GCC has special focus on memory disorders like Alzheimers Dementia & other types of dementias, as well as Neuro-psychiatric manifestations of disorders like Parkinsons Disease, Epilepsy, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury etc.
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
From the Editors Desk
Beloved Readers,
Be the change that you wish to see in the world, said Gandhi. October saw the 144th
birthday of this great Indian luminary who showed the world tolerance to all kinds of
people. Let us too do what we can to make our country a better place to live in.
Fall in love with the process of what you do & stay focused and the results will take care
of themselves, reveals Happiness is. Many events in the campus urge the need of being
mentally healthy in addition to physical strength. What better way to get inspired than
remembering Gandhi who is known for his mental strength and could remain focused
at the task at hand. Do not lose your joyous moments in trying to prove yourself to the
world, says Your Corner.
The festival of lights that illuminate our homes and hearts is round the corner. The light
empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds and brings us closer to divinity.
Wishing all our readers a safe & joyous Diwali !!
Let us stay connected
Sheela Ravinder. S.
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Dept. of Cardiology along with Sri
Chandrasekarendra Saraswathy Viswa Maha
Vidhyalaya, Kancheepuram and Indian Medical
Association organized a Face to Face Program on
Heart, Brain and Kidney Diseases on 7th April 2002
at Kancheepuram between doctors and the public.
The chief guest was Padmashri. Ms. Manorama,
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Depts. of Psychiatry & Clinical
Psychology Observed World Mental
Health Day by organizingposter
exhibition and video presentation along
with brochure distribution on th 10 Oct.
to sensitize the public about mental
Hospital Pharmacy, SRMC & Faculty of
Pharmacy celebrated Pharmacist day with
the theme Proud to be a th Pharmacist on
25 Sep. A cultural program, elocution and
rangoli competitions were held.
5. Sri Ramachandra Elderly Care treatment in Chennai
Dept. of Pediatric Surgery under the auspices
of the Indian Association of Pediatric
Surgeons conducted the Awareness Program
on Pediatric Surgical Conditions from 5th
Sep. Around 700 patients were
counseled and brochures were distributed.
Faculty of Physiotherapy Observed
World Physiotherapy Day on 7th Sep. A
free camp on Exercise Education for
Geriatrics was conducted by
Geriatric Care Clinic department SRMC chennai.
Around 40 people benefited.
The Alumni Chapter of Faculty of
Pharmacy organized a by Mr.Ashwin, Soft
Skills Trainer & HR Consultant, Win
th Training, Chennai on 7 Sep. 30 staff & 200
students benefited.
Geriatric Care Clinic (GCC)
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Division of Pediatric Hemato Oncology,
Dept. of Pediatrics in association
with Ooperai, a foundation for
architecture & arts for kids organized an
art workshop with the theme My dream
house for the children with chronic
diseases and hemato oncological
rd problems on 23 Sep Mr. Juan, member
of Ooperai Foundation was the resource
person. 30 children participated.
As part of Faculty student Exchange
Program, three nursing faculty and 20
students from the University of
Washington, Seattle, USA visited the
Faculty of Nursing to gain community
and clinical experience from 2nd to
14th Sep .
Geriatric Care Clinic (GCC)
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Mr. Antony Leo Aseer, Reader,
Dept.of Physiotherapy received best
physiotherapist award 2013 from the
Indian Physical Ther apists Welfare
Association at the th National
Physiotherapy Conference held at
Madurai on 8 Sep.
Dept. of Biotechnology organizeda
workshop on career guidance on 30th
Sep. The resource person was Ms. K.
Vaishnavi, Director & Creative Head,
Pariksith Brand & Business Consultant
Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. Around 35 students
8. Sri Ramachandra Geriatric Care treatment in Chennai
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
The of the School & College of
Nursing th was held on 25 Sep.
Dr.G.Ani Grace Kalaimathi,
Registrar, Tamil Nadu Nurses and
Midwives Council was the chief
Dept. of Microbiology in association
with the Indian Association of Medical
Microbiology (Tamil Nadu Chapter)
conducted an annual revision course
MARC 2013 (Exams Made Easy) from
21st to 23rd Sep. 64 PG students from
various medical colleges of south India
9. Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Sri Ramachandra Dementia treatment in Chennai
Dept.of Clinical Nutrition celebrated the
National Nutrition Week from 1st to 7th
Sep. with the theme Food Security for
Healthy Life. A state level workshop was
conducted on 5th Sep. in collaboration
with Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry
of Women & Child Development and
Community Food & Nutrition Extension
Unit, Chennai. The chief guests were
Ms. Sangeetha, Project Officer, ICDS
Govt. of India, Kanchipuram district
and Shri. Mohammed Nauman, Deputy
Technical Advisor, Food & Nutrition Board. 75 delegates participated.
Other events organized were:
Guest lecture on Kitchen Gardening by Dr. Shanmugasundaram from Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University
Various competitions for school students
Awareness program on Balanced Diet for students of LCVKS School, Kattupakkam
Food and poster display
Quiz program
Students entrepreneurship program
10. Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Sri Ramachandra Geriatric Care treatment in Chennai
Dept.of Biochemistry organizedan
Orientation Program on ISO
15189:2012 and Assessors Conclave
conducted by faculty from National
Accreditation Board for Testing and
Calibration Laboratories (NABL) under
the auspices st st of Dept. of Science and
Technology on 31 Aug. & 1Sep. 20
Technical Assessors from various
disciplines from Tamil Nadu and Kerala
attended the program.
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences organized a
National Conference th on 7 Sep. Dr. J.
Radhakrishnan, Health Secretary, Govt. of Tamil
Nadu was the chief guest. Around 430 delegates
participated. The highlights of the conference were:
lLaunch of the Indian Association of Allied Health
Professionals lRelease of short film on AHS
lLaunch of web portal for Allied Health Sciences
Alumni Association lAllied Health Science Alumni
Association Meet. Around 110 alumni attended.
11. Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Sri Ramachandra Elderly Care treatment in Chennai
As part of SRU-HKU MoU, two dental
interns were sponsored by SRU to visit
the Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong
University as observersfrom 2 to 6 Sep.
Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of
Pharmacy organized a National Symposium on
Role of Pharmacists in Chronic Disease M a n
a g e m e n t PHARMAPRAC 2013on 2 Sep.
as part of Bi-Decennial celebrations of Faculty
of Pharmacy. The chief guest was Dr. Donald
F. Downing, Clinical Professor, School of
Pharmacy, University of Washington, and
Visiting Faculty, SRU. About 211 delegates
12. Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116
Sri Ramachandra Dementia treatment in Chennai
Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty
of Continuous Professional
Development Program Pharmacy
inaugurated a for hospital
Pharmacists of SRMC on 28th
Dr. Donald F. Downing, Clinical
Professor, School of Pharmacy,
University of Washington and
Visiting Faculty, SRU delivered a
lecture on Roles and Responsibilities
of Hospital Pharmacists. 50
members attended.
Armagaddon 13, our university sports and
cultural events was conducted for the year 2013-
2014.Various sports & games were conducted
from 16 to 18 Aug.
13. Full Address of GCC :
Geriatric Care Clinic (GCC)
[Holistic Elder Care]
Room No: 15, A1 Private Clinic,
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre,
Porur, Chennai 600 116
GCC Direct No: 044-24763137 Board
No : 044-45928500 / Extn: 3419
Contact Person : Social Welfare Officer
Mobile Contact : +91-9444220962
GCC Email ID : gcc.srmc@gmail.com
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre No.1 Ramachandra Nagar, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 116