfado, el aburrimiento, la alegrÃa, la sorpresa, el nerviosismo, la duda y el miedo.
El documento lista y describe 8 sentimientos humanos comunes: alegrÃa, tristeza, miedo, enfado, sorpresa, duda, nerviosismo y aburrimiento. Cada sentimiento se enumera por separado en una lÃnea, con aburrimiento listado dos veces al final.
El documento lista diferentes sentimientos humanos como la tristeza, el enfado, el nerviosismo, el aburrimiento, la duda, la sorpresa, el miedo y la alegrÃa. Repite algunos sentimientos como la tristeza, el enfado, el nerviosismo, el aburrimiento y la alegrÃa para enfatizar su importancia.
El documento enumera diferentes sentimientos humanos como la tristeza, el aburrimiento, la duda, el miedo, el enfado, la alegrÃa, la sorpresa y el nerviosismo. Presenta cada uno de estos sentimientos de forma independiente en una lÃnea separada para resaltarlos.
El documento lista diferentes sentimientos humanos como la tristeza, el enojo, la duda, el aburrimiento, el miedo, el nerviosismo, la alegrÃa y la sorpresa. Estos sentimientos se enumeran sin orden aparente ni explicación adicional.
2. Kaixo lagunak!
Ur tanta bat naiz.
Nire izena URA da
baina BIZITZA ere
dei diezadakezue.
Ba al dakizue ni gabe
ez litzatekeela
bizitzarik egongo?
Ba klikatu nire
gainean eta etorri
nirekin deskubritzera!
Zuen gorputzeko
%80-a osatzen
Eta nola
naizen zuen
Nondik natorren galdetu
al diezue noizbait zuen
19. Ura bizitzeko
ezinbestekoa da. Guk
gure etxeko txorrota ireki
eta nahi dugun ur guztia
lortzen dugu, baina jende
askori oso zaila suertatzen
zaio behar duen ura
20. Ura ondo erabili
behar da.
Beraz, aholku
batzuk emango
dizkizuet ura
Ba, zatozte
21. Bainuarekin ur asko galtzen dugu. Hobe
da, bainua hartu beharrean dutxatzea.
22. Hortzak garbitzerako orduan txorrota denbora
luze edukitzen dugu irekita, ur kantitate ugari
gastatuz. Edalontzi bat erabiliz ur gutxiago
gastatuko dugu.