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Rooting Android Devices
Tutorial for Beginners
-Pavan Koli
This tutorial will cover the basics to help you understand how to root an
android device.
Well be discussing about Sony, HTC and Samsung smartphones.
This tutorial will give you a short description of the tools and the methods that
go into the rooting of an android device.
An overall basic understanding will be achieved by the readers.
Common terms to know
Bootloader  This is like the first thing thatll run when youll start your phone, it
knows the address, in the memory, where the current operating system is
residing and starts execution of the OS and handles the control to it.
Kernel- Its the part underlying below the Operating System, or the software,
that interacts with the hardware of the device.
ROM- Its none other than the Operating System of the phone, like we have
Windows and Linux the one that you currently use is known as the stock rom,
and others like CyanogenMod are referred as custom rom.
Flashtool- To install custom rom or to install custom kernel(modified kernel) this
tool is used it overwrites the previous OS or kernel, so be careful while flashing.
Custom Recovery- It can be understood as one spot for all maintenance
related activities, here you can create nandroid backups, clear the cache,
restore from backup. A must have for every android device.
Brick- There are two types of brick soft brick and hard brick. Soft brick arises
when your phone is not able to start after or during rooting, its usually
temporary and can be solved. Whereas hard brick is the state when your
phone wont be better than a paperweight.
Common terms continued
Nandroid Backup- This is a backup of the current state of your device with all
the settings and all the apps in it. Like a screenshot of the current working
state. Must have a nandroid backup it brings your phone back from the
CyanogenMod- Its a custom rom very smooth, available for everyone, but
be sure to use the stable release. Or be ready to use a device with non
working radio or wifi.
Custom Kernel-Modified kernel which lets you extract a lot from your device,
like you can overclock your device, install custom recoveries.
Overclocking- Increasing the clock speed of your android device, suppose
you have a clock speed of 1 GHz it can be increased upto 1.3 GHz
Flash mode- The mode you must set your device into before you can use
flashtool to start flashing files. Entering Flashmode depends on the device you
have certain keys are to be pressed to enter this mode, for more info google
flash mode yourdevice
Bootloop- A state of the device where it just keeps on booting to infinity.
There are three steps to follow
**Be sure to first do a factory reset of your device and make a backup of contacts and apps.
1.Unlocking Bootloader --- 2. Rooting the android(Involves many methods) ----- 3. Rooted
Tools required
Youll need to install flashtool
Unlock Key
Its ok if you dont want custom
recovery but its recommended
Adnroid SDK
Nothing as such needed everything is
done using command prompt
Unlock Key
Its ok if you dont want custom
recovery but its recommended
Android SDK
Youll need Odin
Nothing as such as unlock key is
Must have custom recovery
Android SDK
Unlocking Bootloader
In simple language bootloader is locked, with the key with the stock rom of
your phone, so trying to flash different rom will brick it. As the custom rom
doesnt have the key to unlock.
So the first priority is to unlock the bootloader, and for that youll require a key.
To get the key log in to the official website of your smartphone brand. Sony
and HTC are the ones allowing unlocking of bootloader and just follow the
steps listed there to get your key.
For Samsung android devices there is nothing like an unlock key so those users
can skip this step.
Now learn how to set your phone in flashmode, google for the model of
phone your having.
Now just follow the instructions given on the respective sites.
You can root either by installing
custom rom, that comes preloaded
with all the su binaries and the
superuser app, or by installing
To install a completely different rom
first youll have to modify the kernel to
have custom recovery in your device,
just google for custom recovery for
your device model, choose ones like
TWRP and CWM. Then flash them
using flashtool. After that copy the
custom roms files to the sd card boot
into custom recovery and choose
install from sd card and choose the
copied rom
Or theres an app called framaroot
that exploits an existing vulnerability in
your device, probably the easiest
method. Also youll get to keep the
stock rom
You can root your HTC device by
installing custom rom. Just before that
youll need custom recovery installed.
You can install custom recovery
through commands given through
command prompt, just google for the
commands and youll get them.
For the next part copy the
downloaded custom rom onto the sd
card and install it via the custom
Here youll have to go very carefully
as there are not so many resources
available as compared to the other
brands listed here.
Youll have to use odin to install
Also Odin is used to install the custom
rom onto the device, just see that you
get all the right files before flashing or
youll end up softbricking your device.
Rooted Now What
A rooted android has immense capabilities, its like a mini computer with an
linux Operating System.
You can install apps like Luckypatcher, Terminal Emulator thatll transform the
way you phone works
Rooting is just the beginning the real deal is the actual use that youll put your
phone to. You wouldnt be able to imagine that these kinds of things could
also be done by an android smartphone.
The capabilities are limitless google what youll want from your phone and
youll find an app for it.
My Overall experience
The company has supported
unlocking of bootloader and rooting
wont be much a problem here, but
be ready to troubleshoot some
uncommon problems like bootloop.
The easiest and most user friendly
when it comes to rooting, the
chances of anything going wrong
can be only a hardware fault like
your sd card.
Probably the toughest one to crack
when it comes to rooting, due to lack
of resources and un availability of
large range of tools, these phones
are tough but not impossible to root.
Will power will be tested here
Thank you for watching this
Visit my blog if you want to root your
phone, it has all the files and tools

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Beginner's Guide to Rooting

  • 1. Rooting Android Devices Tutorial for Beginners -Pavan Koli
  • 2. Introduction This tutorial will cover the basics to help you understand how to root an android device. Well be discussing about Sony, HTC and Samsung smartphones. This tutorial will give you a short description of the tools and the methods that go into the rooting of an android device. An overall basic understanding will be achieved by the readers.
  • 3. Common terms to know Bootloader This is like the first thing thatll run when youll start your phone, it knows the address, in the memory, where the current operating system is residing and starts execution of the OS and handles the control to it. Kernel- Its the part underlying below the Operating System, or the software, that interacts with the hardware of the device. ROM- Its none other than the Operating System of the phone, like we have Windows and Linux the one that you currently use is known as the stock rom, and others like CyanogenMod are referred as custom rom. Flashtool- To install custom rom or to install custom kernel(modified kernel) this tool is used it overwrites the previous OS or kernel, so be careful while flashing. Custom Recovery- It can be understood as one spot for all maintenance related activities, here you can create nandroid backups, clear the cache, restore from backup. A must have for every android device. Brick- There are two types of brick soft brick and hard brick. Soft brick arises when your phone is not able to start after or during rooting, its usually temporary and can be solved. Whereas hard brick is the state when your phone wont be better than a paperweight.
  • 4. Common terms continued Nandroid Backup- This is a backup of the current state of your device with all the settings and all the apps in it. Like a screenshot of the current working state. Must have a nandroid backup it brings your phone back from the grave. CyanogenMod- Its a custom rom very smooth, available for everyone, but be sure to use the stable release. Or be ready to use a device with non working radio or wifi. Custom Kernel-Modified kernel which lets you extract a lot from your device, like you can overclock your device, install custom recoveries. Overclocking- Increasing the clock speed of your android device, suppose you have a clock speed of 1 GHz it can be increased upto 1.3 GHz Flash mode- The mode you must set your device into before you can use flashtool to start flashing files. Entering Flashmode depends on the device you have certain keys are to be pressed to enter this mode, for more info google flash mode yourdevice Bootloop- A state of the device where it just keeps on booting to infinity.
  • 5. There are three steps to follow **Be sure to first do a factory reset of your device and make a backup of contacts and apps. 1.Unlocking Bootloader --- 2. Rooting the android(Involves many methods) ----- 3. Rooted Phone(Victory)
  • 6. Tools required Sony Youll need to install flashtool Unlock Key Its ok if you dont want custom recovery but its recommended Adnroid SDK HTC Nothing as such needed everything is done using command prompt Unlock Key Its ok if you dont want custom recovery but its recommended Android SDK Samsung Youll need Odin Nothing as such as unlock key is required Must have custom recovery Android SDK
  • 7. Unlocking Bootloader In simple language bootloader is locked, with the key with the stock rom of your phone, so trying to flash different rom will brick it. As the custom rom doesnt have the key to unlock. So the first priority is to unlock the bootloader, and for that youll require a key. To get the key log in to the official website of your smartphone brand. Sony and HTC are the ones allowing unlocking of bootloader and just follow the steps listed there to get your key. For Samsung android devices there is nothing like an unlock key so those users can skip this step. Now learn how to set your phone in flashmode, google for the model of phone your having. Now just follow the instructions given on the respective sites.
  • 8. RootingSony You can root either by installing custom rom, that comes preloaded with all the su binaries and the superuser app, or by installing framaroot. To install a completely different rom first youll have to modify the kernel to have custom recovery in your device, just google for custom recovery for your device model, choose ones like TWRP and CWM. Then flash them using flashtool. After that copy the custom roms files to the sd card boot into custom recovery and choose install from sd card and choose the copied rom Or theres an app called framaroot that exploits an existing vulnerability in your device, probably the easiest method. Also youll get to keep the stock rom HTC You can root your HTC device by installing custom rom. Just before that youll need custom recovery installed. You can install custom recovery through commands given through command prompt, just google for the commands and youll get them. For the next part copy the downloaded custom rom onto the sd card and install it via the custom recovery. Samsung Here youll have to go very carefully as there are not so many resources available as compared to the other brands listed here. Youll have to use odin to install recovery. Also Odin is used to install the custom rom onto the device, just see that you get all the right files before flashing or youll end up softbricking your device.
  • 9. Rooted Now What A rooted android has immense capabilities, its like a mini computer with an linux Operating System. You can install apps like Luckypatcher, Terminal Emulator thatll transform the way you phone works Rooting is just the beginning the real deal is the actual use that youll put your phone to. You wouldnt be able to imagine that these kinds of things could also be done by an android smartphone. The capabilities are limitless google what youll want from your phone and youll find an app for it.
  • 10. My Overall experience Sony The company has supported unlocking of bootloader and rooting wont be much a problem here, but be ready to troubleshoot some uncommon problems like bootloop. HTC The easiest and most user friendly when it comes to rooting, the chances of anything going wrong can be only a hardware fault like your sd card. Samsung Probably the toughest one to crack when it comes to rooting, due to lack of resources and un availability of large range of tools, these phones are tough but not impossible to root. Will power will be tested here
  • 11. Thank you for watching this presentation. Visit my blog if you want to root your phone, it has all the files and tools REQUIRED www.techjugaadcenter.me