official Website:
Forum :
Bagi yang ingin Donasi dapat Transfer ke Rekening:
atas Nama: Lisa Suci Cahyanti
a. Rekening BCA 8160-525-488 Cabang Borobudur
b. Rekening BRI 3126-01-016006-53-6 unit Blimbing
c. Rekening Niaga 833-01-00088-129 Cabang Soekarno Hatta
Kota malang
Lalu, Isi Donation Form di bawah ini
copy this form to your email, then send it to
KEEP the TRANSACTION's paper or evidence, sometimes we'll ask for it.
the item send by mail to your ID/Character before 1x24 hour.
ID :
Nick :
Sender :
Bank/Account :
Transfer to :(Chose one