This document summarizes new guidelines for hospitality expenses when forest officers tour field locations in Andhra Pradesh. Key points:
- The Forest Range Officers' Association complained that hosting touring officers places a financial burden on frontline staff.
- New rules establish standard rates of Rs. 50 for breakfast, Rs. 100 for vegetarian lunch, and Rs. 100 for vegetarian dinner to be paid by each touring officer directly to the hosting Forest Range Officer.
- Bills must be prepared in duplicate with one copy signed and returned by the officer as proof of payment. Compliance will be monitored and non-compliance can result in responsibility being fixed on the hosting officers.
- Only simple vegetarian food is permitted with
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Circular 4 2011
Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
(Head of Forest Force)
Aranya Bhavan
A. P. Hyderabad 500 004.
Sri C.Madhukar Raj,IFS.,
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
(Head of Forest Force)(FAC)
CIRCULAR NO.04/2011/Z2
APFROs Association Representation - Financial burden on the staff
for making hospitality arrangements for the touring officers
Certain instructions issued Regarding.
GM.No.10356/For.V/2010-4, Dated:03-08-2011, through which
the Minutes of the Meeting convened by the Honble Minister
for EFS & T, on the issues represented by APFROs Association
in their representation dated: 02-05-2011, was communicated.
communicated to all Officers in Aranya Bhavan as well as to all
Conservators of Forests in the field.
CF, Warangal Ref.No. 5786/2011/TO, Dated:28-08-2011 (DFO,
Warangal (North) Ref.No.1762/2011/A2, Dt:24-08-11).
The officers in the address entry are informed that the AP Forest Range Officers
Association had been agitating over a period, regarding the financial burden put on the
front line staff, of which the FROs are also members, in making hospitality
arrangements for the touring officers.
In this regard they have made a detailed representation to the Government in
EFS & T Department and to the Honble Minister for EFS & T. This issue was discussed
by the Honble Minister for EFS & T in a meeting held on 02-05-2011, which was also
attended by the Senior officers from Head office and the Office Bearers of the AP Forest
Range Officers Association. In the said meeting also, the AP Forest Range Officers
Association has stated that a large number of Senior Officers are taking up field
inspections and it is causing burden on the staff for hospitality expenses and it is
directly or indirectly paving the way for destruction of the forests. In this meeting the
AP Forest Range Officers Association was advised to raise a bill for the camp
arrangements made for the inspecting officers and collect the same from the concerned
On receipt of the Minutes of the said meeting, vide reference 1st cited, the AP
Forest Range Officers Association has been advised vide reference 2nd cited, to raise a
bill for any camp arrangements made for the inspecting officers and collect the same
from the concerned officers. A copy of the said reference was also marked to all the
officers in the Head office as well as to the Conservators of Forests of Territorial,
Wildlife and Social Forestry Circles for strict compliance. However, it is learnt that these
instructions are not being complied with strictly and the Forest Range Officers incharge
of the Range, where the Senior officer is touring, are not raising the bills for the food
arranged during the camps. It is also learnt that some of the officers are also not
insisting for such bill for settling the expenditure.
2. In the reference 3rd cited, the Conservator of Forests, Warangal Circle, basing on
the report of the Divisional Forest Officer, Warangal (North) Division has submitted a
letter to this office for allotment of a budget of Rs. 31,000/-, towards the expenditure
incurred during the Teak Zone Protection Meeting held at Warangal on 16-07-2011,
which was attended by the Senior officers from Head Office, Conservators of Forests,
Divisional Forest Officers, Sub-Divisional Forest Officers and Forest Range Officers from
Adilabad, Warangal and Khammam Circles. When discussed with the Conservator of
Forests, Warangal, it was informed that this expenditure also includes the food
arrangements made during the meeting. It is not understood as to how the
expenditure is being booked officially for the food served, when all the officers are
entitled for and are drawing TA & DA.
In view of the above the following instructions are issued for strict compliance.
Normally the touring officers include the officers from the Head Office, the
Conservators of Forests of the circles, the Divisional Forest Officers, SubDivisional Forest Officers and the Forest Range Officers.
From henceforth no non-vegetarian food items shall be served in the camps
for the touring officer/s. Only simple vegetarian food shall be served. Such a
practice is prevalent in Maharashtra Forest Department.
The Headquarters officer/s in the Districts / Divisions, ie., where the touring
officer/s is camping, may join the touring officer/s for breakfast / lunch /
dinner, if they so desire by contributing their payment as per norms.
Taking the prevailing rates of decent restaurants in to consideration, an
amount of Rs. 50/- per Breakfast, Rs.100/- per vegetarian lunch and Rs.100/per vegetarian dinner shall be charged from each of the camping officer, who
is availing the facility of having food in the Rest House/Camping place/in the
forests. The same shall be charged for any accompanying person/s with the
Camping officer/s.
A bill in duplicate shall be prepared by the Headquarters/concerned Forest
Range Officer for the food served as per the above rates and collect the
amount from the touring officer/s. The touring officer/s shall initial on one of
the bills with endorsement Paid and return it to the said Forest Range
Officer. The same shall be filed in a separate file by the Forest Range Officer,
which shall be verified by the Headquarters Divisional Forest Officer at the
conclusion of the tour of the visiting officer.
In case the above system is not followed, responsibility will be fixed on the
concerned Forest Range Officer as well as the Divisional Forest Officer
The Addl. Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (Vigilance) / Conservator of
Forests (Vigilance) shall verify whether the system is being strictly followed
during their tours and appraise the same to the Prl. Chief Conservator of
Forests (Head of Forest Force) from time to time.
It is requested to follow the above instructions strictly from henceforth.
Sd/- C.Madhukar Raj,
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
(Head of Forest Force) (FAC)
The Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (Head of Forest Force)/Prl. Chief Conservator of
Forests (Wildlife)/Spl. Prl. Chief Conservators of Forests (Prod), (FDA/CFM), (SF) &
All the Addl. Prl. Chief Conservators of Forests in the Head office.
3. All the Chief Conservators of Forests in the Head Office.
All the Conservators of Forests in the Head Office.
All the Dy. Conservators of Forests / Asst. Conservators of Forests / Divisional Forest
Officers (Vigilance) in the Head Office.
All the Forest Range Officers in the Head Office.
All the Addl. Prl. CCFs/CCFs/CFs of the Circles (Territorial/Wildlife/Social Forestry, R&D
and STC)
The Director, AP Forest Academy, Dulapalli and Director, Zoo Parks, Hyderabad.
All the Divisional Forest Officers (Territorial/Wildlife/Social Forestry) and SS, Hyderabad,
SS Tirupathi, SS Rajahmundry & FG, Warangal. They are requested to communicate
these instructions immediately to all the Sub-DFOs, ACFs and FROs working under their
control for strict compliance.
Copy to PCCFs File No.23887/2009/A1.
Copy tom PCCFs File No.14449/2011/E2.