The document provides information about scientific publishing. It begins by discussing the world's first scientific journal, Philosophical Transactions, established in 1665. It then outlines the agenda, including why authors should publish, what status scholarly publications have in Portugal, and details about journals and books. The rest of the document goes into further detail about topics related to publishing research, such as choosing the right journal, the peer review process, and improving chances of acceptance.
This document provides an overview of the scientific research process. It begins with defining key terms like scientific research and discussing examples. It then explains the roles and differences between scientists and researchers. The rest of the document outlines the typical steps in a research process, including choosing a topic, conducting a literature review, developing a hypothesis, designing an experiment, collecting and analyzing data, testing the hypothesis, and reporting findings. It provides details on each step, examples, and classifications of research types. The overall summary is that the document outlines the fundamental components and sequential process involved in conducting scientific research.
El Centro Cultural George Pompidou se construy坦 en Par鱈s en la d辿cada de 1970 como parte de la renovaci坦n urbana del 叩rea de Les Halles. El presidente George Pompidou impuls坦 el proyecto para revitalizar econ坦mica, f鱈sica y socialmente este sector de la ciudad. Los arquitectos Richard Rogers y Renzo Piano ganaron el concurso para dise単ar el edificio. Su dise単o innovador exhibe las tuber鱈as y estructuras en el exterior, lo que caus坦 controversia inicial pero ahora es reconocido como un hito de la arquitectura moderna
El documento resume la biograf鱈a y obra del arquitecto Renzo Piano, destacando su participaci坦n en el dise単o del Centro Pompidou en Par鱈s junto a Richard Rogers. El Centro Pompidou fue uno de los primeros edificios de estilo high-tech que destac坦 por exhibir los elementos funcionales en su fachada, adem叩s de contar con una estructura innovadora de vigas de acero.
The Centre Pompidou in Paris was built between 1971-1977 and houses important art museums and cultural institutions. It contains the Mus辿e National d'Art Moderne, a vast public library, and IRCAM music research center. With over 50 million visitors since opening, it underwent renovations from 1997-2000 to address structural issues. Reasons to visit include its central Paris location and top collection of modern European art, as well as performance spaces, educational programs, and reference library.
Design Research For Everyday Projects - UX Londonleisa reichelt
The document discusses design research for everyday projects. It provides an overview of qualitative design research methods that can be customized for smaller projects with limited time and budgets. The speaker will cover designing, conducting, and analyzing qualitative design research, with a focus on practical tips over best practices. Hands-on exercises are included to help participants understand how to design and conduct interviews and analyze the findings.
The Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, France was designed by architects Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. They won the competition to design the building in 1977 despite not being famous architects at the time. The building features a colour-coded exterior displaying its functional mechanical systems. It has an open floor plan interior and a large glass and steel superstructure supported by a reinforced concrete structure.
El Centro Pompidou en Par鱈s fue dise単ado por los arquitectos Renzo Piano y Richard Rogers. Su estructura industrial expone los servicios y su interior es di叩fano. Fue construido en los a単os 1970 para revitalizar el 叩rea, albergando museos, bibliotecas y centros culturales. Su estilo innovador contrasta con los edificios hist坦ricos circundantes.
Hi- tech Architecture and its pioneering architects, Norman Foster , Richard ...Rohit Arora
Norman Foster is considered a pioneer of hi-tech architecture. Some key aspects of hi-tech architecture include the display of the building's structural components on the exterior, use of prefabricated materials like glass panels, and steel frames. Hi-tech buildings aim to be energy efficient through the use of high technology. Norman Foster and other architects like Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano have designed several landmark hi-tech buildings around the world.
El documento resume la biograf鱈a y obra del arquitecto Renzo Piano, destacando su participaci坦n en el dise単o del Centro Pompidou en Par鱈s junto a Richard Rogers. El Centro Pompidou fue uno de los primeros edificios de estilo high-tech que destac坦 por exhibir los elementos funcionales en su fachada, adem叩s de contar con una estructura innovadora de vigas de acero.
The Centre Pompidou in Paris was built between 1971-1977 and houses important art museums and cultural institutions. It contains the Mus辿e National d'Art Moderne, a vast public library, and IRCAM music research center. With over 50 million visitors since opening, it underwent renovations from 1997-2000 to address structural issues. Reasons to visit include its central Paris location and top collection of modern European art, as well as performance spaces, educational programs, and reference library.
Design Research For Everyday Projects - UX Londonleisa reichelt
The document discusses design research for everyday projects. It provides an overview of qualitative design research methods that can be customized for smaller projects with limited time and budgets. The speaker will cover designing, conducting, and analyzing qualitative design research, with a focus on practical tips over best practices. Hands-on exercises are included to help participants understand how to design and conduct interviews and analyze the findings.
The Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, France was designed by architects Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. They won the competition to design the building in 1977 despite not being famous architects at the time. The building features a colour-coded exterior displaying its functional mechanical systems. It has an open floor plan interior and a large glass and steel superstructure supported by a reinforced concrete structure.
El Centro Pompidou en Par鱈s fue dise単ado por los arquitectos Renzo Piano y Richard Rogers. Su estructura industrial expone los servicios y su interior es di叩fano. Fue construido en los a単os 1970 para revitalizar el 叩rea, albergando museos, bibliotecas y centros culturales. Su estilo innovador contrasta con los edificios hist坦ricos circundantes.
Hi- tech Architecture and its pioneering architects, Norman Foster , Richard ...Rohit Arora
Norman Foster is considered a pioneer of hi-tech architecture. Some key aspects of hi-tech architecture include the display of the building's structural components on the exterior, use of prefabricated materials like glass panels, and steel frames. Hi-tech buildings aim to be energy efficient through the use of high technology. Norman Foster and other architects like Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano have designed several landmark hi-tech buildings around the world.