Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area United States
Ph.D. visiting researcher at NC State University, North Carolina, USA
[1]. Got admission for PhD in University of Nottingham, UK from 1st Oct 2014.
[2]. Selected for cLINK Scholarship to pursue Ph.D. from University of Northumbria,UK.
[3]. Nominated for Government Scholarship to pursue Ph.D. from any Japan University.
[4]. Received MHRD scholarship during M.Tech (2010-12).
[5]. Full Member (MEEC) of the European Energy Center
[6].Reviewer for International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier (Impact factor of 3.432)
[7]. Got an Opportunity to present Invited paper at MIC-Electrical 2014, Greece: 4-6 April 2014.
[8]. Got an invitation to deliver a speech at 1st International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics, UK, 014.
[9]. Go...
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