Rob Fisher gives a presentation on why teachers should use Twitter. He discusses how Twitter allows information to flow quickly like a river, with too much information to consume it all. As a principal, he uses Twitter to share stories from his school and stay informed on issues in education. Twitter facilitates sharing resources, research, community building, professional learning opportunities, and student project ideas. It can also lead to deeper discussions through blog posts and help connect a personal learning network.
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Why should i care about twitter?ucnlt
1. Why should I care about twitter?
Presentation for Learning technologies course
Jan 21st, 2013
Rob Fisher,
cole Riverside School
Thompson, Mb.
Sunday, January 20, 2013 1
read session description
hand out twitter cheat sheet
3. Sunday, January 20, 2013 3
like a river analogy
information is 鍖owing like the water.
drink when your at the bank. if it goes by dont worry about it
6. Sunday, January 20, 2013 6
in my fairly well developed Personal PLN - >1 shower = 40 tweets.....
there is not time to look at it all!
7. As a principal.......
What do
I do with twitter?
Sunday, January 20, 2013 7
tell story of Brady and its 100 day!
8. Its not just what am I doing........
Sunday, January 20, 2013 8
although the original idea of twitter was to replicate the status update bar of facebook,
look what happens when you give a tool to a bunch of
creative teachers
who want to constantly re鍖ne their craft
and get better at what they do....
9. 鴛岳s............
Whats happening in Education?
Sunday, January 20, 2013 9
10. Sunday, January 20, 2013 10
explain what people are looking at here
who sent the tweet, the text the link
51. Our world project
Sunday, January 20, 2013 51
creating video, and remixing from around the world
Clarence Fisher - Snow Lake, MB. Canada, grade 7/8
Heather Durnin - Wingham Ontario Canada, grade 8
Jabiz Raisdana - Singapore, middle years English
Chrissy Hellyer - Bangkok Thailand, grade 3
Jody Hayes - Auckland New Zealand, 5/6 year olds
Marcello Mongardi - Muscat Oman
Rebekah Madrid, Yokohama Japan, grade 7
Rob Fisher, Thompson Manitoba Canada, grade 7
Jordy Whitmer, Birmingham Michigan, USA, grade 6 - 8
Jennifer Orr, Washington DC, grade 1
57. Five-Minute Film Festival: Twitter
in Education
Twitter Search in Plain English
Twitter for Teachers -- What Do I Post?
Twitter Hashtag Basics for Education
Using Twitter to Build a PLN
Sunday, January 20, 2013 57
58. thanks
you can 鍖nd this presentation on
Sunday, January 20, 2013 58
59. twitter logo map 09 By 鍖ickr user The Next Web
Fast river By 鍖ickr user elleneka102
Shower Head Water Drops 7-26-09 3 By 鍖ickr user stevendepolo
PICT2547 (phone) By 鍖ickr user tuija
40 By 鍖ickr user smet_dk
Question mark By 鍖ickr user Marco Bellucci
Credits Jen Ashby @jjash for orchestrating the 24 hour skype idea with her grade 5/6 class in
Clarence Fisher @glassbeed for building upon the our day youtube project and
organizing another version of the our day project for cole Riverside grade 7 students
and others to participate and create with.
and thanks to our professional learning networks for providing many
examples to share.....
Sunday, January 20, 2013 59
60. thanks also to Raman Job,
Manitoba Teachers Society
who did a similar presentation with me for
the Council Of School Leaders (COSL)
Sunday, January 20, 2013 60