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A simple, productive path to effective
cross-platform interfaces
 A bunch of convenience classes for
building SWT applications
 A framework for displaying and editing
Java business model objects using SWT
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 2
 A bunch of convenience classes for
building SWT applications
 A framework for displaying and editing
Java business model objects using SWT
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 3
 Hello, JFace
public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow {
public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new HelloJFace(null)).open();
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 4
 Hello, JFace
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 5
 Ways to add features to your JFace
 Add code to constructor
 Override protected methods
 Add new methods or classes
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 6
 Add menu bar, tool bar, status line
public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow
public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new HelloJFace(null)).open();
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 7
 Add menu bar, tool bar, status line
public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow {
public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new HelloJFace(null)).open();
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 8
 Add application title and icon
protected void configureShell(Shell shell) {
shell.setText("Hello, JFace");
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 9
 Add menu to menu bar
protected MenuManager createMenuManager() {
MenuManager menuManager = new MenuManager();
return menuManager;
private MenuManager createFileMenu() {
MenuManager menu = new MenuManager("&File");
menu.add(new Action() {
public String getText() {
return "E&xit";
public void run() {
} });
return menu;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 10
 Add button to tool bar
protected ToolBarManager createToolBarManager(
int style)
ToolBarManager toolBar = new
toolBar.add(new NewAction());
return toolBar;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 11
 Add private class NewAction for button
private class NewAction extends Action {
public String getText() { return "New"; }
public String getToolTipText() { return "New"; }
public ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor() {
ImageDescriptor imageDesc =
HelloJFace.class, "icons/new.png");
return imageDesc;
public ImageDescriptor getHoverImageDescriptor() {
ImageDescriptor imageDesc =
HelloJFace.class, "icons/new-h.png");
return imageDesc;
public void run() { // add action code here
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 12
 Suppose we really want to build a To-do
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 13
 A bunch of convenience classes for
building SWT applications
 A framework for displaying and editing
Java business model objects using SWT
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 14
 Steps to add to-do list editor to
 Create TodoList model objects
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 15
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 16
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 17
 Steps to add to-do list editor to application
 Create TodoList model objects
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 18
 Create TodoList model object
public class TodoList implements Serializable {
public static List<Todo> list = new ArrayList<Todo>();
public static void addTodo(Todo todo) {
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 19
 Steps to add to-do list editor to
 Create TodoList model object
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 20
 Add TableViewer object to layout
protected Control createContents(Composite parent)
return contents;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 21
 Add TableViewer object to layout
protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, false);
layout.marginHeight = 20;
layout.marginWidth = 20;
TableViewer viewer = new TableViewer(contents, SWT.BORDER |
new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));
return contents;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 22
 Steps to add to-do list editor to
 Create TodoList model object
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 23
 Initialize TableViewer...
protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
Composite contents = new Blotter(parent, SWT.NULL);
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, false);
layout.marginHeight = 20;
layout.marginWidth = 20;
viewer = new TableViewer(contents, SWT.BORDER |
return contents;
} Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 24
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 25
 Implement addProvidersAndEditors()
private void addProvidersAndEditors() {
new ContentProvider());
table.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider());
CellEditor[] editors = {
new CheckboxCellEditor(table.getTable()),
new TextCellEditor(table.getTable()),
new TextCellEditor(table.getTable())};
table.setCellModifier(new CellModifier());
table.setSorter(new RowSorter());
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 27
 Steps to add to-do list editor to
 Create TodoList model object
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 28
 Set TodoList as the TableViewer's input
private void init() {
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 29
 Set TodoList as the TableViewer's input
private void initTable() {
private static final String[] colNames =
{ "Done", "Priority", "Description" };
private static final int[] colWeight =
{ 5, 5, 90 };
private static final int COL_DONE = 0;
private static final int COL_PRIORITY = 1;
private static final int COL_DESC = 2;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 30
 Steps to add to-do list editor to
 Create TodoList model object
 Add TableViewer object to layout
 Initialize TableViewer
 Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input
 Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the
following TableViewer event handler objects
 ContentProvider, LabelProvider
 CellEditor, CellModifier
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 31
 Implement addProvidersAndEditors()
private void addProviders() {
viewer.setContentProvider(new MyContentProvider());
viewer.setLabelProvider(new MyTableLabelProvider());
private void addEditors() {
Table table = viewer.getTable();
CellEditor[] editors = { new
new TextCellEditor(table), new TextCellEditor(table)
viewer.setCellModifier(new CellModifier(columns,
viewer.setColumnProperties(columns);Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 32
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 33
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Triggered
ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update()
LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing
CellEditor Edit cell value
CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value
RowSorter On table redraw
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 34
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Triggered
ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update()
LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing
CellEditor Edit cell value
CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value
RowSorter On table redraw
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 35
 Implementing ContentProvider
private class ContentProvider
implements IStructuredContentProvider
public Object[] getElements(
Object inputElement)
return ((TodoList)inputElement).toArray();
public void dispose() {}
public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer,
Object oldInput, Object newInput) {}
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 36
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 37
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Triggered
ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update()
LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing
CellEditor Edit cell value
CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value
RowSorter On table redraw
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 38
 Implementing LabelProvider
private class LabelProvider
implements ITableLabelProvider {
private Image done;
private Image notdone;
public LabelProvider() {
done = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(
notdone = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(
// <continued/>...
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 39
 Implementing LabelProvider
public Image getColumnImage(Object element, int
columnIndex) {
Todo todo = (Todo) element;
switch (columnIndex) {
case 0:
if (todo.isDone())
return ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(HelloJFace.class,
return null;
return null;
// <continued/>...
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 40
 Implementing LabelProvider
public String getColumnText(Object element, int
columnIndex) {
Todo todo = (Todo) element;
switch (columnIndex) {
case 1:
return String.valueOf(todo.getPriority());
case 2:
return String.valueOf(todo.getDesc());
return null;
} // <continued/>...
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 41
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Triggered
ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update()
LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing
CellEditor Edit cell value
CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value
RowSorter On table redraw
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 42
 JFace TableViewer usage
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 43
 JFace TableViewer usage
The visible editor
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 44
 JFace TableViewer usage
Translates between
visible editor's
data type and the
model's storage
data type
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 45
 Implementing CellModifier
private class CellModifier
implements ICellModifier
public boolean canModify(Object element, String
property) {
return true;
// <continued/>...
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 46
 Implementing CellModifier
public Object getValue(Object element, String property) {
Todo todo = (Todo) element;
if (property.equals(columns[0])) {
return new Boolean(todo.isDone());
} else if (property.equals(columns[1])) {
return Integer.toString(todo.getPriority());
} else if (property.equals(columns[2])) {
return todo.getDesc();
return null;
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 47
 Implementing CellModifier
public void modify(Object element, String property, Object value) {
Item item = (Item) element;
Todo todo = (Todo) item.getData();
if (property.equals(columns[0])) {
boolean val = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
} else if (property.equals(columns[1])) {
int parseInt;
try {
parseInt = Integer.parseInt((String) value);
} catch (Exception e) {
MessageDialog.openError(window.getShell(), "Error", value
+ " is not a number");
} else if (property.equals(columns[2])) {
todo.setDesc((String) value);
} Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 48
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Triggered
ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update()
LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing
CellEditor Edit cell value
CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value
RowSorter On table redraw
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 49
 Implementing RowSorter
private class RowSorter extends ViewerSorter {
public int compare(Viewer viewer,
Object element1, Object element2) {
Todo t1 = (Todo) element1;
Todo t2 = (Todo) element2;
return t1.getPriority() -
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 50
 A closer look at JFace event handler
Event Handler When Required
ContentProvider Always
LabelProvider Always
CellEditor If grid is not read-only
CellModifier If grid is not read-only
RowSorter If grid is sorted
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 51
 So here's what we just built...
Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 52
Any questions?
Question................... ?

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  • 2. A bunch of convenience classes for building SWT applications ApplicationWindow Dialog Wizard A framework for displaying and editing Java business model objects using SWT TableViewer TreeViewer Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 2
  • 3. A bunch of convenience classes for building SWT applications ApplicationWindow Dialog Wizard A framework for displaying and editing Java business model objects using SWT TableViewer TreeViewer Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 3
  • 4. Hello, JFace public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow { public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) { super(parentShell); setBlockOnOpen(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { (new HelloJFace(null)).open(); } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 4
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  • 6. Ways to add features to your JFace application: Add code to constructor Override protected methods Add new methods or classes Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 6
  • 7. Add menu bar, tool bar, status line public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow { public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) { super(parentShell); setBlockOnOpen(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { (new HelloJFace(null)).open(); } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 7
  • 8. Add menu bar, tool bar, status line public class HelloJFace extends ApplicationWindow { public HelloJFace(Shell parentShell) { super(parentShell); setBlockOnOpen(true); addMenuBar(); addToolBar(SWT.FLAT); addStatusLine(); } public static void main(String[] args) { (new HelloJFace(null)).open(); } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 8
  • 9. Add application title and icon protected void configureShell(Shell shell) { super.configureShell(shell); shell.setText("Hello, JFace"); shell.setImage( ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( HelloJFace.class, "icons/app.png").createImage()); } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 9
  • 10. Add menu to menu bar protected MenuManager createMenuManager() { MenuManager menuManager = new MenuManager(); menuManager.add(createFileMenu()); return menuManager; } private MenuManager createFileMenu() { MenuManager menu = new MenuManager("&File"); menu.add(new Action() { public String getText() { return "E&xit"; } public void run() { getShell().close(); } }); return menu; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 10
  • 11. Add button to tool bar protected ToolBarManager createToolBarManager( int style) { ToolBarManager toolBar = new ToolBarManager(style); toolBar.add(new NewAction()); return toolBar; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 11
  • 12. Add private class NewAction for button private class NewAction extends Action { public String getText() { return "New"; } public String getToolTipText() { return "New"; } public ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor() { ImageDescriptor imageDesc = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( HelloJFace.class, "icons/new.png"); return imageDesc; } public ImageDescriptor getHoverImageDescriptor() { ImageDescriptor imageDesc = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( HelloJFace.class, "icons/new-h.png"); return imageDesc; } public void run() { // add action code here } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 12
  • 13. Suppose we really want to build a To-do list... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 13
  • 14. A bunch of convenience classes for building SWT applications ApplicationWindow Dialog Wizard A framework for displaying and editing Java business model objects using SWT TableViewer TreeViewer Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 14
  • 15. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model objects Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 15
  • 16. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList TreeMapTodo input Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 16
  • 17. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList Todo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 17
  • 18. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model objects Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 18
  • 19. Create TodoList model object public class TodoList implements Serializable { public static List<Todo> list = new ArrayList<Todo>(); public static void addTodo(Todo todo) { list.add(todo); } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 19
  • 20. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model object Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 20
  • 21. Add TableViewer object to layout protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { return contents; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 21
  • 22. Add TableViewer object to layout protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, false); layout.marginHeight = 20; layout.marginWidth = 20; contents.setLayout(layout); TableViewer viewer = new TableViewer(contents, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.FULL_SELECTION); viewer.getTable().setLayoutData( new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); return contents; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 22
  • 23. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model object Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 23
  • 24. Initialize TableViewer... protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { Composite contents = new Blotter(parent, SWT.NULL); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, false); layout.marginHeight = 20; layout.marginWidth = 20; contents.setLayout(layout); viewer = new TableViewer(contents, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.FULL_SELECTION); viewer.getTable().setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); init(); return contents; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 24
  • 25. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList TreeMapTodo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 25
  • 26. Implement addProvidersAndEditors() private void addProvidersAndEditors() { table.setContentProvider( new ContentProvider()); table.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider()); CellEditor[] editors = { new CheckboxCellEditor(table.getTable()), new TextCellEditor(table.getTable()), new TextCellEditor(table.getTable())}; table.setCellEditors(editors); table.setCellModifier(new CellModifier()); table.setSorter(new RowSorter()); table.setColumnProperties(colNames); } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 27
  • 27. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model object Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 28
  • 28. Set TodoList as the TableViewer's input private void init() { addColumns(); addProviders(); addEditors(); viewer.setInput(TodoList.list); } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 29
  • 29. Set TodoList as the TableViewer's input private void initTable() { addColumns(); addProvidersAndEditors(); table.setInput(TodoList.theList); } private static final String[] colNames = { "Done", "Priority", "Description" }; private static final int[] colWeight = { 5, 5, 90 }; private static final int COL_DONE = 0; private static final int COL_PRIORITY = 1; private static final int COL_DESC = 2; Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 30
  • 30. Steps to add to-do list editor to application Create TodoList model object Add TableViewer object to layout Initialize TableViewer Set TodoList object as the TableViewer's input Write (or reuse existing classes) to specify the following TableViewer event handler objects ContentProvider, LabelProvider CellEditor, CellModifier RowSorter Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 31
  • 31. Implement addProvidersAndEditors() private void addProviders() { viewer.setContentProvider(new MyContentProvider()); viewer.setLabelProvider(new MyTableLabelProvider()); } private void addEditors() { Table table = viewer.getTable(); CellEditor[] editors = { new CheckboxCellEditor(table), new TextCellEditor(table), new TextCellEditor(table) }; viewer.setCellEditors(editors); viewer.setCellModifier(new CellModifier(columns, this)); viewer.setColumnProperties(columns);Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 32
  • 32. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList TreeMapTodo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 33
  • 33. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Triggered ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update() LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing CellEditor Edit cell value CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value RowSorter On table redraw Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 34
  • 34. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Triggered ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update() LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing CellEditor Edit cell value CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value RowSorter On table redraw Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 35
  • 35. Implementing ContentProvider private class ContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider { public Object[] getElements( Object inputElement) { return ((TodoList)inputElement).toArray(); } public void dispose() {} public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {} } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 36
  • 36. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList TreeMapTodo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 37
  • 37. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Triggered ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update() LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing CellEditor Edit cell value CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value RowSorter On table redraw Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 38
  • 38. Implementing LabelProvider private class LabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider { private Image done; private Image notdone; public LabelProvider() { done = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( TodoListWindow.class, "icons/task-done.png").createImage(); notdone = ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( TodoListWindow.class, "icons/task-open.png").createImage(); } // <continued/>... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 39
  • 39. Implementing LabelProvider public Image getColumnImage(Object element, int columnIndex) { Todo todo = (Todo) element; switch (columnIndex) { case 0: if (todo.isDone()) return ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(HelloJFace.class, "icons/done.gif").createImage(); else return null; default: return null; } } // <continued/>... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 40
  • 40. Implementing LabelProvider public String getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex) { Todo todo = (Todo) element; switch (columnIndex) { case 1: return String.valueOf(todo.getPriority()); case 2: return String.valueOf(todo.getDesc()); default: return null; } } // <continued/>... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 41
  • 41. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Triggered ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update() LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing CellEditor Edit cell value CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value RowSorter On table redraw Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 42
  • 42. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList TreeMap Todo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 43
  • 43. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList Todo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier The visible editor Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 44
  • 44. JFace TableViewer usage TableViewerTodoList Todo input ContentProvider LabelProvider RowSorter CellEditor CellModifier Translates between visible editor's data type and the model's storage data type Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 45
  • 45. Implementing CellModifier private class CellModifier implements ICellModifier { public boolean canModify(Object element, String property) { return true; } // <continued/>... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 46
  • 46. Implementing CellModifier public Object getValue(Object element, String property) { Todo todo = (Todo) element; if (property.equals(columns[0])) { return new Boolean(todo.isDone()); } else if (property.equals(columns[1])) { return Integer.toString(todo.getPriority()); } else if (property.equals(columns[2])) { return todo.getDesc(); } return null; } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 47
  • 47. Implementing CellModifier public void modify(Object element, String property, Object value) { Item item = (Item) element; Todo todo = (Todo) item.getData(); if (property.equals(columns[0])) { boolean val = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); todo.setDone(val); } else if (property.equals(columns[1])) { int parseInt; try { parseInt = Integer.parseInt((String) value); todo.setPriority(parseInt); } catch (Exception e) { MessageDialog.openError(window.getShell(), "Error", value + " is not a number"); } } else if (property.equals(columns[2])) { todo.setDesc((String) value); } window.refresh(); } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 48
  • 48. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Triggered ContentProvider On setInput(), refresh(), update() LabelProvider A cell needs redrawing CellEditor Edit cell value CellModifier Fetch editable value / store value RowSorter On table redraw Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 49
  • 49. Implementing RowSorter private class RowSorter extends ViewerSorter { public int compare(Viewer viewer, Object element1, Object element2) { Todo t1 = (Todo) element1; Todo t2 = (Todo) element2; return t1.getPriority() - t2.getPriority(); } } Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 50
  • 50. A closer look at JFace event handler objects Event Handler When Required ContentProvider Always LabelProvider Always CellEditor If grid is not read-only CellModifier If grid is not read-only RowSorter If grid is sorted Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 51
  • 51. So here's what we just built... Introduction to Jface| By Rahul Shukla 52