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Evaluating and thinking
critically about information
Why is evaluating sources important?
 Vast amounts of information
 Making sure you are using
appropriate sources in your work
 An important academic skill to
 Important for the wider wide e.g.
fake news, filter bubbles
BBC, 2017
Why is evaluating sources important?
Pariser, E. (2011) Beware online filter bubbles. Available online:
e=en (Accessed: 17 May 2017).
How to evaluate information  CRAAPTest
Currency When was it published? Is the information too old?
Does it have a date on it? When was it last up-
dated? How important is it that you have up-to-
date information
Relevancy Does it fit your project? Will your project be
stronger if you include this information?
Authority Who has published or written the information? Do
you trust them? Is it easy to find out anything
about them? Who was it written for?
Accuracy Is the information correct? Is the information
supported by evidence/references? Can you verify
the information in another source? Are there
spelling, grammar or other errors.
Purpose Why does the information exist? Is it trying to sell
you something, persuade you or give you an
opinion? Once you figure this out, you can then
deceive how to use the information that you have
The Full FactToolkit  fullfact.org/toolkit

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Evaluating and thinking critically about information

  • 1. Department Evaluating and thinking critically about information libguides.rhul.ac.uk/MediaArts RachelWhite Rachel.white@rhul.ac.uk
  • 2. Department Why is evaluating sources important? Vast amounts of information available Making sure you are using appropriate sources in your work An important academic skill to develop Important for the wider wide e.g. fake news, filter bubbles 2 BBC, 2017
  • 3. Department Why is evaluating sources important? 3 Pariser, E. (2011) Beware online filter bubbles. Available online: https://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles?languag e=en (Accessed: 17 May 2017).
  • 4. Department How to evaluate information CRAAPTest 4 Currency When was it published? Is the information too old? Does it have a date on it? When was it last up- dated? How important is it that you have up-to- date information Relevancy Does it fit your project? Will your project be stronger if you include this information? Authority Who has published or written the information? Do you trust them? Is it easy to find out anything about them? Who was it written for? Accuracy Is the information correct? Is the information supported by evidence/references? Can you verify the information in another source? Are there spelling, grammar or other errors. Purpose Why does the information exist? Is it trying to sell you something, persuade you or give you an opinion? Once you figure this out, you can then deceive how to use the information that you have found.
  • 5. Department The Full FactToolkit fullfact.org/toolkit 5

Editor's Notes

  • #8: This is an example of an online journal article accessed via the library resources. You can see it looks a bit more formal than the other websites, it has things like the author, how many times this has been cited, bibliography. Library resources can be easier to evaluate as the subscriptions we have are with academic and scholarly publishers so you know the article is trustworthy, but still important to think about it and think about the context you are writing in.
  • #10: On first appearances this may not look like a very academic website, it is a blog so sometimes students can be wary of using these in such an academic piece of work like a dissertation. But on further investigation we can see that the author of this blog and owner is an academic from the University of Sussex who specialises in film studies. i.e. research the author The types of sources you might use might be dependent on your subject