saiia anak yg simple...dengan prinsip hidup 'freindship is power "
My full name is Dian Trisna DELFYan
you can call me Dian or Delfy
blood type : A+
age : 16(11-2011)
sister/ brother : 1 little sister her name is Angelita Rahma Delfyan(age 6), i don't have brother
country : Indonesian(proud)
height : 183 CM
Weight : 65 KG
eyes colour : dark Brown
fav. Food : fried rice, chicken noodle, etc.
Fav.drink : always fresh water
dislike food : seafood
dislike drink : all about alcohol
fav. Animal : rabbit(has a brown-swizterland)
hate animal : sheep, goat, spiders, etc.
Fav. Colour : White and black
fav. Movie : harry potter and twilight
fav. Books : harry potter and t