2. About me
Founder of AppSec Labs
Application security expert
Book author
Managed Code Rootkits (Syngress)
Speaker & Trainer
Presented at BlackHat, Defcon, RSA, OWASP USA,
OWASP IL, etc..
Secure Coding / Hacking trainer
3. AppSec Labs
The leading Application Security Company
A bunch of Application Security Experts
Ninja Pentesters of Web & Mobile Apps
Elite Trainers for Hacking & Secure coding courses
4. Agenda
Why dynamic analysis?
Memory dumps and analysis
Smali debugging
Setting breakpoints
Native debugging with IDA (building signatures, types etc.)
Runtime instrumentation and manipulation using
6. Some examples real world
scenarios encountered in the wild
Requests to the server side are encrypted , signed, or just
cannot be MiTMed for some reason
Your proxy is useless.
Dynamic values stored in memory - created while the app
runs, received from network, etc.
Decompiling is useless. The value is not in the code
Strings are obfuscated
Decompiling is hard
The app is using some hard coded values such as URLS,
encryption keys
Patching is time consuming
7. Example requests with
signed data
Cannot manipulate with requests since they are
8. Example requests with
encrypted data
Cannot view/manipulate with requests since they
contain encrypted data
10. What to do?
We must work from the inside
Lets start with direct memory analysis
Exposure of
Code sections
Sensitive data application data, passwords, encryption
keys, network traffic, calculations, etc.
Interactions with OS files, processes, etc.
11. Memory Analysis
Eclipses MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool)
Dump the applications current memory to disk
Go to the DDMS Perspective, select the app and click
Dump HPROF file
13. Debugging
Debugging allows us to analyze the app in real time
Setting breakpoints
Bypassing restrictions
Jump into specific code sections
Expose secrets from memory
14. Debugging With Source
Debugging with the source is easy
Just load the project in eclipse
Place your breakpoint
And click debug
15. Debugging Without Source
(smali debugging)
Most often you will not have the source
Extracting the java code using dex2jar and creating
an eclipse project is a bit tricky
Rebuilding the project dependencies
Decompiled code not always recompiles
Alternatively, we can remote debug smali code
16. Major Steps
Decode apk in debug (-d) mode:
apktool d -d app.apk out
Make it debuggable at the AndroidManifest.xml <application>
<application . android:debuggable="true >
Build new apk in debug (-d) mode:
apktool b -d out
Sign, install and run new apk
signapk input.apk
17. Major Steps - Continued
create Netbeans project
add new Java Project with Existing Sources, select "out" directory as project root
and "smali" subdirectory as sources dir.
Find application port using DDMS
it should be something like "86xx / 8700".
Attached debugger in Netbeans
Debug -> Attach Debugger -> select JPDA and set Port to 8700 (or whatever you
saw in previous step).
Set breakpoint.
NOTE Officially, not all versions works, you need to use:
netbeans 6.8 and apktool 1.4.1
Currently, you can also use NetBeans 7.2 with Apktool
19. Tip - Wait for Debugger
Programmatically by calling
boolean debuggerAttached = false; while(!debuggerAttached ) { ; }
Another option DEV tools
20. JNI Debugging
Suppose our target code is inside native .so files.
We can use IDA to analyze it, and GDB to remotely
debug it
21. Using IDA
You can use existing static binary analysis (such IDA) to better
understand the code
It will give you the idea where to start, where to set
breakpoints, etc.
22. JNI Debugging - Main Steps
Find the process id, attach to it and create a listener port
inside the device. Then remotely debug the app
gdbserver :5050 --attach 1234 //pid=1234, port=5050
adb forward tcp:5050 tcp:5050
target remote :5050
Then use regular GDB commands such as break, continue,
finish, etc.
23. The ReFrameworker Platform
Changing App Behavior Without
Patching Any Code
Runtime manipulation framework by AppSec Labs
Integrated as part of AppUse
Released at BlackHat USA 2013
Presented at OWASP IL 2013 look for the slides from last
year for more info!!
24. How it Works
The Android runtime was compiled with many hooks
placed into key placed inside its code.
The hooks look for a file called "Reframeworker.xml",
located inside /data/system.
So each time an application is executed, whenever a
hooked runtime method is called, it loads the
ReFrameworker configuration along with the
contained rules ("items") and acts accordingly.
28. Summary
Runtime analysis provide us with the means to
observe the behavior of an app during its execution
It allows us to inspect issues such as communication,
memory, file access, etc.
We can detect problems that are hard to see using
just static methods
ReFreameworker is a great platform for that