This document provides an overview and chapter outline of a book titled "Stories of USA" by author Randy E. King. The book aims to make readers more politically aware and help them think critically about what is best for America's future. It covers topics like politics, leadership, patriotism, entrepreneurship, and visions for America. The author hopes the book will inspire personal responsibility and restore American pride. The document includes biographical information about King's background in business consulting and leadership speaking.
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He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods
and errors. -----Thomas Jefferson
Road Scholar Publishing Group
Congratulates, Randy E King.
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From the author
As I was finishing up the final touches on this book, I came across an article that I found very
interesting. Being very familiar with how the business association world works when it comes to
raising huge amounts of cash, I thought this would be some great information for you to read.
Everyone within the media will say and do anything that will expand their audience.
Rush Limbaugh and many others have had their best two ears off the negativity of the American
people. The former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said Limbaugh is the voice and the intellectual
force and energy behind the Republican Party.
Yes, the Left wants you to follow them. The Right wants you to do the same. How about you
follow YOU! They are not smarter than you. You can have the same information that they have.
And if you really want to, make up your own mind based on, once again you. Lets get into that
article that I ran across. (Newsweek 11/08/10) This is great stuff!
The most influential political figures are the ones that make the most money. Conservatives like
Rush Limbaugh come in number one with an annual income of $58.7 million and a weekly
audience of 15 to 20 million people according to Talkers Magazine. Glenn Beck, $33 million
with an audience of 11 million according to Newsweek. Sean Hannity - $22 million with a
similar audience and Bill OReilly - $20 million with 3 million viewers nightly. John Stewart -
$15 million. Sarah Palin- $14 million from books and paid speeches. Don Imus - $11 million.
Keith Olbermann - $7.5 million. Laura Ingraham - $7 million. Stephen Colbert - $ 5 million.
Arianna Huffington - $5 million Mark Levin - $5 million. Chris Matthews - $4.5 million. Bill
Maher - $4 million. Jorge Ramos - $4 million. Joe Scarborough - $3.5 million. Rachel Maddow -
$2 million. And finally, Ann Coulter - $750,000. Did you wonder why Ann Coulter a right winger
was appearing on Bill Maher?
One final note: You can gage the Business Associations bank accounts and the medias bank
accounts from the political party who is running the White House and who is in control of the
House and Senate. It is BIG business at the expense of our children and what is truly Best for
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Introduction 9
1. Politics Policy and your Personal Philosophy 13
2. Leading the No Excuse Life 29
3. The Three Cs 37
4. The Rules of Conduct 41
5. American Pride Series 49
Part 1 Adults 51
Part 2 Young Americans (children) 71
6. Twelve Most Patriotic Speeches
Ronald Regan Farewell Address to the Nation 89
Martin Luther King I Have a Dream 100
Franklin D. Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the
Winston Churchill Blood, Toil, Sweat, and Tears 108
Theodore Roosevelt The Right of the People to Rule 110
General Douglas MacArthur Duty, Honor,
John F. Kennedy The Decision to Go to the Moon 131
Patrick Henry Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 138
Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate 142
George Washington Farewell Address 151
Franklin D. Roosevelt First Inaugural Address 171
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address 177
Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address 182
7. Developing Your Personal Foundation 185
8. Developing the Wings to Soar in America 195
9. Inspirations & Thoughts 205
10.The World Came to See America 221
11.Green Tree Theory Dumb Leaders vs. Smart Leaders 229
12.Definitions and Terminologies 233
13.Great Quotes About Our Great Nation 241
14.Discovering Your American Dream 253
15.Ten Greatest Entrepreneurs 271
16.Twenty- Steps for Success & Twenty Six Top
Characteristics of Successful People 277
17. Politics and Young Americans They are the Future 289
18. Great Achievements by Teenagers 301
18. Realizing What You Have 307
19. What is Next for America? 311
About the Author 317
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Knowledge and Awareness does not have a political party. In most of our schools
however, this is not the case. Our true enemy is ignorance and apathy. I dont know and
I dont care attitude will break America. This book is about your personal awareness of
the Past Present Future & the Inspiration to keep America Great ------Randy E. King
About seventeen years ago I decided to write and produce a program entitled:
Rediscovering the American Dream, It Hasnt Changed Have You? While I was
writing the lecture series for the program, I felt motivated and inspired, because I
recalled that only seven years prior I was broke and slept in my car, but through
hard work, focus, discipline and a positive attitude I accomplished everything I set
out to do.
What was going on all those years ago that is different from what we are facing
today? Nothing. Sure, the stock market will fluctuate, and yes, the economy has
shifted, but as Robert Babson, an investment adviser who predicted the 1929 crash,
claimed the markets were driven by Newtons third law of motion: Every action has
an equal and opposite reaction.
The American people are still the same, so is the ability to do what we need to do to
make our American Dreams a reality; anything is still possible in America.
Is this a motivational book? Well, if it gets your head out of the negative thinking
then, yes it is.
This book is full of inspirations and encourages your self-evaluation, so that you
take personal responsibility for your life. Most importantly, the purpose of this book
is in my desire for a better America to ensure a stronger future for our children.
This book is about becoming politically aware; making our own decisions based
upon your own knowledge of what is right and wrong, and not on the opinions of the
so called pundits in the media world. Knowledge is power. As you read this book, I
want you to THINK about, What is Best for America? I know the American people
can make well informed decisions about our future, if they are not manipulated by
the media, or influenced by our elected officials or candidates who make unrealistic
All the books I have written over the years have been about personal development
through the utilization of personal knowledge. Whether it was improving how you
run your business, advancing in your current career, or becoming a leader who
leaves a lasting legacy. My goal has always been to provide the knowledge that my
readers required to accomplish and fulfill their dreams.
When I began to write this book, I was partly inspired by the age old question:
What will our lives look like five or ten years from now? I want to put this
question in another way: What will the American Democracy look like in five or ten
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years? Our Founding Fathers laid out our democratic system with hopes of a better
future for its people. We are in that future now; it is in our hands. Are we
preserving our founding fathers legacy the way they imagined it?
This is not a doom and gloom book. I am not a doom and gloom kind of guy. But I do
want us to start asking that very important question. What is Best for America?
And how can WE champion the cause and inform ourselves as to who and what is
best for this country?
Democrats, Republicans, Independents and all religious denominations, everyone in
our country can benefit from reading my book. Together, we can restore our
AMERICAN PRIDE, and if I can touch just a few people who read this book then I
have gone the extra mile.
Individual responsibility must continue for America to remain great, and achieving
success in our country is the crown of democracy and freedom.
He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little. He who would achieve much
must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.
James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
About the Author
Randy King for over twenty-five years has been active with Americas small
business community. He was a senior leader with the worlds largest business
association for fourteen years.
After leaving the association Randy founded his own software and consulting
companies. Randys consultation with a seventeen Billion dollar energy company
resulted in a 600% gain in sales within sixteen months.
Randy has also consulted with the National Federation of Independent Business
(NFIB) the nations most influential small business advocacy group.
Throughout Randys career, he has been the keynote speaker and advisor to many
fortune 500 companies on performance and development of their staff. He has been
interviewed on hundreds of talk radio shows nationwide and internationally. Randy
has shared the speaking platform with congress and various elected officials. Randy
frequently is asked to speak before business groups throughout the nation. He also
is a faculty member at one of the top university based leadership academies.
He is an international author with seven business/leadership books. He produced
and authored a childrens eBook on what America means to our youth. He has four
audio education programs and several White Papers on personal performance. He
is the co-author of the world renowned, an interactive multi-
language site for young Americans to understand the history of our American
His lectures, books and educational site and overall message has been received and
viewed by over 90% of countries throughout the world.
He lives in Arizona with his wife Linda, and their famous Doberman, Miso (He is
the one on the back cover with me; I had to bribe him with lots of cookies to do the