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CCeerrttiiffiieedd SSooffttwwaarree TTeesstt MMaannaaggeerr ((CCSSTTMM))
Prem Kumar Papabathini email2prem.k@gmail.com
QA Lead/Manager +1 647-648-3060
Seeking assignment as QA Lead/Manager in Software Engineering with a technology oriented organization
Professional Summary
 A technocrat with ~13 experience in Software Testing including 6 Years of
Test management, 3 years of Performance and Functional Automation
 Worked in multiple development processes which include Agile, Waterfall,
Spiral, V-model under multiple platforms such as Mainframes, Linux, Web
based, Desktop applications
 Excellent client facing skills, Lead offshore teams, Coordinated with business /
Clients through UAT, Delivered critical projects with high quality
 Wide range of experience in dynamic projects which includes Rehosting, Re-
Write, Re-Engineering, Upgrades and Enhancements
 Experienced in Test Management - Manual and Automation Test Planning,
Test estimation, Test Strategies, Work Breakdown Structure scheduling,
Distribution of the work/tasks , Tracking progress, Reporting and Metrics
 Domain Expertise in the areas of Banking (Investment line, Wealth
Management), Telecommunication (AT&T), Transportation (CPR)
 Strong hands on experience in performing Quality gates, building & managing
Test Teams across the globe (Onshore/ Offshore Model). Defining the Quality
Processes to ensure test deliverables are accurate and to a high quality
 Proficient in testing software projects from inspection, requirement analysis,
developing test strategy, test planning, test execution, test data management
 Reporting test & defect metrics, productivity analysis, effort variance,
schedule variance, test coverage & review effectiveness, test estimations
 Prepared SOW, Project change request, Budgeting, Projections, Governance
and a proven test manager with good team bonding & Team building skills
 Contributed to continuous improvement of testing standards, process,
procedure and methodology across all test areas. Prepared Test Process
definitions and Templates
 Worked for projects at various test levels such as System test, System
Integration, User Acceptance, Smoke, Sanity, End to End, Joint system
testing. Strong experience in Manual Test Scenario Design, Test data
Identification, Test Execution, Test Status and defect Reporting
 Expertise in ALM and Clear Quest test management tool. Defined KPIs,
Created dashboards, Extracted reports, Set up projects and user roles,
Defined defect management process, Had set up test plan and test lab
 Extensive Test coordination with distributed teams. Had set up stringent
process for addressing requirement gaps, test reviews, test result reviews
 An energetic, self-motivated leader capable of managing client engagements
until the end of project to ensure smooth execution and implementation
 Expert in designing test cases using testing techniques, Expert in static
testing in both formal and informal reviews, Expert in ALM usage, data setup
 Excellent in test coordination and delivered major project with high quality
Key Achievements:
 Delivered three critical releases in BMO
for investment line and attended wealth
management training program
 Successful submission of the Vendor
proposal worth CAD 3.8M in Canadian Rail
 Successfully delivered Mainframe Rehost
project (IBM Mainframes to Open source
Linux) on Unikix platform using Clerity
solution by Dell in Canadian Rail
 Successfully delivered Rewrite project(
Vantive product from people soft to RCP
rich client) for AT&T
 Successfully upgraded to mainframe Z/OS
 Successfully delivered project with zero
UAT defects for AT&T & BellSouth merger
 Consistent performance track record and
received good feedback from customer
and high CSAT and was awarded for
leadership and test management
 IBM Client First Award  Awarded for
leadership in the mainframe rehosting
 Service Excellence Award  Awarded for
the excellence in delivery management
 Bravo Award  Awarded for leadership in
Merger projects
 Best of IBM  Awarded for test
management in Re-architecture projects
 Master of Computer Applications.(2003)
 Worked as QA Manager with IBM India
Pvt Ltd in Bangalore(April 2006 to May
 Worked as QA Manager / Lead in Calgary
Canada for CP Rail through IBM
 Worked as Test Analyst in Angel info
 Worked as Test Engineer in Simpitsoft
Technical & Domain Certifications:
 CSTM Certified Software Test Manager by
STQC (2008).
 HP ALM 11.0
 IBM Rational ClearQuest 8.0
 Quality Centre 9.2/10/Bugzilla
 Load Runner 8.0
 Rational Functional tester (RFT 8.5)
 Microsoft Share Point / Project Plan
 Microsoft Suite
CCeerrttiiffiieedd SSooffttwwaarree TTeesstt MMaannaaggeerr ((CCSSTTMM))
Project#1: Investor Line Portfolio Work Location  India Client: Bank of Montreal (BMO) - 9 months
Description: Investor Line Self-Directed and adviceDirect is an online brokerage for self-directed investors who make all their
own investing decisions and for online brokerage service that provides personalized online investing advice for investors. aD
gives investors the freedom to manage their investments while receiving online advice to guide them along the way.
Environment: Java, VM, Citrix, Filenet, VB Duration: Sept2015- May 2016 Team Size: 11
Responsibilities: Handled the Project in Capacity as Test Manager (Finance and Wealth management)
 Design & Review test strategy, test metrics, RAID log, Review test plan, weekly status, Utilization
 Define test approach and governance, Define test estimation tools and approach, fulfill staffing needs
 Review TRR checklist and drive the test phases, Maintain test repository and design and execute test cases
Project #2: Gas Day Change Work Location  India Client: National Grid UK - 5 months
Description: NG plays a vital role in delivering gas and electricity to millions of people safely, reliably and efficiently . This
project is to ensure that the clock change is successful. NG is changing the Gas day from 6to6 to 5to5. All the systems needs
to be accommodate the Gas day changes and ensure all the business functions working as usual.
Environment: Mainframe, Java, VB, Unix, Control M Duration: Apr2015- Sept15 Test Team: 12
Responsibilities: Handled the Project in Capacity as Test Manager / Test Coordinator
 Design test strategy. Review Industrial and UAT strategy. Define test approach and governance.
 Coordinate with multiple vendors and multiple application steams for readiness, Prepare readiness checklist and
drive the test phases (ST, SIT, UAT, Industrial SIT), Setup share point for test execution, defect tracking, test results
Project #3:Mainframe Rehosting, DR Work Location  Calgary, Canada Client: CP Rail 34 months
Description: CPRs strategic vision is to become a Digital Railway. CPR wants to re-host these mainframe applications that do
not have a replacement plan in the near term to a commodity, lower-cost platform using Dell Unikix solution.
Environment: Mainframe, Unikix, Linux, V-Block, FTP, CTD, JCL, CICS Duration: Apr 2012- Feb 2015 Test Team: 35
Responsibilities: Handled the Project as Test Manager / Test Lead / Test Analyst
 Prepared Statement of Work(SOW) and Project Change Request(PCR) and High level Test Plan and Test strategy
 Client and Vendor relationship from Onsite and maintain integrity with all the stakes Dell, CP, IBM
 Test reporting - Test planning and Test execution report to all the stake holders using HP ALM 11.00
 Prepared Master test plan, test strategy, contributed to Q-gates, Coordinated with business for end to end, UAT and
integration level of testing. Had set up ALM for project and defined release structure and cycles
 Designed test cases and reviewed test results. Contributed to batch processing performance and de pendencies
 Test execution for Disaster recovery. Worked in Agile methodology for US grain project and had set with test process
Project #4: SPP, CAPRI, SNOWR, GPS, EM, BMP, ITO Work Location  India Client: AT&T - 72 months
Description: Worked in multiple applications and service lines to delivery multiple projects.
Environment: UNIX, Java, .Net, Mainframes, SQL Duration: Apr 2006  Apr 2012 Test Team: 40
Responsibility: Automation Manager, Test Manager, Test Lead, Test Analyst
 Lead all the initiatives and automation tools across the account AT&T, Identified automation needs. Managed new
tools from development to deployment like Test case generator, Integrated Scheduler, Environment constraint tool,
RFT framework, Feasibility study and comparative study on the available tools. Prepare Strong Test strategies
 Prepare detailed MTP for the projects. Staffing needs to the teams, identify training needs. Implemented LEAN.
Contributed to Knowledge management system(KMS). Communication to all stakes on time using S-Curves, Bar
graphs. Identified Risks and prepared Mitigation. Prepare Performance strategy and Execute Performance testing for
multiple releases using Load Runner. Collated performance metrics - Response time / Throughput / CPU utilization /
Soak / Stress / Scalability. Developed framework SME growth with Comfort matrix. Increased Productivity.
 LISA implementation for virtual env testing. Translate customer requirements to formal requirements and leading the
efforts in testing. Implement Test estimation models such as GTEF, Use case point and Test point Model. Designing of
test cases, reviewing, updating and prioritizing of test cases, report defects and produce test closure report
Project #5: ATOM-NUCLEUS & PortfolioMyDay Work Location  India Client: ING-VYSYA - 18 months
Description: NUCLEUS is a Limit Monitoring System, meant for the business operations team and for the credit risk
management team at IVBL to monitor transactions pertaining to wholesale banking.
Environment: Java, C++, Oracle, MQ Duration: Oct2004- Mar2006 Team: 13
Responsibilities: Test Analyst
 Identified the Test requirements based on business requirements. Involved in building test clusters and test cases
using test Framework. Involved in Integration, System and User Acceptance Testing. Analyzing the test results,
conducted Peer reviews for Test Case and Bug report analysis.
 Conducted performance testing to estimate Application Performance using, Verification of system requirements and
specification as per SRS, Executing test cases to check the Functionality and System behavior of the application.
 Executing Regression and Integration test cases. Updating the bug report using Internal Reporting Tool
Project Title: ISP Portal Work Location  India Client: Demon UK  14 months
Description: Portal is developed to store all the information of DEMON customer who are the internet service providers
Environment: VB, SQL, Web Duration: Aug2003- Sept2004 Team: 3
Responsibilities: Test Analyst
 Interacted with developers for assisting them in the identification, simulation, resolving and tracking of problem
events. Drafted test cases and test plans based on functional requirements. Reported test status, Test execution and
Test reporting
Key Projects as QA Lead/ Manager

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  • 1. CCeerrttiiffiieedd SSooffttwwaarree TTeesstt MMaannaaggeerr ((CCSSTTMM)) 1 Prem Kumar Papabathini email2prem.k@gmail.com QA Lead/Manager +1 647-648-3060 Seeking assignment as QA Lead/Manager in Software Engineering with a technology oriented organization Professional Summary A technocrat with ~13 experience in Software Testing including 6 Years of Test management, 3 years of Performance and Functional Automation Worked in multiple development processes which include Agile, Waterfall, Spiral, V-model under multiple platforms such as Mainframes, Linux, Web based, Desktop applications Excellent client facing skills, Lead offshore teams, Coordinated with business / Clients through UAT, Delivered critical projects with high quality Wide range of experience in dynamic projects which includes Rehosting, Re- Write, Re-Engineering, Upgrades and Enhancements Experienced in Test Management - Manual and Automation Test Planning, Test estimation, Test Strategies, Work Breakdown Structure scheduling, Distribution of the work/tasks , Tracking progress, Reporting and Metrics Domain Expertise in the areas of Banking (Investment line, Wealth Management), Telecommunication (AT&T), Transportation (CPR) Strong hands on experience in performing Quality gates, building & managing Test Teams across the globe (Onshore/ Offshore Model). Defining the Quality Processes to ensure test deliverables are accurate and to a high quality Proficient in testing software projects from inspection, requirement analysis, developing test strategy, test planning, test execution, test data management Reporting test & defect metrics, productivity analysis, effort variance, schedule variance, test coverage & review effectiveness, test estimations Prepared SOW, Project change request, Budgeting, Projections, Governance and a proven test manager with good team bonding & Team building skills Contributed to continuous improvement of testing standards, process, procedure and methodology across all test areas. Prepared Test Process definitions and Templates Worked for projects at various test levels such as System test, System Integration, User Acceptance, Smoke, Sanity, End to End, Joint system testing. Strong experience in Manual Test Scenario Design, Test data Identification, Test Execution, Test Status and defect Reporting Expertise in ALM and Clear Quest test management tool. Defined KPIs, Created dashboards, Extracted reports, Set up projects and user roles, Defined defect management process, Had set up test plan and test lab Extensive Test coordination with distributed teams. Had set up stringent process for addressing requirement gaps, test reviews, test result reviews An energetic, self-motivated leader capable of managing client engagements until the end of project to ensure smooth execution and implementation Expert in designing test cases using testing techniques, Expert in static testing in both formal and informal reviews, Expert in ALM usage, data setup Excellent in test coordination and delivered major project with high quality Key Achievements: Delivered three critical releases in BMO for investment line and attended wealth management training program Successful submission of the Vendor proposal worth CAD 3.8M in Canadian Rail Successfully delivered Mainframe Rehost project (IBM Mainframes to Open source Linux) on Unikix platform using Clerity solution by Dell in Canadian Rail Successfully delivered Rewrite project( Vantive product from people soft to RCP rich client) for AT&T Successfully upgraded to mainframe Z/OS Successfully delivered project with zero UAT defects for AT&T & BellSouth merger Consistent performance track record and received good feedback from customer and high CSAT and was awarded for leadership and test management IBM Client First Award Awarded for leadership in the mainframe rehosting project Service Excellence Award Awarded for the excellence in delivery management Bravo Award Awarded for leadership in Merger projects Best of IBM Awarded for test management in Re-architecture projects Education: Master of Computer Applications.(2003) Employment: Worked as QA Manager with IBM India Pvt Ltd in Bangalore(April 2006 to May 2016) Worked as QA Manager / Lead in Calgary Canada for CP Rail through IBM Worked as Test Analyst in Angel info solutions. Worked as Test Engineer in Simpitsoft Technical & Domain Certifications: CSTM Certified Software Test Manager by STQC (2008). Tools: HP ALM 11.0 Selenium IBM Rational ClearQuest 8.0 Quality Centre 9.2/10/Bugzilla Load Runner 8.0 Rational Functional tester (RFT 8.5) Microsoft Share Point / Project Plan Microsoft Suite LISA
  • 2. CCeerrttiiffiieedd SSooffttwwaarree TTeesstt MMaannaaggeerr ((CCSSTTMM)) 2 Project#1: Investor Line Portfolio Work Location India Client: Bank of Montreal (BMO) - 9 months Description: Investor Line Self-Directed and adviceDirect is an online brokerage for self-directed investors who make all their own investing decisions and for online brokerage service that provides personalized online investing advice for investors. aD gives investors the freedom to manage their investments while receiving online advice to guide them along the way. Environment: Java, VM, Citrix, Filenet, VB Duration: Sept2015- May 2016 Team Size: 11 Responsibilities: Handled the Project in Capacity as Test Manager (Finance and Wealth management) Design & Review test strategy, test metrics, RAID log, Review test plan, weekly status, Utilization Define test approach and governance, Define test estimation tools and approach, fulfill staffing needs Review TRR checklist and drive the test phases, Maintain test repository and design and execute test cases Project #2: Gas Day Change Work Location India Client: National Grid UK - 5 months Description: NG plays a vital role in delivering gas and electricity to millions of people safely, reliably and efficiently . This project is to ensure that the clock change is successful. NG is changing the Gas day from 6to6 to 5to5. All the systems needs to be accommodate the Gas day changes and ensure all the business functions working as usual. Environment: Mainframe, Java, VB, Unix, Control M Duration: Apr2015- Sept15 Test Team: 12 Responsibilities: Handled the Project in Capacity as Test Manager / Test Coordinator Design test strategy. Review Industrial and UAT strategy. Define test approach and governance. Coordinate with multiple vendors and multiple application steams for readiness, Prepare readiness checklist and drive the test phases (ST, SIT, UAT, Industrial SIT), Setup share point for test execution, defect tracking, test results Project #3:Mainframe Rehosting, DR Work Location Calgary, Canada Client: CP Rail 34 months Description: CPRs strategic vision is to become a Digital Railway. CPR wants to re-host these mainframe applications that do not have a replacement plan in the near term to a commodity, lower-cost platform using Dell Unikix solution. Environment: Mainframe, Unikix, Linux, V-Block, FTP, CTD, JCL, CICS Duration: Apr 2012- Feb 2015 Test Team: 35 Responsibilities: Handled the Project as Test Manager / Test Lead / Test Analyst Prepared Statement of Work(SOW) and Project Change Request(PCR) and High level Test Plan and Test strategy Client and Vendor relationship from Onsite and maintain integrity with all the stakes Dell, CP, IBM Test reporting - Test planning and Test execution report to all the stake holders using HP ALM 11.00 Prepared Master test plan, test strategy, contributed to Q-gates, Coordinated with business for end to end, UAT and integration level of testing. Had set up ALM for project and defined release structure and cycles Designed test cases and reviewed test results. Contributed to batch processing performance and de pendencies Test execution for Disaster recovery. Worked in Agile methodology for US grain project and had set with test process Project #4: SPP, CAPRI, SNOWR, GPS, EM, BMP, ITO Work Location India Client: AT&T - 72 months Description: Worked in multiple applications and service lines to delivery multiple projects. Environment: UNIX, Java, .Net, Mainframes, SQL Duration: Apr 2006 Apr 2012 Test Team: 40 Responsibility: Automation Manager, Test Manager, Test Lead, Test Analyst Lead all the initiatives and automation tools across the account AT&T, Identified automation needs. Managed new tools from development to deployment like Test case generator, Integrated Scheduler, Environment constraint tool, RFT framework, Feasibility study and comparative study on the available tools. Prepare Strong Test strategies Prepare detailed MTP for the projects. Staffing needs to the teams, identify training needs. Implemented LEAN. Contributed to Knowledge management system(KMS). Communication to all stakes on time using S-Curves, Bar graphs. Identified Risks and prepared Mitigation. Prepare Performance strategy and Execute Performance testing for multiple releases using Load Runner. Collated performance metrics - Response time / Throughput / CPU utilization / Soak / Stress / Scalability. Developed framework SME growth with Comfort matrix. Increased Productivity. LISA implementation for virtual env testing. Translate customer requirements to formal requirements and leading the efforts in testing. Implement Test estimation models such as GTEF, Use case point and Test point Model. Designing of test cases, reviewing, updating and prioritizing of test cases, report defects and produce test closure report Project #5: ATOM-NUCLEUS & PortfolioMyDay Work Location India Client: ING-VYSYA - 18 months Description: NUCLEUS is a Limit Monitoring System, meant for the business operations team and for the credit risk management team at IVBL to monitor transactions pertaining to wholesale banking. Environment: Java, C++, Oracle, MQ Duration: Oct2004- Mar2006 Team: 13 Responsibilities: Test Analyst Identified the Test requirements based on business requirements. Involved in building test clusters and test cases using test Framework. Involved in Integration, System and User Acceptance Testing. Analyzing the test results, conducted Peer reviews for Test Case and Bug report analysis. Conducted performance testing to estimate Application Performance using, Verification of system requirements and specification as per SRS, Executing test cases to check the Functionality and System behavior of the application. Executing Regression and Integration test cases. Updating the bug report using Internal Reporting Tool Project Title: ISP Portal Work Location India Client: Demon UK 14 months Description: Portal is developed to store all the information of DEMON customer who are the internet service providers Environment: VB, SQL, Web Duration: Aug2003- Sept2004 Team: 3 Responsibilities: Test Analyst Interacted with developers for assisting them in the identification, simulation, resolving and tracking of problem events. Drafted test cases and test plans based on functional requirements. Reported test status, Test execution and Test reporting Key Projects as QA Lead/ Manager