This presentation was give in the opening session of the REHVA 2015 conference in Riga on May 8 2015. It deals with the topics of good EPC compliance as well as good quality of energy related works, with a specific for the status on the ground and possibilities for improvement.
Two new members joined ISPC in March-September 2014. ISPC held a meeting in June to assess proposals for extending CRP programs and had monthly Skype calls. ISPC activities included publishing reports on biotechnology and metrics, reviewing 15 CRP extension proposals and CGIAR strategy, and organizing workshops and publications to mobilize science for food security challenges through 2015.
This document provides information about a competition to develop screening technologies for carry-on bags and hold baggage. It outlines two challenges: 1) developing solutions to screen carry-on bags without removing items from bags, and 2) improving current cargo and hold baggage screening processes. It provides details on proposal requirements, available funding, project timelines and deadlines. Proposals are due by January 19, 2017 and should demonstrate proof-of-concept, offer significant benefits to security, and be completed within 6 months.
At Effluent Treatment Innovations our Wastewater Treatment Consultancy Service approaches wastewater treatment through a unique process of Risk Assessment from the water source to the effluent discharge and then provides the client with a detailed Risk Management Plan to reach and maintain consistent discharge Compliance.
This presentation addresses the various drivers for environmental PM, as well as best practices for implementing an inspection-based PM program and calendar. Find out who the regulators are and how to ensure compliance with these cost-saving techniques.
Real time Attorney advice memo priviledged and confidentialnicemanin
Morris Associates Engineering Consultants filed a mechanic's lien for $19,425.82 for engineering services provided to Orchard Hill Farms between 2007-2008. Orchard Hill Farms argues the lien should be dismissed for two reasons: 1) Morris Associates breached its contract by not completing all services and 2) the lien amount was willfully exaggerated in violation of NY Lien Law. If the lien is voided for exaggeration, Morris Associates would be liable for damages under Lien Law §39a including attorney fees.
There can be many differences between private and public construction projects, especially when it comes to securing a fair contract and collecting your money. Knowing these differences and approaching them correctly from the start will save money, time and headache down the road.
Don Gregory presented "Private Work: How to Secure a Fair Contract + Get Paid" on May 1, 2014, and examined contract provision, contingent payments, lien rights, change orders and prompt payment acts. The briefing, held in the offices of Kegler Brown, was essential for anyone who provides labor, material or equipment to privately owned construction projects.
EPC Services Capability Tra International limitedHimanshu9974
TRA International provides engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services for solar power plants. They offer consulting services throughout the project lifecycle from site assessment to project execution and commissioning. They have experience delivering turnkey EPC solutions for solar PV, solar thermal, and steam generation projects in India and overseas. TRA aims to be the premier solar energy solutions provider through reliable project delivery and strategic partnerships.
Conditions, warranties & rights of an unpaid sellerJigisha Dave
This document discusses the rights of an unpaid seller under contract law. It defines an unpaid seller as one where the full price has not been paid or a negotiable instrument like a bill of exchange has been dishonored.
An unpaid seller has rights against the goods, including lien, stoppage in transit, and re-sale of perishable goods under certain conditions. They also have rights against the buyer personally, such as suing for the price, damages, or interest.
The document outlines the differences between conditions and warranties in a sales contract. It also discusses implied conditions and warranties as well as the rights and remedies available to both buyers and sellers in the case of a breach of contract of sale.
SharePoint Usability and Accesibility Best Practices Including 508 Compliance...EPC Group
SharePoint Usability and Accesibility Best Practices Including 508 Compliance - EPC Group - Errin O'Connor and the EPC Group team of experts, we cover 508 compliance and a wide variety of usability best practices (limiting clicks and developing a best practices hierarchy)
EPC Group SharePoint ROI Business Value Case Study - SharePoint ConsultingEPC Group
EPC Group SharePoint ROI Business Value Case Study - Nation's Leading SharePoint Consulting Firm - SharePoint Consulting Services - SharePoint ROI Case Study from EPC
This document provides an overview of the EPC industry in India, including its definition, growth routes, and relevance to India's growth story. It discusses how EPC companies have evolved from engineering, construction, and equipment supply backgrounds. A key point is that the EPC industry is critical for executing India's planned USD 1 trillion infrastructure investment under the 12th five-year plan, which aims to invest 10% of GDP in infrastructure. However, the industry faces challenges related to evolving contracting models, order book uncertainty, skills shortages, and perceptions of contract sanctity.
The document discusses the rights of an unpaid seller under Indian law. It defines an unpaid seller and outlines three key rights they have: 1) A right of lien that allows them to retain goods until full payment; 2) A right of stoppage that permits reclaiming goods in transit if the buyer becomes insolvent; 3) A right of resale if the buyer does not pay. It provides details on when each right applies and terminates, and notes an unpaid seller also has a right to withhold delivery in some cases until payment is made.
An unpaid seller is a seller who has not received full payment for goods. A seller can be considered unpaid if the full price was not paid or tendered, or if a negotiable instrument like a bill of exchange was received as conditional payment but the conditions were not fulfilled. An unpaid seller has certain rights against the goods, like lien or stoppage in transit, and rights against the buyer, like suing for the price or damages. A seller may be unpaid even if a small portion of the price is outstanding, or if the goods were sold on credit but the credit period has expired.
The document discusses various labor law compliances that must be ensured by companies. It outlines the key responsibilities of the principal employer and contractors under acts like the Contract Labour Act, Minimum Wages Act, and Building and Other Construction Workers Act. Major compliances include registering establishments, obtaining licenses, maintaining registers and records, displaying notices, making statutory payments and returns, and ensuring payment of minimum wages. Strict penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the labor laws. Principal employers must oversee that contractors are also fulfilling their compliance obligations.
An introduction to EECO2-Energy Efficiency Consultancy LimitedEECO2
EECO2 is an energy efficiency consultancy that offers services to reduce HVAC energy costs in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. They have over 100 combined years of experience in design, construction, and operation of technical facilities. Their approach involves identifying opportunities to reduce air changes and optimize HVAC systems through workshops with clients. Case studies show they have helped clients in multiple countries reduce energy costs by 10-45% while maintaining product quality standards.
EECO2 GMP critical HVAC energy cost reductionKeith Beattie
EECO2 is an energy efficiency consultancy that offers services to reduce HVAC energy costs in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. They have over 100 combined years of experience in design, construction, and operation of technical facilities. Their approach involves identifying opportunities to reduce air changes and optimize existing systems to lower energy use without compromising product quality. Case studies demonstrate they have helped clients achieve 15-30% savings through measures like reduced air flows, improved controls, and non-operational setbacks.
Towards a systems approach in Ecodesign and Energy Labelling: How to make the...Leonardo ENERGY
This document discusses moving towards a systems approach in ecodesign and energy labelling regulations. It provides an overview of some challenges in regulating systems compared to individual products, including assessing system efficiency, identifying responsible parties, and challenges for market surveillance authorities. Examples of studies on specific systems like heating/water heating packages, lighting systems, and pumps are mentioned. Views from the EU Commission emphasize that ecodesign regulations currently apply to individual goods placed on the market, but can also cover systems if they are put together on location. Moving towards more systems approaches could increase energy savings but also introduces complexity around testing, compliance, and enforcement.
Ofqual is an independent regulator of qualifications, exams, and tests in England. The document outlines Ofqual's role and responsibilities, including regulating national curriculum tests and ensuring standards and public confidence in qualifications. It discusses events around 2008 SATs where test delivery and marking went wrong, and lessons learned. It also addresses themes of using technology in assessment, reliability, and Ofqual's work to ensure qualifications are fair and maintain standards.
European standardization organizations help integrate research and standardization by identifying new topics for standards, raising awareness, and building capacity. They provide opportunities for researchers to participate in standards development and gain recognition for their work. Standards increase the impact and market access of research by ensuring quality and interoperability. Researchers can get involved in existing standards work through a liaison or develop pre-standards called CEN Workshops Agreements to fast-track standardization of new technologies.
This document discusses the GENERATION project which aimed to create a simplified energy auditing process for buildings. It outlines the methodology used, which involves entering 12 months of consumption data and creating a computer model of the building to estimate energy usage and breakdown. While the GENERATION tool itself is not very user-friendly, the document recommends using the methodology but with commercial modelling tools like IES-VE or TAS instead for a more accurate energy audit. In conclusion, it finds the GENERATION project ambitious but that energy audits can be done at various levels of complexity, and may require some expert knowledge to identify savings opportunities accurately.
TAS-S Seminar “From Continuous Monitoring to Continuous Cloud Cybersecurity C...MEDINA
This document summarizes the results of an experiment conducted to test requirements for continuous monitoring and certification from the European Union's Cloud Services (EUCS) certification scheme. The experiment found that:
1) Existing tools can automate assessment of some EUCS requirements, but coverage is currently limited.
2) A machine-readable format like NIST's OSCAL shows promise for specifying and reporting on automated assessments.
3) While some level of automation is possible now, auditors will still need to review evidence to ensure trustworthy compliance. Standardization of audit processes could help leverage the full potential of automation in the future.
Presentation discussing the development of an innovative evaluation and certification methodology for security systems, as part of the European project. By Dr Thordis Sveinsdottir.
The document discusses the Concerted Action EPBD IV, which aims to support implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and maximize its outcomes. It notes the EPBD requires large amounts of data related to energy efficiency in buildings but could also deliver large datasets at low cost. In particular, energy performance certificates for buildings have great potential for data collection since over a million buildings are assessed annually across Europe. However, gaps remain around combining building data with energy use data and better connecting measured and calculated energy performance.
The document describes the European Union's ETV verification process for innovative environmental technologies. The 6-step process includes: 1) contact with the verification body, 2) proposal submission, 3) protocol preparation, 4) testing, 5) assessment and verification, and 6) publication. RESCOLL is an accredited verification body that guides companies through the process and issues a Statement of Verification once performance claims are independently validated. ETV verification provides third-party validation of claims to help boost market recognition and buyer confidence.
The SPTO has implemented a Quality Management System that is certified to ISO 9001. The QMS structure includes a Quality Committee led by the General Director and quality managers in each department. Key aspects of the QMS include documentation of processes and records, product quality checks using checklists, and user satisfaction surveys. The QMS currently covers PCT, technological information, trademarks, and industrial designs. Benefits of the QMS include standardized and improved processes, recognition, periodic improvement practices, and involvement of different departments in a common goal of quality.
The document discusses the requirements for inspecting air conditioning systems over 12kW in buildings according to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Article 9. Key points include that inspections must occur every 5 years and failure to comply can result in fines for building owners. Inspections assess efficiency, sizing, and provide advice on improvements. They aim to promote energy efficiency in buildings across the EU.
Intervención de Jerry Saeger, Program Manager at the Voluntary Carbon Standard Association, Washington D.C. en el marco de las jornadas de Mercado de Carbono.
Evento relacionado
SharePoint Usability and Accesibility Best Practices Including 508 Compliance...EPC Group
SharePoint Usability and Accesibility Best Practices Including 508 Compliance - EPC Group - Errin O'Connor and the EPC Group team of experts, we cover 508 compliance and a wide variety of usability best practices (limiting clicks and developing a best practices hierarchy)
EPC Group SharePoint ROI Business Value Case Study - SharePoint ConsultingEPC Group
EPC Group SharePoint ROI Business Value Case Study - Nation's Leading SharePoint Consulting Firm - SharePoint Consulting Services - SharePoint ROI Case Study from EPC
This document provides an overview of the EPC industry in India, including its definition, growth routes, and relevance to India's growth story. It discusses how EPC companies have evolved from engineering, construction, and equipment supply backgrounds. A key point is that the EPC industry is critical for executing India's planned USD 1 trillion infrastructure investment under the 12th five-year plan, which aims to invest 10% of GDP in infrastructure. However, the industry faces challenges related to evolving contracting models, order book uncertainty, skills shortages, and perceptions of contract sanctity.
The document discusses the rights of an unpaid seller under Indian law. It defines an unpaid seller and outlines three key rights they have: 1) A right of lien that allows them to retain goods until full payment; 2) A right of stoppage that permits reclaiming goods in transit if the buyer becomes insolvent; 3) A right of resale if the buyer does not pay. It provides details on when each right applies and terminates, and notes an unpaid seller also has a right to withhold delivery in some cases until payment is made.
An unpaid seller is a seller who has not received full payment for goods. A seller can be considered unpaid if the full price was not paid or tendered, or if a negotiable instrument like a bill of exchange was received as conditional payment but the conditions were not fulfilled. An unpaid seller has certain rights against the goods, like lien or stoppage in transit, and rights against the buyer, like suing for the price or damages. A seller may be unpaid even if a small portion of the price is outstanding, or if the goods were sold on credit but the credit period has expired.
The document discusses various labor law compliances that must be ensured by companies. It outlines the key responsibilities of the principal employer and contractors under acts like the Contract Labour Act, Minimum Wages Act, and Building and Other Construction Workers Act. Major compliances include registering establishments, obtaining licenses, maintaining registers and records, displaying notices, making statutory payments and returns, and ensuring payment of minimum wages. Strict penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the labor laws. Principal employers must oversee that contractors are also fulfilling their compliance obligations.
An introduction to EECO2-Energy Efficiency Consultancy LimitedEECO2
EECO2 is an energy efficiency consultancy that offers services to reduce HVAC energy costs in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. They have over 100 combined years of experience in design, construction, and operation of technical facilities. Their approach involves identifying opportunities to reduce air changes and optimize HVAC systems through workshops with clients. Case studies show they have helped clients in multiple countries reduce energy costs by 10-45% while maintaining product quality standards.
EECO2 GMP critical HVAC energy cost reductionKeith Beattie
EECO2 is an energy efficiency consultancy that offers services to reduce HVAC energy costs in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. They have over 100 combined years of experience in design, construction, and operation of technical facilities. Their approach involves identifying opportunities to reduce air changes and optimize existing systems to lower energy use without compromising product quality. Case studies demonstrate they have helped clients achieve 15-30% savings through measures like reduced air flows, improved controls, and non-operational setbacks.
Towards a systems approach in Ecodesign and Energy Labelling: How to make the...Leonardo ENERGY
This document discusses moving towards a systems approach in ecodesign and energy labelling regulations. It provides an overview of some challenges in regulating systems compared to individual products, including assessing system efficiency, identifying responsible parties, and challenges for market surveillance authorities. Examples of studies on specific systems like heating/water heating packages, lighting systems, and pumps are mentioned. Views from the EU Commission emphasize that ecodesign regulations currently apply to individual goods placed on the market, but can also cover systems if they are put together on location. Moving towards more systems approaches could increase energy savings but also introduces complexity around testing, compliance, and enforcement.
Ofqual is an independent regulator of qualifications, exams, and tests in England. The document outlines Ofqual's role and responsibilities, including regulating national curriculum tests and ensuring standards and public confidence in qualifications. It discusses events around 2008 SATs where test delivery and marking went wrong, and lessons learned. It also addresses themes of using technology in assessment, reliability, and Ofqual's work to ensure qualifications are fair and maintain standards.
European standardization organizations help integrate research and standardization by identifying new topics for standards, raising awareness, and building capacity. They provide opportunities for researchers to participate in standards development and gain recognition for their work. Standards increase the impact and market access of research by ensuring quality and interoperability. Researchers can get involved in existing standards work through a liaison or develop pre-standards called CEN Workshops Agreements to fast-track standardization of new technologies.
This document discusses the GENERATION project which aimed to create a simplified energy auditing process for buildings. It outlines the methodology used, which involves entering 12 months of consumption data and creating a computer model of the building to estimate energy usage and breakdown. While the GENERATION tool itself is not very user-friendly, the document recommends using the methodology but with commercial modelling tools like IES-VE or TAS instead for a more accurate energy audit. In conclusion, it finds the GENERATION project ambitious but that energy audits can be done at various levels of complexity, and may require some expert knowledge to identify savings opportunities accurately.
TAS-S Seminar “From Continuous Monitoring to Continuous Cloud Cybersecurity C...MEDINA
This document summarizes the results of an experiment conducted to test requirements for continuous monitoring and certification from the European Union's Cloud Services (EUCS) certification scheme. The experiment found that:
1) Existing tools can automate assessment of some EUCS requirements, but coverage is currently limited.
2) A machine-readable format like NIST's OSCAL shows promise for specifying and reporting on automated assessments.
3) While some level of automation is possible now, auditors will still need to review evidence to ensure trustworthy compliance. Standardization of audit processes could help leverage the full potential of automation in the future.
Presentation discussing the development of an innovative evaluation and certification methodology for security systems, as part of the European project. By Dr Thordis Sveinsdottir.
The document discusses the Concerted Action EPBD IV, which aims to support implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and maximize its outcomes. It notes the EPBD requires large amounts of data related to energy efficiency in buildings but could also deliver large datasets at low cost. In particular, energy performance certificates for buildings have great potential for data collection since over a million buildings are assessed annually across Europe. However, gaps remain around combining building data with energy use data and better connecting measured and calculated energy performance.
The document describes the European Union's ETV verification process for innovative environmental technologies. The 6-step process includes: 1) contact with the verification body, 2) proposal submission, 3) protocol preparation, 4) testing, 5) assessment and verification, and 6) publication. RESCOLL is an accredited verification body that guides companies through the process and issues a Statement of Verification once performance claims are independently validated. ETV verification provides third-party validation of claims to help boost market recognition and buyer confidence.
The SPTO has implemented a Quality Management System that is certified to ISO 9001. The QMS structure includes a Quality Committee led by the General Director and quality managers in each department. Key aspects of the QMS include documentation of processes and records, product quality checks using checklists, and user satisfaction surveys. The QMS currently covers PCT, technological information, trademarks, and industrial designs. Benefits of the QMS include standardized and improved processes, recognition, periodic improvement practices, and involvement of different departments in a common goal of quality.
The document discusses the requirements for inspecting air conditioning systems over 12kW in buildings according to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Article 9. Key points include that inspections must occur every 5 years and failure to comply can result in fines for building owners. Inspections assess efficiency, sizing, and provide advice on improvements. They aim to promote energy efficiency in buildings across the EU.
Intervención de Jerry Saeger, Program Manager at the Voluntary Carbon Standard Association, Washington D.C. en el marco de las jornadas de Mercado de Carbono.
Evento relacionado
This workshop will focus on how this new tool supports innovation in the energy transition and on analysing the innovative experimentation tools available and their application in Europe. A round table with regulatory authorities, companies, and research centres will provide leads on the relevance of Energy Regulatory Sandboxes to facilitate the market launch of innovations helpful to move towards a decarbonized economy. This Workshop runs as part of the European cooperation TR@NSNET project.
Ofqual is responsible for regulating qualifications and assessments in England to ensure reliable standards are maintained over time. Their reliability program examines national tests, exams, and teacher assessments to understand variability and public perceptions of accuracy. Ofqual sets criteria for qualifications, recognizes awarding organizations, and monitors assessments to guarantee consistency, fairness, and comparability of awards across exam versions, organizations, and subjects. They facilitate innovation in on-demand and e-assessments while protecting validity, reliability, and security.
US Department of Energy's Uniform Methods ProjectLeonardo ENERGY
This webinar will provide an overview of the US Department of Energy’s Uniform Methods Project that develops protocols for determining energy savings from energy efficiency measures and programs. The webinar will discuss its motivations, the development process, measures, and how they are used.
Enforcement Reforms at ANEEL: The implementation of OECD’s Best Practice Prin...OECD Governance
Presentation by Tiago de Barros Correia, ANEEL, Brazil, at the OECD Conference on Enforcement and Inspections which took place at the OECD Headquarter in Paris on 9 November 2017. Further information is available at
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
The Minimalist Marketer – How Nonprofits Can Do More with Less slides Julia.pdfJulia Campbell
Marketing for nonprofits has never been more complex. With endless social media platforms, email campaigns, and digital tools, nonprofit professionals often feel overwhelmed, stretched thin, and unsure if their efforts are truly making an impact.
What if marketing didn’t have to be this complicated? The Minimalist Marketer offers a streamlined approach, helping nonprofits cut through the noise and focus on high-impact marketing strategies that save time, money, and energy.
In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to simplify your marketing, identify what truly moves the needle, and create a focused strategy that helps your nonprofit grow—without burnout.
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Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
ARCGIS Storymaps: Redefining Communication: Empowering Hamilton to create impactful, accessible, and engaging digital resources. CityLAB Hamilton-Fall 2024 Semester in Residence
The document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
Realized capital gains were historically high in 2021. CBO examined the significance of capital gains in different segments of the income distribution and how those gains have contributed to income inequality over time.
2025 - The DFARS - Part 204 - Administrative And Information MattersJSchaus & Associates
2025 - JSchaus & Associates in Washington DC present a complimentary webinar series covering The DFARS, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Learn about US Federal Government Contracting with The Department of Defense, DoD. Defense Contracting. Defense Acquisition. Federal Contracting.
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Visit our website to learn more about US Federal Government Contracting and subscribe to our FREE Government Contracting Webinars
Advertise with us or Sponsor our Webinar Series - Contact
EPBD legislation in practice - challenges regarding compliance and quality of the works
1. EPBD legislation in practice:
Challenges regarding compliance
and quality of the works
Peter Wouters
Manager INIVE EEIG – Coordinator QUALICHeCK
IEE/13/610/SIO2.675574 01/03/2014-28/02/2017
2. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
3. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
8. 2 societal expectations…
? There should be (more) attention for compliance
with the EPC for new and renovated buildings
? There should be (more) attention for achieving a
good quality of the works
10. Energy certificates with respect to ventilation …
EPC calculation
? Efficiency of heat exchanger
? Fan characteristics
? Ductwork airtightness
? Demand controlled ventilation
? …
? …
Execution of the works
? Air flow rates
? Acoustics
? …
? …
In many countries no or nearly
no control regarding
compliance of EPC
In many countries no or nearly
no control regarding
real performances
13. Which problems are often observed?
? Air flow rates (? IAQ)
? Acoustics: from system or from outside
? Draught problems
? Maintenance
? …
? Problems are found for all kind of systems
? Good execution
exists and also not
extremely difficult
15. 2 objectives of QUALICHeCK project
? To set up a series of actions which should result in more attention and
practical initiatives for actual compliance with the claimed energy
performance for new and renovated buildings
i.e. ‘Boundary conditions which force people to do what they declare’;
? To set up a series of actions, which should result in more attention and
practical initiatives for achieving a better quality of the works,
i.e. ‘Boundary conditions which stimulate and allow the building sector to deliver good
quality of the works’.
17. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
18. Solutions
Easy access of compliant EPC input data
Towards more quality of the works
QUALICHeCK project (2014-2017)
Status of compliance
and quality on the ground
Towards better compliance and
effective penalties
19. 4 focus areas in QUALICHeCK
Transmission characteristics
Ventilation and airtightness
Sustainable summer comfort techniques
Renewables in multi-energy systems
21. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
24. Solutions
Easy access of compliant EPC input data
Towards more quality of the works
Status of compliance
and quality on the ground
Towards better compliance and
effective penalties
26. Example from FRANCE:
Quality of ventilation systems in 1.287 new dwellings
44 % of multi-family dwellings don’t comply
68% of single-family dwellings don’t comply
27. Example from the Netherlands
November 2014:
“Ventilation Improvement plan has failed”
? This was a statement by Dutch minister
? Context:
? Findings in 2012: 50% of new residential ventilation systems don’t work well
? All stakeholders’ organisations signed in 2012 a declaration that in 2015 all systems should
function correctly
? Reasons for failure:
? … lack of interest by clients
? … economic pressure
30. Solutions
Easy access of compliant EPC input data
Towards more quality of the works
Status of compliance
and quality on the ground
Towards better compliance and
effective penalties
33. Special issues by QUALICHeCK
for REHVA Journal
3 special issues are planned:
?1st issue August 2015
?2nd issue around June 2016
?3rd issue around February 2017
34. Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
Robust legal procedures in case of
Handling of non-compliance in
There should be clear procedures
what must be done
There should be clear legal procedures how
to decide on non-compliance and related actions
There should be an effective control
and sanctions if non-compliance
Source book “Compliance in relation to EPC”!Societalsupport!
Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
35. Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
Robust legal procedures in case of
Handling of non-compliance in
There should be clear procedures
what must be done
There should be clear legal procedures how
to decide on non-compliance and related actions
There should be an effective control
and sanctions if non-compliance
Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
STEP 1: Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
36. Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
Robust legal procedures in case of
Handling of non-compliance in
There should be clear procedures
what must be done
There should be clear legal procedures how
to decide on non-compliance and related actions
There should be an effective control
and sanctions if non-compliance
Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
STEP 2: Robust legal procedures
in case of non-compliance
37. Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
Robust legal procedures in case of
Handling of non-compliance in
There should be clear procedures
what must be done
There should be clear legal procedures how
to decide on non-compliance and related actions
There should be an effective control
and sanctions if non-compliance
Procedures to obtain and prove
compliant data
STEP 3: Handling of non-compliance in
39. 2nd QUALICHeCK conference Brussels
September 4 2015
Focus on
- “better compliance/quality of the works”
- “ Review of EPBD recast?”
40. International QUALICHeCK workshops
(Supported by REHVA)
Transmission characteristics
Ventilation and airtightness
Sustainable summer comfort techniques
Renewables in multi-energy systems
LUND - 16-17 March 2015
ATHENS – 9-10 March 2016
TALLINN – October 2016
LYON – ~January 2017
41. 2nd QUALICHeCK workshop ‘Sustainable summer comfort’
March 9-10 2016 Athens (Greece)
2-days workshop
Technologies to be covered:
? Solar control
? Thermal mass
? Ventilative cooling
? Cool roofs
? Daylighting
42. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
43. Some considerations about future challenges
?Should there be more attention by the Member
States for compliance and quality of the works?
?Should these issues receive attention in the
framework of a review of the EPBD?
44. Structure of the presentation
About good compliance and good quality of the works
What kind of activities in QUALICHeCK?
Outcomes of QUALICHeCK
Some considerations about future challenges
45. Conclusions
? We have to be ambitious in terms of the requirements imposed
for the energy performances of new and renovated buildings
? But it is also very important to create boundary conditions that:
? Result in good compliance (a ‘reliable’ EPC)
? Result in good quality of the works
The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.
Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.