This document discusses genre conventions that are commonly seen in coming of age films. It lists the top 10 coming of age films as voted by critics from The Guardian, then discusses stereotypical iconography, characters, locations, themes, sounds, and colors typically present in the genre. Iconography often includes the latest technology, cars, and alcohol. Common characters are teenage protagonists, strict parents/teachers, and high school cliques or outsiders. Popular locations are high schools, bedrooms, parties, and means of transportation. Frequent themes involve young love, teenage issues like sexuality or mental health, and the challenges of growing up. The soundtrack commonly has an indie/pop style and the films generally have a bright,
The document summarizes the plot of the classic story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving. It takes place in 1799 in Sleepy Hollow, New York, where Constable Ichabod Crane is sent to investigate murders committed by a supernatural entity called the Headless Horseman. Crane falls in love with Katrina Van Tassel but must solve the mystery to win her hand. He discovers that Lady Van Tassel is controlling the horseman to kill for revenge using witchcraft. Crane returns the horseman's skull to end the killings and escapes with Katrina to New York.
The document outlines several conventions of teen romantic comedies (rom-coms). It discusses targeting the film towards a teenage audience using younger casts and familiar high school settings. It describes the basic rom-com plot structure involving two people meeting and overcoming obstacles to declare their love. Common character archetypes are outlined, following Vladimir Propp's 8 character types. Finally, it discusses mise-en-scene conventions like high school and home locations, identifiable character costumes, and camera/editing techniques like close-ups and being viewed from the female character's perspective.
This document defines key terms related to mise-en-scene and provides examples and descriptions for each term. Mise-en-scene refers to everything visible to the camera, including lighting, costumes, makeup, props, setting, and more. It discusses the different types of lighting used in films including key lighting, fill lighting, and available versus artificial light. Color symbolism and how lighting establishes mood are also covered. The document also defines costume, props, facial expressions, body language, gestures and other elements that contribute to character representation in film.
This document provides images and descriptions of famous landmarks and monuments in Paris, France. It highlights well-known sites like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Sacr辿-Cur Basilica, Moulin Rouge, La D辿fense business district, Hotel de Ville city hall, P竪re Lachaise Cemetery, Place de la Concorde, and the Louvre museum. The introduction notes that with so many beautiful monuments in Paris, it is difficult to choose where to begin sightseeing in the iconic city.
Estrategias para la producci坦n y coproducci坦n orallebaobabbleu
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en tres pasos para realizar una producci坦n y coproducci坦n oral en un idioma extranjero. El Paso 1 describe la preparaci坦n previa de 15 minutos para comprender las tareas. El Paso 2 explica c坦mo crear un borrador con un esquema o mapa mental para organizar las ideas sin escribir el discurso completo. El Paso 3 detalla c坦mo usar el borrador para presentar un mon坦logo con introducci坦n, desarrollo y conclusi坦n de 3-4 minutos, y participar en un di叩logo de 5 minutos controlando el tiempo y hablando a
A computer virus attaches to code or files and spreads when the infected software runs or is transferred. A worm replicates itself across a network without needing to be attached to other programs. A Trojan horse appears benign but hides malicious code. Security procedures include plans to respond to threats, updating for new risks, and testing weaknesses. Antivirus software detects and removes viruses, worms and Trojans, requiring frequent updates. Encryption, firewalls, and port protection help secure data and traffic entering computers.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 10005321 REV AF module from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes how to purchase the product via phone, email, or online request form. It also provides details about payment methods, same-day shipping, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom like repairs and equipment recycling.
30 phenomenes naturels sur notre planete111Ren辿e Bukay
This is the presentation for my seminar paper on Foundation of Curriculum: Psycholinguistic.
the main paper for Psycholinguistic basis of Curriculum can be downloaded from
The document discusses different types of chatbots and how artificial intelligence can be used to power them. It covers topics like scripted chatbots versus more advanced bots using techniques like natural language understanding and machine learning. The document also examines word embeddings, an important technique for representing words as numeric vectors that has helped advance natural language processing and chatbots. It provides examples of how embeddings can be used for tasks like intent classification, entity recognition, determining word similarity and analogy.
A computer virus attaches to code or files and spreads when the infected software runs or is transferred. A worm replicates itself across a network without needing to be attached to other programs. A Trojan horse appears benign but hides malicious code. Security procedures include plans to respond to threats, updating for new risks, and testing weaknesses. Antivirus software detects and removes viruses, worms and Trojans, requiring frequent updates. Encryption, firewalls, and port protection help secure data and traffic entering computers.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 10005321 REV AF module from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes how to purchase the product via phone, email, or online request form. It also provides details about payment methods, same-day shipping, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom like repairs and equipment recycling.
30 phenomenes naturels sur notre planete111Ren辿e Bukay
This is the presentation for my seminar paper on Foundation of Curriculum: Psycholinguistic.
the main paper for Psycholinguistic basis of Curriculum can be downloaded from
The document discusses different types of chatbots and how artificial intelligence can be used to power them. It covers topics like scripted chatbots versus more advanced bots using techniques like natural language understanding and machine learning. The document also examines word embeddings, an important technique for representing words as numeric vectors that has helped advance natural language processing and chatbots. It provides examples of how embeddings can be used for tasks like intent classification, entity recognition, determining word similarity and analogy.
Karel Hynek M叩cha - prezentace o Karlu Hynku M叩chovi a jeho d鱈lePavlnaBl1
V箪znamn箪 pedstavitel esk辿ho romantick辿ho b叩snictv鱈 a jeden z nejvt邸鱈ch esk箪ch b叩sn鱈k哲, pr叩vem je pokl叩d叩n za zakladatele modern鱈 esk辿 poezie. Narodil se jako Ign叩c M叩cha roku 1810 v Praze na jezd. Otec byl mlyn叩sk箪 pomocn鱈k, matka poch叩zela z muzikantsk辿 rodiny a syn po n鱈 zddil hudebn鱈 vn鱈mavost.
Studoval na gymn叩ziu, pozdji filozofii a pr叩va. Zaj鱈mal se o divadlo, ochotnicky hr叩l v Kajet叩nsk辿m divadle. Krom divadla se zaj鱈mal i o historii a politick辿 dn鱈. Roku 1832 ukonil M叩cha filosofii a pod vlivem Jungmannov箪ch pedn叩邸ek zaal ps叩t esk辿 ver邸e uveejovan辿 vt邸inou v asopisech. Studium pr叩v dokonil roku 1836. Pot辿 nastoupil na m鱈sto advok叩tn鱈ho praktikanta v Litomic鱈ch. 1.10.1836 se M叩chovi narodil syn, ale M叩cha ji転 o pouh箪 ms鱈c pozdji zemel na infekci. Smrt ho potkala tsn ped svatbou s Lori omkovou a nedlouho pot辿, co se v tisku objevily prvn鱈 kritiky M叩je.
Ve sv箪ch d鱈lech se nechal M叩cha inspirovat pedev邸鱈m Shakespearem, Goethem, Byronem, H叩jkem a Herderem. Sv箪m d鱈l哲m d叩val rozlinou podobu, mnoh叩 z nich v邸ak z哲stala nedokonena. Vznikla ada n叩rt哲 historick箪ch pov鱈dek, z nich転 pouze jedna (Kivoklad) byla dokonena a za autorova 転ivota vyd叩na (r. 1834). P哲vodn byla zam箪邸lena jako sou叩st vt邸鱈ho pov鱈dkov辿ho cyklu (tetralogie) Kat z doby V叩clava IV. Karel Hynek M叩cha zam箪邸lel napsat cel箪 cyklus Obraz哲 ze 転ivota m辿ho z nich転 dokonil a vydal pouze dva. Je t辿転 autorem pov鱈dky M叩rinka (1834) a Cik叩ni (kni転n a転 v 50. letech).
Nejzn叩mj邸鱈 a liter叩rn nejcennj邸鱈 je M叩chova lyricko-epick叩 b叩se o tyech zpvech a dvou intermezz M叩j (1836). Jej鱈 kompozice rozleuje smysl p鱈bhu vlo転en辿ho do m叩jov辿 p鱈rody. Uprosted kr叩sn辿 m叩jov辿 p鱈rody, manifestuj鱈c鱈 l叩sku, se uskuteuje postupn辿 osamocov叩n鱈 v邸ech t鱈 romantick箪ch hrdin哲 b叩sn, Jarmily, Vil辿ma a Hynka.
Karel Hynek M叩cha byl u転 za sv辿ho 転ivota v kruhu sv箪ch p叩tel pokl叩d叩n za v箪jimenou b叩snickou osobnost. Jeho d鱈lo bylo vykl叩d叩no rozlin箪mi zp哲soby a stalo se inspirac鱈 mnoha b叩sn鱈k哲m, kte鱈 pi邸li po nm.
Liter叩rn鱈 druh: DRAMA
Liter叩rn鱈 転叩nr: milostn叩 TRAGDIE
M鱈sto: zejm辿na Verona
as: 16. stolet鱈
odhodlan箪 obtovat v邸e pro l叩sku
up鱈mn miluje Julii
staten箪 a odhodlan箪
citliv叩, ale staten叩 14let叩 d鱈vka
kr叩sn叩 i chytr叩
bojuje za samostatnost a l叩sku
lidov叩 postava
charakterizov叩na i hovorov箪m jazykem
Vavinec (Lawrence, Lorenzo)
snad jedin箪 nestrann箪 lovk, sna転鱈 se pomoci, ale
Montek Romeo se na plese zamiluje do d鱈vky
znep叩telen辿ho rodu - Julie Kapuletov辿.
Tajn odd叩ni otcem Vavincem.
Romeo zasahuje do poulin鱈ho boje a zab鱈j鱈 Juliina
bratra Tybalta.
R. je vypovzen z Verony.
Julie nucena ke satku s Paridem.
Vavinec j鱈 nab鱈z鱈 usp叩vadlo.
Pova転ov叩na za mrtvou a pohbena do hrobky.
R. nen鱈 vas informov叩n, vrac鱈 se, zavra転d鱈 Parida a
otr叩v鱈 se.
Julie se po probuzen鱈 probodne d箪kou.
Nad hrobem milenc哲 usm鱈en鱈 rod哲.
Ver邸e (vy邸邸鱈 vrstvy nap. Romeo i Julie)
Pr坦za (ni転邸鱈 vrstvy nap. ch哲va)
B叩snick箪 jazyk
lidov叩 mluva u ni転邸鱈ch vrstev (ch哲va)
komick辿 prvky v trag辿dii (neschopnost ch哲vy vyj叩dit se
(blankvers ner箪movan箪 5stop箪 ver邸)
Boj mlad箪ch lid鱈 za to, aby mohli vz鱈t osud
do vlastn鱈ch rukou.
L叩ska X nen叩vist
Jednotlivec (renesance) x kolektiv
Divadlo Globe
V邸echny hry ver邸ovan辿
R哲zn辿 lenn鱈:
a) asov辿 (mezn鱈k = 1600)
b) 転叩nrov辿:
i) trag辿die (Hamlet, Othello, Kr叩l Lear)
ii) komedie (Zkrocen鱈 zl辿 転eny, Mnoho povyku pro nic)
iii) historick辿 hry (Richard II., Jindich IV., Julius Caesar)
Anglick叩 renesance
Tzv. al転btinsk辿 drama
Christopher Marlowe
Tragick叩 historie doktora Fausta
It叩lie: D. Alighieri, G. Boccaccio, F. Petrarca
Francie: F. Villon, P. de Ronsard
panlsko: L. de Vega, M. de Cervantes
Cca 14.-16. stol.
Vznik v It叩lii
Ne pouze umleck箪 sloh, ale i 転ivotn鱈 styl
N叩vrat k antice
jej鱈 pekon叩n鱈
Obnova z叩jmu o pozemsk箪 svt
Smyslov辿 pozn叩n鱈
Pozorov叩n鱈 p鱈rody vyn叩lezy (knihtisk)