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17. Standards: Free Online Viewing
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• ANSI National Standards and
Technical Reports Registered with
ANSI Developed by ISA
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26. ISA Transactions
The Journal of Automation
• ISA Transactions is a journal of advances and state-of-
the-art in the science and engineering of measurement
and automation, of value to leading-edge industrial
practitioners and applied researchers.
• The topics of measurement and any of the techniques
that support them.
• The topics of automation and any equipment, techniques
and best practices that support them.
#27: The topics of measurement include: sensors, perception systems, analyzers, signal processing, filtering, data compression, data rectification, fault detection, inferential measurement, soft sensors, hardware interfacing, etc.;
and any of the techniques that support them such as artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, communication systems, and process analysis.
The topics of automation include: statistical and deterministic strategies for discrete event and continuous process control, modelling and simulation, event triggers, scheduling and sequencing, system reliability, quality, maintenance, management, loss prevention, etc.;
and any equipment, techniques and best practices that support them such as optimization, learning systems, strategy development, security, and human interfacing and training.