This short document discusses a place in Europe but does not provide enough details to identify the specific location. It includes a music reference to the song "Somewhere in Time" by Ernesto Cortazar. The document was produced by Raissa.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013Jerry Daperro
This document is a greeting from the author to friends on the internet. It shares photos taken in public places in Hong Kong, such as shops, restaurants, and malls, between December 18-21, 2013. The photos and music are available for non-commercial personal use only, as all rights are reserved.
Switzerland is a small country even by European standard. You can travel by train or car from one end of the country to the other within a day, because it has excellent roads, tunnels and railways.
The country has three official languages C French, German and Italian. Most Swiss also speak English as well.
Yet no country has ever invaded Switzerland. Every able bodied man and many women are in the army. Many of them actually keep their weapons at home. Fighter jets are hidden in barns, tunnels and caves. More surprisingly, historical Switzerland has provided mercenaries for other European countries. Today you can still the Swiss mercenary guards at the Vatican, with their medieval costumes.
Central Switzerland is situated on the Alps, which was created about 65 million years ago as Italy collided with Europe. Ever since it becomes a major barrier between northern Europe and Italy. The Gotthard Pass is the major link to cross Central Switzerland. Today the pass is replaced by a 17 km tunnel, St Gotthard Tunnel, cutting out nearly 50 hair-pin bends on the pass. It is a major artery for Europe traffic.
Tin Hau Temple, Joss House Bay, Hong Kong - R RJerry Daperro
This Tin Hau Temple in Joss House Bay - R R , HK is the fourth of my Powerpoint series on Chinese architecture. The others were the Forbidden City - Beijing , Cheng Hoon Teng C Chinese temple in Malacca and the Nan Lian Garden C Diamond Hill Hong Kong.
This temple is unfamiliar to most who live in Hong Kong. This is because of temple is situated at a very remote location, in Hong Kong. There were no village around. In the past you can only go to the temple by boat but in recent years a new road was built near the temple, linking it to the Clear Water Bay.
The most interesting thing about this temple is that it has a very long history, some 800 year old much longer than the present building. Personally I know the temple very well. I went there every year when I was a kid, on the Tin Hau festival. It was not so much for the religious pilgrimage but as a day in the country having a picnic on the hills with family and friends. The Chinese attitude toward religion is much more pragmatic than dogmatic, at least as far as the general population is concerned. It has more to do with rituals than beliefs. To me the temple is a testament to the developing maritime trade in China during the Song Dynasty some 1000 years ago, when the Silk Road was cut off from China. Many of the maritime trades then were inter-provincial trades rather than the overseas trades.
Summer has come and gone. It is the beginning of Autumn. You can feel the chill in the morning and at night. So it is time for my Summer edition of the Floral Dairy, which is a document of our gardens journey through the year. It also reflects the hard work of my wife. It includes flowers in our neighbourhood as well as our home city, London.
But I strongly suggest that you watch the download version and watch it on a PC at home, as the Powerpoint contains some of the more exotic animations with can only be viewed on the PC with the latest Powerpoint Viewers.
Seeing these flowers make life a little more acceptable. It reminds us how much human has changed the world by introducing new species to new places. It is also a story how of human has changed evolution, introducing new varieties and species of plants. It is an evidence that globalisation does not confine to commerce and industry alone. Ecology is going global.
This document was created on January 30, 2014 by Jerry Tse in London as version 1.0. It contains a selection of photos taken throughout the year and wishes a happy new year with music performed by Takako Nishizaki.
This document provides an overview of Chinese Cut & Paste Shard Art, also known as Jian Nian. It originated in southern China as a cheaper alternative to more expensive Koji pottery, using broken pottery shards. It later spread throughout southeast Asia and Taiwan, where it is commonly used to decorate temples and buildings. The document includes many photographs showcasing examples of Cut & Paste Shard Art decorations on architectural structures throughout China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and elsewhere in Asia.
Northern Spain is unlike other parts of Spain. Firstly it is green. The climate is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. They also have their different languages C Galician, Basque etc. Even their traditional musical instruments and dances are different to those in the south. This is very surprising in the European context. Spain is an old country by European standard and yet these minority communities still much in evidence. On the other hand, Germany and Italy are much younger countries, even though they share a common language within the two countries. It was the common language that united the German and also the Italian, to form their own countries.
The Cantabria range is a formidable barrier. Not only it divides the Green Spain from the rest of Spain, the Moorish conquest of Spain was stopped here at Cavadonga. Asturias is proud that it resisted invasions by the Moors. In the 10C, Al Mansur led 100 raid into the north alone. Right in the middle of the Cantabria range in the geological entity of Los Picos de Europa, which consists of three limestone massifs, with peaks reaching over 2600m high? It is the single largest limestone formation in the continent of Europe. This Powerpoint is a collection of photos taken in or around the National Park of Picos de Europa and also included photos of the Costa Verde some 20m away along the coast.
The Cloud Forest - A Walk in a Tropical ForestJerry Daperro
Recently, we were fortunate to visit one of these virgin Cloud forest in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Most of the photos for Powerpoint were taken during our visit. The climate there is so wet that most of the surfaces were covered with mosses. The places is dripping with water. One surprising thing was that because it is so high up there were no mosquitoes and I did not see any insects either. There were nothing crawling about. But the experience is really worthwhile. They built a walkway for the visitors, so we are always above the forest floor. It also allowed us to walk amongst the canopy of the forest.
One cannot but impressed with the diversity of plant life there. On a single tree trunk can harbour many species of plants. It is a profusion of plant life, rather chaotic, tangled and overwhelming.
Switzerland and Singapore are both republics with direct democracy forms of government. While they have similar small power distance and free market economies, their legal systems differ. Switzerland prohibits the death penalty and complies strongly with human rights, while Singapore retains the death penalty and has stricter legal penalties. Both have highly educated populations and focus on research and development to compete globally.
Tulip was cultivated in fields as early as 1000 AD in Turkey. Flowers occur naturally from Southern Europe and North Africa, across Anatolia, Iran to the northwest of China. The flower was first introduced into Europe by an Austrian Professor who taught in Holland.
With its saturated and vivid colours, it was in Holland where the love affair with the flower began. As new varieties were created, people began to speculate the bulbs. Price of bulbs went on higher until a bulb cost as much as a house. Eventually the bubble busted in 1637, as the prices tumbling down. However, the love affair continued, as can be seen on Dutch still life paintings.
The majority of the photos were taken in the Mirabellgarten of Salzburg where Maria were filmed with her children in the movie, The Sound of Music.
The tulip is perennial, bulbous plant in the genus Tulipa, with the family of Liliaceae (Lily). Its native range extends from as far west as Southern Europe, Anatolia, Israel, Palestine, North Africa and Iran to the Northwest of China. It consists of a number of Tulip species and many hybrid cultivars. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesnerana.
Tulip was first cultivated in Turkey as early as 1000 AD. It was introduced into the Netherlands in the 17th century. With its vivid saturated colours, it is a perfect flower for the pot. The flower is the symbol for the perfect love. In 1850, the book The Black Tulip was published. It was written by Alexandre Dumas the author of the The Marketteers. It was a novel about the creation of a perfect black tulip.
A Chinese Garden - NanLian Garden, HongKongJerry Daperro
Nan Lin Garden is a modern Chinese garden created using traditional concepts of Chinese gardening. It was openned to the public in Nov 2006. The garden is built in the classical style of the Tang Dynasty (618 AD to 907 AD) on a plan of Jianshouju. The Garden gives visitors a sense of serenity and tranquility, amongst one of the world busiest city.
Further to the previous version released in 2011, this version of Dawn and Dusk includes some more photos taken in the last few years. The presentation covers wider scope and has more diversity of colours. This is also my first attempt using the wide screen format (1920 x1080). The presentation is best view with Powerpoint 2010 on a wide screen monitor. It also includes some new animations offered by Powerpoint 2010, which has not been adopted by Powerpoint internet websites. It is best if you download the latest Microsoft Powerpoint viewer, which is free.
It is still difficult to believe such competent and successful female printer exist in the early 17th Century (the Baroque era). In the last month I have read a lot about her until such that I feel I know the person and I can say something about her.
She was rape by her teacher at the age of 18. Because of that much had been written about her from the feminist point of view, which I think is a mistake. It really does her a dis-service and took away her artistic achievements. We should stick to facts and evidences rather than the speculations of how the her mental state. It is stupid to psychoanalyse someone who live centuries ago without basis.
There are several points that stood out about Artemisia
She was very successful, her patronage include the royalties of England, France and the Medici. She worked in many cities. She would be successful even by todays standard.
Her paintings lack the female touch. It is indeed difficult to tell from looking at the painting alone that they were painted by a woman.
Her attention to details and gestures shows that she was a thinking artist. This can be demonstrated by the two versions of Judith Slaying Hologernes.
She likes strong colours particularly golden yellow and beautiful dresses.
Her family relationship with her father and children were good.
She liked the company of men and had many lovers.
I think, her paintings were the equivalent of a fast action movie of today, full of movements and a bit of sex and violence on the side.
High on the Colorado plateau, in the middle of the desert, on the Navajo Tribal land, there is a canyon, where water runs through rocks. It is located near the town of Page, at the northern boundary of Arizona. The Navajo name for this place is Tse Bighanilini and it is commonly known simply as the Upper Antelope Canyon. The canyon was formed by erosion of the Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to the occasional torrent of flash floods and aided winds. It is this process that gives the rock a characteristic flowing shape and wave patterns. It a magical place where the sunlight gives birth to colours.
The Upper Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon. It encloses a high and narrow space, like a medieval cathedral. Inside the canyon it is filled by reflected and diffused colour lights like the stained glass windows inside a cathedral. It is the natures version of the medieval cathedral.
This is a HD wide format Powerpoint with some animations. Best to download it and view it on wide screen monitor.
This series of photos were taken during my visit to the United States in Sep 2014. Because of the immense distances and the volume of air between the camera and scenery, all the images were darken and blue cast removed to allow the vivid colours to come through, to show its true beauty. The Grand Canyon is some 446 km long in length and 29 km wide. It was carved out by the Colorado River some 5.5 million years ago, when a giant lake on the Colorado Plateau was emptied by the river. In this process the river exposes some 2 billion years of geological history of the area.
This 3 sentence document discusses a trip to Europe. It mentions Raissa's Europe trip and asks if the reader recognizes the music "Gheorghe Zamfir-Now And Forever." It also requests the reader to look closely and name the place depicted.
Jan van Eyck was a 15th century Flemish painter who was considered the greatest painter of his time. He developed oil painting techniques that made his works appear realistic and lifelike. Some of his most famous works include the Ghent Altarpiece and The Arnolfini Portrait. He was skilled at painting details like clothing, jewelry, and landscapes. Van Eyck may have used a camera obscura to help achieve precise accuracy in his works. His mastery of oil painting and use of optical devices made him ahead of his contemporaries.
To cover over 2 millennium of maritime trade, in the Middle East, India, SE Asia and China under 50 slides, can only give us the briefest gleam into the course of history. To get the benefit of the slides, you will need to set aside some time to read through the contents (This is a very wordy document. It takes time to read). Our perceptions on the maritime contacts are changing too. The discovery in particular of dozens of ancient shipwrecks in Southeast Asia has built up a picture of the historic trade and the technology.I hope in these few slides, would help to understanding an aspect of human civilization on Earth.
Too often our own ego-centric interest becomes a source of our own ignorance.
Qugong (meaning the Old Palace) was the official residence of the Chinese Emperor for the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was completed in 1420 and took 15 years to build. It is a model of Chinese palatial architecture.
In this version, it includes the recently restored Qianlongs retirement garden apartments (ի), which mothballed for the last 100 years. The apartment was built at the zenith of the Qing Dynasty. The interior decorations are extravagant in design, using the finest materials and employing the best of Chinese and European craftsmanship. It was recently restored and many of the original materials have survived relatively unaltered in the last 230 years. The restoration cost $25m and planning began in 2002 and expected to be completed in 2019.
The Strait Chinese or Peranakan Chinese or Baba Nyonya is an unique culture, fused with elements from the Chinese, European and Malay influences. Although they are mostly ethnical Chinese (mainly from Guangdong & Fujian), with some Malay blood. They speak a varieties of languages, Chinese dialect, mainly Cantonese and Hokkien but also Malay and English. Today, they are distinctive and differ from other Chinese cultural groups like the mainland Chinese, the Hong Kong Chinese or the Taiwanese Chinese. This is achieved primarily by preserving the older traditional Chinese culture of Southern China together with influences from European and Malay. This is in contrast to other overseas Chinese immigrant groups living in North America and Europe, which tends to be absorbed into the general Western culture as their offspring, move out into the wider society. If the Peranakan or Baba Nyonya is to keep their unique identity then it is important to maintain and to develop their own cultural traits, amongst an ocean of global cultural diversity. They have been doing this for the last several hundred years, there is no reason why they would not succeed in doing so in the future. As time past their uniqueness will be strengthen as their culture diverge from their roots, which are also evolving.
In reality the picture is mixed, their community, excluding Singapore is under pressure from political and social discriminations. In Malaysia, their proportion of the total population in their country of birth is in declining at a rate about 2% per decade. In Indonesia, the Chinese cannot even use their own Chinese sounding names, since 1966. Many professionals, the young and the brightest are leaving for wealthier countries like Singapore, Australia, England, USA and Canada, that offer more equal job opportunity for them or for their children. Malaysia and Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources but in recently years it has being left behind. The 2012 figures from the IMF on GDP (PPP basis) per capita listed Singapore as the third highest ($60,799), Hong Kong ($50,936 equal with the US) in the 6th place, with Taiwan ($38,400), Japan ($35,855), South Korea ($31,950), whilst Malaysia ($16,794) and Indonesia ($4923) are trailing behind.
The oldest building still in use in the world is the Pantheon in Rome. It was built in 117 AD, nearly 2000 years old. It must look a bit odd when it was first completed. The building is round and has an enormous dome on top. Looking at its exterior now it may not look much, but it is still one of the most admired buildings in the world, mainly because of its age and the construction technique used in the building. I wonder if any of our iconic buildings today would survive as long. Would they still appear as aesthetically pleasing as they are now?
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is such an iconic building today. It has become the landmark of the city of Bilbao. Just like the Tower Bridge to London, the Statue of Liberty to New York, and the Eiffel Tower to Paris. In this sense the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is a big success. Nobody can take that away. Not only has the building shown us the use of new construction technique and the use of new material, it was also completed on time and within budget. I was not sure how to look at the building before my visit. But after looking at it, I think it is a great building and a piece of architectural art.
The document discusses a musical piece titled "Jean Francois Maurice - Monaco, 28 degrees a l'ombre", which is a song written by Jean Francois Maurice about being in Monaco on a day when it was 28 degrees Celsius in the shade. The title provides information about the composer, location, and temperature mentioned in the song.
This document mentions several places related to the sea such as the Greek island of Karpathos, French cities like Nice, Calvados, Le Havre, and La Rochelle, the Spanish city of Barcelona, the Greek island of Corfu, and the Maldives. It also references Ernesto Cortazar and the phrase "Legend of the sea".
Lieux que j'aime/Locuri Pe Care Le IubescRAISSA RO
Our Lady of Fatima is a title given to the Virgin Mary based on reported apparitions to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 on the 13th day of six consecutive months starting in May. The children were shown secrets and visions of hell, and Our Lady asked them to pray the rosary and for the conversion of sinners.
This short poem is about giving red roses as a gift to a blue lady. The poem consists of a single line stating that red roses are being given as a gift for a blue lady, followed by the name Raissa repeated for emphasis.
Doina Badea is a Romanian artist known for her whispers of love series. Her artwork captures intimate moments through whispered phrases and gestures expressed in minimalist styles. The series aims to portray the essence of love through subtle and understated representations of romance.
Switzerland and Singapore are both republics with direct democracy forms of government. While they have similar small power distance and free market economies, their legal systems differ. Switzerland prohibits the death penalty and complies strongly with human rights, while Singapore retains the death penalty and has stricter legal penalties. Both have highly educated populations and focus on research and development to compete globally.
Tulip was cultivated in fields as early as 1000 AD in Turkey. Flowers occur naturally from Southern Europe and North Africa, across Anatolia, Iran to the northwest of China. The flower was first introduced into Europe by an Austrian Professor who taught in Holland.
With its saturated and vivid colours, it was in Holland where the love affair with the flower began. As new varieties were created, people began to speculate the bulbs. Price of bulbs went on higher until a bulb cost as much as a house. Eventually the bubble busted in 1637, as the prices tumbling down. However, the love affair continued, as can be seen on Dutch still life paintings.
The majority of the photos were taken in the Mirabellgarten of Salzburg where Maria were filmed with her children in the movie, The Sound of Music.
The tulip is perennial, bulbous plant in the genus Tulipa, with the family of Liliaceae (Lily). Its native range extends from as far west as Southern Europe, Anatolia, Israel, Palestine, North Africa and Iran to the Northwest of China. It consists of a number of Tulip species and many hybrid cultivars. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesnerana.
Tulip was first cultivated in Turkey as early as 1000 AD. It was introduced into the Netherlands in the 17th century. With its vivid saturated colours, it is a perfect flower for the pot. The flower is the symbol for the perfect love. In 1850, the book The Black Tulip was published. It was written by Alexandre Dumas the author of the The Marketteers. It was a novel about the creation of a perfect black tulip.
A Chinese Garden - NanLian Garden, HongKongJerry Daperro
Nan Lin Garden is a modern Chinese garden created using traditional concepts of Chinese gardening. It was openned to the public in Nov 2006. The garden is built in the classical style of the Tang Dynasty (618 AD to 907 AD) on a plan of Jianshouju. The Garden gives visitors a sense of serenity and tranquility, amongst one of the world busiest city.
Further to the previous version released in 2011, this version of Dawn and Dusk includes some more photos taken in the last few years. The presentation covers wider scope and has more diversity of colours. This is also my first attempt using the wide screen format (1920 x1080). The presentation is best view with Powerpoint 2010 on a wide screen monitor. It also includes some new animations offered by Powerpoint 2010, which has not been adopted by Powerpoint internet websites. It is best if you download the latest Microsoft Powerpoint viewer, which is free.
It is still difficult to believe such competent and successful female printer exist in the early 17th Century (the Baroque era). In the last month I have read a lot about her until such that I feel I know the person and I can say something about her.
She was rape by her teacher at the age of 18. Because of that much had been written about her from the feminist point of view, which I think is a mistake. It really does her a dis-service and took away her artistic achievements. We should stick to facts and evidences rather than the speculations of how the her mental state. It is stupid to psychoanalyse someone who live centuries ago without basis.
There are several points that stood out about Artemisia
She was very successful, her patronage include the royalties of England, France and the Medici. She worked in many cities. She would be successful even by todays standard.
Her paintings lack the female touch. It is indeed difficult to tell from looking at the painting alone that they were painted by a woman.
Her attention to details and gestures shows that she was a thinking artist. This can be demonstrated by the two versions of Judith Slaying Hologernes.
She likes strong colours particularly golden yellow and beautiful dresses.
Her family relationship with her father and children were good.
She liked the company of men and had many lovers.
I think, her paintings were the equivalent of a fast action movie of today, full of movements and a bit of sex and violence on the side.
High on the Colorado plateau, in the middle of the desert, on the Navajo Tribal land, there is a canyon, where water runs through rocks. It is located near the town of Page, at the northern boundary of Arizona. The Navajo name for this place is Tse Bighanilini and it is commonly known simply as the Upper Antelope Canyon. The canyon was formed by erosion of the Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to the occasional torrent of flash floods and aided winds. It is this process that gives the rock a characteristic flowing shape and wave patterns. It a magical place where the sunlight gives birth to colours.
The Upper Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon. It encloses a high and narrow space, like a medieval cathedral. Inside the canyon it is filled by reflected and diffused colour lights like the stained glass windows inside a cathedral. It is the natures version of the medieval cathedral.
This is a HD wide format Powerpoint with some animations. Best to download it and view it on wide screen monitor.
This series of photos were taken during my visit to the United States in Sep 2014. Because of the immense distances and the volume of air between the camera and scenery, all the images were darken and blue cast removed to allow the vivid colours to come through, to show its true beauty. The Grand Canyon is some 446 km long in length and 29 km wide. It was carved out by the Colorado River some 5.5 million years ago, when a giant lake on the Colorado Plateau was emptied by the river. In this process the river exposes some 2 billion years of geological history of the area.
This 3 sentence document discusses a trip to Europe. It mentions Raissa's Europe trip and asks if the reader recognizes the music "Gheorghe Zamfir-Now And Forever." It also requests the reader to look closely and name the place depicted.
Jan van Eyck was a 15th century Flemish painter who was considered the greatest painter of his time. He developed oil painting techniques that made his works appear realistic and lifelike. Some of his most famous works include the Ghent Altarpiece and The Arnolfini Portrait. He was skilled at painting details like clothing, jewelry, and landscapes. Van Eyck may have used a camera obscura to help achieve precise accuracy in his works. His mastery of oil painting and use of optical devices made him ahead of his contemporaries.
To cover over 2 millennium of maritime trade, in the Middle East, India, SE Asia and China under 50 slides, can only give us the briefest gleam into the course of history. To get the benefit of the slides, you will need to set aside some time to read through the contents (This is a very wordy document. It takes time to read). Our perceptions on the maritime contacts are changing too. The discovery in particular of dozens of ancient shipwrecks in Southeast Asia has built up a picture of the historic trade and the technology.I hope in these few slides, would help to understanding an aspect of human civilization on Earth.
Too often our own ego-centric interest becomes a source of our own ignorance.
Qugong (meaning the Old Palace) was the official residence of the Chinese Emperor for the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was completed in 1420 and took 15 years to build. It is a model of Chinese palatial architecture.
In this version, it includes the recently restored Qianlongs retirement garden apartments (ի), which mothballed for the last 100 years. The apartment was built at the zenith of the Qing Dynasty. The interior decorations are extravagant in design, using the finest materials and employing the best of Chinese and European craftsmanship. It was recently restored and many of the original materials have survived relatively unaltered in the last 230 years. The restoration cost $25m and planning began in 2002 and expected to be completed in 2019.
The Strait Chinese or Peranakan Chinese or Baba Nyonya is an unique culture, fused with elements from the Chinese, European and Malay influences. Although they are mostly ethnical Chinese (mainly from Guangdong & Fujian), with some Malay blood. They speak a varieties of languages, Chinese dialect, mainly Cantonese and Hokkien but also Malay and English. Today, they are distinctive and differ from other Chinese cultural groups like the mainland Chinese, the Hong Kong Chinese or the Taiwanese Chinese. This is achieved primarily by preserving the older traditional Chinese culture of Southern China together with influences from European and Malay. This is in contrast to other overseas Chinese immigrant groups living in North America and Europe, which tends to be absorbed into the general Western culture as their offspring, move out into the wider society. If the Peranakan or Baba Nyonya is to keep their unique identity then it is important to maintain and to develop their own cultural traits, amongst an ocean of global cultural diversity. They have been doing this for the last several hundred years, there is no reason why they would not succeed in doing so in the future. As time past their uniqueness will be strengthen as their culture diverge from their roots, which are also evolving.
In reality the picture is mixed, their community, excluding Singapore is under pressure from political and social discriminations. In Malaysia, their proportion of the total population in their country of birth is in declining at a rate about 2% per decade. In Indonesia, the Chinese cannot even use their own Chinese sounding names, since 1966. Many professionals, the young and the brightest are leaving for wealthier countries like Singapore, Australia, England, USA and Canada, that offer more equal job opportunity for them or for their children. Malaysia and Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources but in recently years it has being left behind. The 2012 figures from the IMF on GDP (PPP basis) per capita listed Singapore as the third highest ($60,799), Hong Kong ($50,936 equal with the US) in the 6th place, with Taiwan ($38,400), Japan ($35,855), South Korea ($31,950), whilst Malaysia ($16,794) and Indonesia ($4923) are trailing behind.
The oldest building still in use in the world is the Pantheon in Rome. It was built in 117 AD, nearly 2000 years old. It must look a bit odd when it was first completed. The building is round and has an enormous dome on top. Looking at its exterior now it may not look much, but it is still one of the most admired buildings in the world, mainly because of its age and the construction technique used in the building. I wonder if any of our iconic buildings today would survive as long. Would they still appear as aesthetically pleasing as they are now?
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is such an iconic building today. It has become the landmark of the city of Bilbao. Just like the Tower Bridge to London, the Statue of Liberty to New York, and the Eiffel Tower to Paris. In this sense the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is a big success. Nobody can take that away. Not only has the building shown us the use of new construction technique and the use of new material, it was also completed on time and within budget. I was not sure how to look at the building before my visit. But after looking at it, I think it is a great building and a piece of architectural art.
The document discusses a musical piece titled "Jean Francois Maurice - Monaco, 28 degrees a l'ombre", which is a song written by Jean Francois Maurice about being in Monaco on a day when it was 28 degrees Celsius in the shade. The title provides information about the composer, location, and temperature mentioned in the song.
This document mentions several places related to the sea such as the Greek island of Karpathos, French cities like Nice, Calvados, Le Havre, and La Rochelle, the Spanish city of Barcelona, the Greek island of Corfu, and the Maldives. It also references Ernesto Cortazar and the phrase "Legend of the sea".
Lieux que j'aime/Locuri Pe Care Le IubescRAISSA RO
Our Lady of Fatima is a title given to the Virgin Mary based on reported apparitions to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 on the 13th day of six consecutive months starting in May. The children were shown secrets and visions of hell, and Our Lady asked them to pray the rosary and for the conversion of sinners.
This short poem is about giving red roses as a gift to a blue lady. The poem consists of a single line stating that red roses are being given as a gift for a blue lady, followed by the name Raissa repeated for emphasis.
Doina Badea is a Romanian artist known for her whispers of love series. Her artwork captures intimate moments through whispered phrases and gestures expressed in minimalist styles. The series aims to portray the essence of love through subtle and understated representations of romance.
This short document is about a music artist and song. It mentions Leann Rimes and the title of one of her songs - "You Light Up My Life". The document was created by Raissa and is tagged under the categories "HEARTS" and "LOVE Music".
The document contains a collection of quotes on various topics including love, friendship, happiness, health, spirituality, and thinking. Many of the quotes discuss the importance of making an effort to be loved, loving others, choosing happiness, and listening to one's heart. One quote notes that genius requires both inspiration and hard work in equal measure.
The document provides details about notable landmarks in Krakow, Poland. It describes Wawel Castle as consisting of structures around a central courtyard that were rebuilt in the 14th century. It also mentions Cracow Cathedral and St. Mary's Basilica, a Gothic church adjacent to the Main Market Square that houses a famous wooden altarpiece carved by Veit Stoss.
Enya is an Irish singer-songwriter known for her new age-inspired music. Some of her most popular songs include "Orinoco Flow" and "Only Time." This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview and analysis of three Enya songs: "Last Time By Moonlight," "Winter and Snow," and discusses how her melodic and atmospheric style has appealed to fans for decades.
The document wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and hopes for health, peace and prosperity in the new year. It contains the title of a Celine Dion and Josh Groban song "The Prayer of Winter" and is signed with best wishes from Raissa for the holidays.
This document appears to be about Gheorghe Zamfir, a Romanian artist known for playing the pan flute. It discusses his career now and forever from his heart. Additionally, it mentions a PowerPoint show created by Raissa about Romanian culture.
The Danube River flows through 9 countries in Europe before emptying into the Black Sea. It is over 2,850 km long, making it the second longest river in Europe. The Danube Delta contains the largest reedbeds in the world and is home to many plant and animal species, including various types of water lilies. Forests and grasslands also line the banks of the river throughout its course.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
Q-Factor General Quiz-2nd March 2025, Quiz Club NITWQuiz Club NITW
The General Quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 2nd of March 2025, as a part of the duology of quizzes for the college fest SpringSpree 2025. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on a wide range of topics and quite derivable answers.
How to Render Dynamic Data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POSCeline George
In this slide we will discuss how to render dynamic data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POS. We can render dynamic data within the Point of Sale (POS) system using Remote Procedure Call (RPC) calls.
PHARMACOGNOSY & Phytochemistry-I (BP405T)Unit-IVPart-1Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine
Role of Pharmacognosy in allopathy and traditional systems of medicine
Ayurveda systems of medicine
Siddha systems of medicine
Homeopathy systems of medicine
Unani systems of medicine
Chinese systems of medicine
How to hide the buttons on the POS screen in Odoo 17Celine George
The Point of Sale Product Screen in Odoo is a central interface that provides various functionalities through buttons such as Discount, Info, Refund, Reward, and others. Customising the visibility of these buttons based on user roles or permissions can enhance usability and security.
BCBR Basic Course in Biomedical Research exam notes for studying before exam...Satish Kumar
This notes is enough to read and go for BCBR exam in India to pass and clear the exam.
Based on YouTube video by Dr Britto.
Any doubts mail me
Dr Satish Kumar
Plastic surgeon
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic ManagementRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
20250310 McGuinness Institute Submission on Gene Technology Bill.pptxMcGuinness Institute
On March 10 2025 Wendy McGuinness from the McGuinness Institute presented an oral submission to the Health Committee on the proposed Gene Technology Bill.
The needs of normal children through the stages of development and parental guidance are crucial aspects of child rearing and overall child development. Understanding these needs and providing appropriate guidance and support is essential for ensuring children grow into healthy, well-adjusted individuals. The following are the needs of children at different developmental stages and how parents can provide effective guidance.
How to use product categories in Odoo 17 to organize your InventoryCeline George
Product categories in Odoo are essential for organizing and managing your inventory efficiently. They help you group similar products together, making it easier to track stock levels, analyze sales data, and apply specific configurations such as tax rules, accounting entries, or routes for purchasing and manufacturing.
Sub Task Management with odoo Project ModuleCeline George
Sub Task Management in the Odoo Project Module allows users to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces called sub-tasks. This feature helps in organizing and tracking complex projects by dividing work into smaller steps, each with its own deadlines, assignees, and progress tracking.