This presentation which I entitled Current Status of K-12 Social Studies Curriculum: Effect of NCLB to Social Studies Education focused on one of the trends or happenings and transition of education. It presents the research article of Gayle Thieman and Kenneth Carano entitled From The Field: How Oregon Social Studies Teachers Are Preparing Students For The 21st Century.
From No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act to Every Student Succeeds Act (2015)
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Current Status of K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Effect of NCLB to Social Studies Education.pptx
1. From The Field: How Oregon Social Studies
Teachers Are Preparing Students For The 21st
Gayle Thieman
Kenneth Carano
2. Current Status of K-12 Social
Studies Curriculum: Effect of NCLB
to Social Studies Education
Rayhanie M. Pangcoga
Reported by:
3. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 was the first national law to
require consequences for U.S. schools based on students standardized
test scores. The No Child Left Behind Act aimed to ensure that all students,
regardless of race or socioeconomic status, would have the opportunity
for a solid education.
No Child Left Behind mandates that all teachers must be "highly qualified" in
which according to the law, "highly qualified" means that a teacher must meet
the license and certification requirements of the state in which they teach. A
teacher must also hold at least a bachelor's degree and must pass state
testing criteria to be eligible to teach.
United States of America
4. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
Another issue leading to the No Child Left Behind controversy is the fact
that some teachers have felt pressured to focus on subjects rated by the
No Child Left Behind testing requirements, rather than focusing on providing
children with a well-rounded education. Some schools have been accused of
cutting back on studies involving science and the arts to increase the focus
on English and Math. As a result, some complain education isnt really
improving; it just means sacrificing one subject proficiency for another.
United States of America
5. Social Studies Education
At the center of a good school curriculum because it is where
students learn to see and interpret the world now and long ago
including its people, places, cultures, systems, problems, and
calamities (Parker, 2010). Most important purpose of social
studies is preparing good citizens, to help develop students
critical thinking and decision-making skills.
6. Social Studies Education in Oreg
on School
-becoming overshadowed
by subjects like Reading
and Mathematics
-less instructional time
is devoted to it across
grade levels due to
mandated testing in
other content areas
-current events is the
highest topic discussed
issues than race, class,
economics, or religious
-technology in the classrooms were
not used often by Oregon teachers
as a tool for learning; only 村 of
them use digital images and videos
for instruction.
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-instructional strategies:
whole discussion, group projects,
assignments, and role playing
7. Solutions To These Problems:
This study of Gayle Thieman and Kenneth Carano (2013)
became one of the reason why the Oregon Department of
Education received an NCLB waiver.
a) It allows a more customized, authentic, and evidence-bas
ed approach to improve the performance of the students
as well as the schools
b) It strengthens the performance of students who have hist
orically been underserved
c) It removed the unintended consequences of NCLB in the
8. Every Student Succeeds Act
Plan to replace NCLB policies was approved in
ESSA was approved into law in 2015
It provides a well-rounded education that
provides real-world knowledge and skills