Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Cuenca, Ecuador
Professional Tennis Coach PTR
I´m Professional Tennis Coach,actually I´m working with the Azuay Tennis Federation´with competition group,category 18 years old. I love the tennis because it gave me the oportunity to travel around the wold and to know a lot a people involucraded in that wonderful sport.My principal goal is involucrad more people in the sport.I think that for to be happy we don´t need to much just to enjoy the life,the job and give a litle from us,specially love.
Soy entrenador profesional de Tenis de Campo y trabajo actualmente con la Federacion Deportiva del Azuay con chicos de 18 anos y Competicion.Estoy estudiando Psicologia en la Universidad de Loja lo que se constituye mo tercera carrera d
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