8 Things - Scout BrandingAAF BirminghamPaul works for a company called Scout and gave a talk about 8 things people want from companies. The 8 things are for companies to make people's lives simpler, fascinate them with a point of view, draw them into an awesome experience, give them a great story to tell, know the limits of people's attention spans, surprise them, enhance their personal brands, and be real and authentic. The document ends by quoting Eric Ryan saying there are no low passion categories, only low passion brands.
Dag van de Duurzaamheid 11/11/11 HAN Campus ArnhemGeert ElemansDag van de Duurzaamheid 11.11.11 Energie made in Arnhem paviljoen tijdens Informatiemarkt HAN Campus Arnhem
- Wubbo Ockels enthousiast over green electric car alliander
- HAN e-team geeft urgenda e-power
- EmiA taart tijdens 11.11.11 HAN informatiemarkt.
The Warrior- Ryan Gradyaljr497This document discusses the archetype of the warrior across various cultures throughout history. It defines the warrior as a noble champion who acts with honor and protects the underdog. It then provides examples of warriors from 8 different cultures, including Ancient Greece, Pre-industrial Japan, Pre-Middle Ages Northern Europe, Native American cultures, the American South during the Revolutionary War, Dark Ages Europe, Ancient Times, and again from Ancient Greece. These warriors all demonstrated traits of tenacity, honor, and fighting to defend their people or lands.
8 Things - Scout BrandingAAF BirminghamPaul works for a company called Scout and gave a talk about 8 things people want from companies. The 8 things are for companies to make people's lives simpler, fascinate them with a point of view, draw them into an awesome experience, give them a great story to tell, know the limits of people's attention spans, surprise them, enhance their personal brands, and be real and authentic. The document ends by quoting Eric Ryan saying there are no low passion categories, only low passion brands.
Dag van de Duurzaamheid 11/11/11 HAN Campus ArnhemGeert ElemansDag van de Duurzaamheid 11.11.11 Energie made in Arnhem paviljoen tijdens Informatiemarkt HAN Campus Arnhem
- Wubbo Ockels enthousiast over green electric car alliander
- HAN e-team geeft urgenda e-power
- EmiA taart tijdens 11.11.11 HAN informatiemarkt.
The Warrior- Ryan Gradyaljr497This document discusses the archetype of the warrior across various cultures throughout history. It defines the warrior as a noble champion who acts with honor and protects the underdog. It then provides examples of warriors from 8 different cultures, including Ancient Greece, Pre-industrial Japan, Pre-Middle Ages Northern Europe, Native American cultures, the American South during the Revolutionary War, Dark Ages Europe, Ancient Times, and again from Ancient Greece. These warriors all demonstrated traits of tenacity, honor, and fighting to defend their people or lands.