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Teacher’s Training

 Developing English Language skills and Teaching
 Motivational Reading Programme
 Effective use of Resourceful Material
Developing English language skills and
                    Types of skills

Speaking skills

Listening skills

Reading skills

Writing skills
We speak through our skills not through Grammar.
 Grammar is not English it is about English.
You do not speak; you speak to
 You do not just speak to; you speak about.

                                                    When our circle of concern
                                                    widens we become

When our circle of
Influence widens we
become proactive.
I will enter the swimming pool after
        I have learned to swim.
Interactive Language Teaching

ORAL      Listening 45%   Speaking 30%

          Reading 15%     Writing 10%
We Learn Through…………!
   Silence         Speech

   No error         Errors

   Accuracy         Fluency
Listening Skills
        The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don’t
        say much.                     Germaine G. Glidder

Listening is a skill whereas hearing is organic.
You can only listen when you are silent.
Listening without task is not listening actually.
For teaching of listening you should give more
information but with lesser tasks.

What is Taz?
Reading skills
  Reading maketh a full man, Conference a ready
  man, Writing an exact man.    Francis Bacon

Reading Aloud                        Reading Silently
•Intensive                           •Extensive
•Textbook                            •Everything else
•Exam                                •Life
•Learning to read                    •Reading to learn
•Child                               •Adult
•Slow                                •Fast
•Speed of speech                     •Speed of sight
•133 wpm                             •600 wpm
•Comprehension 100%                  •Comprehension 70%
Purposes Of Reading
 • Survival
 • Information
 • Pleasure                      Read

Why couldn’t turtle cross the road?
Thank You For Watching

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Teacher’s training

  • 2. Topics  Developing English Language skills and Teaching  Motivational Reading Programme  Effective use of Resourceful Material
  • 3. Developing English language skills and Teaching Types of skills Speaking skills Listening skills Reading skills Writing skills
  • 4. SPEAKING SKILLS We speak through our skills not through Grammar.  Grammar is not English it is about English. You do not speak; you speak to  You do not just speak to; you speak about. When our circle of concern widens we become reactive. When our circle of Influence widens we become proactive.
  • 5. I will enter the swimming pool after I have learned to swim.
  • 6. Interactive Language Teaching RECEPTIVE PRODUCTIVE ORAL Listening 45% Speaking 30% WRITTEN Reading 15% Writing 10%
  • 7. We Learn Through…………! Silence Speech No error Errors Accuracy Fluency
  • 8. Listening Skills The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don’t say much. Germaine G. Glidder Listening is a skill whereas hearing is organic. You can only listen when you are silent. Listening without task is not listening actually. For teaching of listening you should give more information but with lesser tasks.
  • 10. Reading skills Reading maketh a full man, Conference a ready man, Writing an exact man. Francis Bacon Reading Aloud Reading Silently •Intensive •Extensive •Textbook •Everything else •Exam •Life •Learning to read •Reading to learn •Child •Adult •Slow •Fast •Speed of speech •Speed of sight •133 wpm •600 wpm •Comprehension 100% •Comprehension 70%
  • 11. Purposes Of Reading • Survival • Information • Pleasure Read alone Read along Read aloud
  • 12. Why couldn’t turtle cross the road?
  • 13. Thank You For Watching