All-age talk starting with the popular "Who am I" game (includes two ready-made questions to warm-up the audience) and then progressing into piecing together the clues about who Jesus is. Climaxing with Peter's declaration that He is the Christ and asking what we believe.
4. Your Guess
I was born on 4th
September, 1981
I was once lead-
singer of an R&B
girls group
I won Song of the
Year for Single
Ladies (Put a Ring
on It!)
7. Who is He?
Jesus asked: Who do people say
the Son of Man is?
The disciples replied: Some say
John the Baptist; others Elijah or one
of the Old Testament prophets.
Jesus: Who do you say I am?
Peter: You are the Christ, the Son of
the Living God!
8. Your Choice?
Have you put together the pieces to
see who Jesus is?
Are you ready to follow Him?