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Sam Karp
skarp93@gmail.com / (310) 741.9726 / http://goo.gl/hkpScB
University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Bachelor of Arts, expected May 2016
 Majors: Strategic Communications  School of Journalism & Mass Communication; History
 Honors and Awards: Deans List, National Society of Collegiate Scholars
 A position which allows me to work in a creative environment where I can learn from experienced individuals and apply my problem solving
skills and ability to absorb and then utilize new information
 A position which involves in-depth research and analysis of data and in which I can build upon my past experiences with social media
Eileen Koch & Company, Intern Summer 2015
Public relations, branding and marketing firm Los Angeles, CA
 Utilized Cision to research contacts and opportunities for clients, evaluated target for messages and developed pitches based off of medium
choice, brand and target insights
 Conduct secondary research, identified insights and problems and developed a strategy to change behaviors of target in an original Tinder
marketing campaign, which contributed to 100 new social media followers per week
AthletesTouch, Intern Summer 2013 and Spring-Summer 2014
Networking group for former athletes to build business relationships Los Angeles, CA
 Conducted research to identify insights about brand, competition and target in order to recruit them
 Developed strategic messages on LinkedIn and enabled expansion to Portland, ORE
Magazine Literacy-Non-Profit, Intern Spring 2013Fall 2014
Non-Profit providing magazines by bringing donations and non-profits together Madison, WI
 Recruited, created and managed relationship and Wordpress profiles of non-profits, including companys first international program, by
conducting research on programs, identifying insights/problems based on research and developing strategic messages to procure donations
Theta Chi Fraternity, Member, Committee Member, VP March 2013-Present
International fraternity Madison, WI
 Vice President (Dec. 14-Dec. 15): Set agenda, ran meetings, monitored internal communication and assisted committee chairman. Set record for
Facebook statistics and donations to Ski for Cancer event. Raised record $42,000 from 600+ attendees and donators.
o Conducted primary research on consumers to identify potential problems and insights in regard to social environment
o Developed messaging strategies to ensure target would change behaviors
Prime Social Group, Event Promoter August 2014-Present
Full service music promotion company Madison, WI
 Crafted strategic Facebook, flyer and oral messages to influence behavior of consumers
 Chosen to promote international music festival held in Barcelona
Daily Cardinal Newspaper, Feature and Beat Reporter September 2013-Present
Sixth oldest student newspaper in the United States Madison, WI
 Prepared research to write sports articles ranging from human-interest articles to game coverage
Account Co-Director; Social Responsibility Campaign- Sexual Assault and Bystander Intervention
Account planning, J449 Fall 2015
 Conducted primary and secondary research including, social media monitoring, ethnographies, focus groups, interviews, Emarketer, Simmons
and a survey for a campus sexual assault prevention campaign
 Identified key consumer, category and brand insights and developed a cohesive campaign strategy to address bystander intervention behavior
Creative Co-Director; Consumer Behavior Campaign  Mexico Tourism Board
Principles of strategic communication, J345 Fall 2014
 Performed secondary research, including client background and history, industry trends, competitive analysis, consumer analysis, brand analysis,
media usage analysis, creative analysis, public opinion analysis, stakeholder analysis and a SWOT analysis, to create an integrated marketing
communications campaign
 Identified key issues and implications to create campaign strategy and creative brief and plan to address consumer purchasing behavior
Badger Sports, U.S. History, Los Angeles Clippers, Carolina Panthers, Rap/Hip-Hop, Bob Dylan, Traveling and Philanthropy

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  • 1. Sam Karp skarp93@gmail.com / (310) 741.9726 / http://goo.gl/hkpScB EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Madison Bachelor of Arts, expected May 2016 Majors: Strategic Communications School of Journalism & Mass Communication; History Honors and Awards: Deans List, National Society of Collegiate Scholars GOALS A position which allows me to work in a creative environment where I can learn from experienced individuals and apply my problem solving skills and ability to absorb and then utilize new information A position which involves in-depth research and analysis of data and in which I can build upon my past experiences with social media STRATEGY AND COMMUNICATIONS EXPERIENCE Eileen Koch & Company, Intern Summer 2015 Public relations, branding and marketing firm Los Angeles, CA Utilized Cision to research contacts and opportunities for clients, evaluated target for messages and developed pitches based off of medium choice, brand and target insights Conduct secondary research, identified insights and problems and developed a strategy to change behaviors of target in an original Tinder marketing campaign, which contributed to 100 new social media followers per week AthletesTouch, Intern Summer 2013 and Spring-Summer 2014 Networking group for former athletes to build business relationships Los Angeles, CA Conducted research to identify insights about brand, competition and target in order to recruit them Developed strategic messages on LinkedIn and enabled expansion to Portland, ORE Magazine Literacy-Non-Profit, Intern Spring 2013Fall 2014 Non-Profit providing magazines by bringing donations and non-profits together Madison, WI Recruited, created and managed relationship and Wordpress profiles of non-profits, including companys first international program, by conducting research on programs, identifying insights/problems based on research and developing strategic messages to procure donations Theta Chi Fraternity, Member, Committee Member, VP March 2013-Present International fraternity Madison, WI Vice President (Dec. 14-Dec. 15): Set agenda, ran meetings, monitored internal communication and assisted committee chairman. Set record for Facebook statistics and donations to Ski for Cancer event. Raised record $42,000 from 600+ attendees and donators. o Conducted primary research on consumers to identify potential problems and insights in regard to social environment o Developed messaging strategies to ensure target would change behaviors Prime Social Group, Event Promoter August 2014-Present Full service music promotion company Madison, WI Crafted strategic Facebook, flyer and oral messages to influence behavior of consumers Chosen to promote international music festival held in Barcelona Daily Cardinal Newspaper, Feature and Beat Reporter September 2013-Present Sixth oldest student newspaper in the United States Madison, WI Prepared research to write sports articles ranging from human-interest articles to game coverage STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS COURSEWORK Account Co-Director; Social Responsibility Campaign- Sexual Assault and Bystander Intervention Account planning, J449 Fall 2015 Conducted primary and secondary research including, social media monitoring, ethnographies, focus groups, interviews, Emarketer, Simmons and a survey for a campus sexual assault prevention campaign Identified key consumer, category and brand insights and developed a cohesive campaign strategy to address bystander intervention behavior Creative Co-Director; Consumer Behavior Campaign Mexico Tourism Board Principles of strategic communication, J345 Fall 2014 Performed secondary research, including client background and history, industry trends, competitive analysis, consumer analysis, brand analysis, media usage analysis, creative analysis, public opinion analysis, stakeholder analysis and a SWOT analysis, to create an integrated marketing communications campaign Identified key issues and implications to create campaign strategy and creative brief and plan to address consumer purchasing behavior INTERESTS Badger Sports, U.S. History, Los Angeles Clippers, Carolina Panthers, Rap/Hip-Hop, Bob Dylan, Traveling and Philanthropy