Thirty years experience in the Human Resources and Management fields:
Senior personnel officer: "Iscor (Ltd.)" Feb.1985 - Sept.1988
Senior consultant: "Personnel Performance (Pty.)Ltd" Oct.1988 - Sept.1990
Executive director,shareholder: "Treetops M&DC" Oct.1990 – June 2005
Director: "Wescol Insurance Brokers(Pty.)Ltd" Apr.1993 - Nov.1998
Director, shareholder: "Weber Medical Ltd." Feb.2005 - Feb. 2009
Sole proprietor/consultant:"GSMCS" Jul. 2005 - present
* Industrial psychologist (PS49425) - HPCSA
* Chartered Personnel practitioner (P4339) - SABPP
Specialties: Providing training, facilitation and advisory services at all managerial levels in the following areas: Organisation .