The document discusses how digital technology is changing advertising and the skills needed at creative agencies. It notes that developers and user experience professionals will increasingly be involved in client briefing sessions and pitches. Creative directors will come from backgrounds in development and user experience. Agencies will need to employ people with skills in areas like math, statistics, and social sciences. Collaboration, experimentation, and iterating ideas quickly based on data will be important approaches.
23. Most advertising is still oriented around a
launch and leave it
As marketers get deeper into platform & app
development, its important that our thinking
shifts. We need to get things to market and
learn faster.
Do it cheaper, leaner, and more collaboratively.
Find ways to operationalise hacking &
Winston Binch, Chief Digital Officer at Deutsch LA
Sits on the Google Creative Council
24. Any suf鍖ciently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic
Arthur C. Clarke