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Address: The Coach House, Crawford Park, Perth Road, Dunblane, FK15 0HA 
Telephone: Home 01786 823288 Mobile 07715 530928 Email: sandyandlynn@tiscali.co.uk 
Personal Statement: 
Qualified Chartered Engineer with a wide range of experience in management and project/programme 
management. Extremely experienced team builder, able to motivate provide direction and leadership for 
teams especially during times of change. Strong influencing and negotiating skills with the ability to identify 
key stakeholders and develop and maintain long lasting, value add relationships to benefit all parties. Open-minded 
and lateral thinker, approaching issues presented to me in a highly creative, innovative and 
inclusive manner. Diplomatic and integrate well into any situation, adapting quickly and modifying my 
approach to establish and maintain key links and partnership. 
Employment History 
May 2014 to Present: Curriculum Manager  Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Fife College 
揃 Lead and manage the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering academic and vocational portfolio, 
delivering high quality engineering training within Fife College. Responsible for the development of 
the strategic plan for the next 3-5 years, delivering the business plan and developing long term 
strategies and quality enhancements; 
揃 Financially responsible for monitoring and reporting the control and spend of 贈1.2million annual 
departmental budget to the Finance Director with personal responsibility for a range of plant and 
equipment valued up to 贈4million; 
揃 Entrepreneurial and commercially aware, I develop concepts and ideas enabling economical 
delivery on a variety of products. Able to motivate teams ensuring they perform and achieve the 
delivery through cost control, efficiency and quality improvements; 
揃 Key account manager for a number for local and national engineering companies. Working in 
partnership with government bodies (Skills Development Scotland), developing a greater 
awareness of the wider business environment. This has resulted in continual development of 
national policies which have influenced national training and employment trends; 
揃 Experienced Project Manager responsible for planning, managing and completing, within budget 
and timescales, a variety of medium to large projects across multiple multi-utility sites; 
揃 Involved in a number of recent restructuring initiatives. This has resulted in the development and 
implementation of a number of effective change management strategies, which I have led 
employees through the process in an effective and transparent way; 
揃 Responsible for the recruitment and development for 22 multi-disciplined employees. Continually 
seeking and securing external funding to develop their Continually Professional Development (CPD) 
through knowledge transfer with a variety of industrial partners, annually reviewing and 
implementing strategies ensuring their skills are up to date and relevant; 
June 2009 to May 2014: Assistant Head of School  Engineering & Sustainable Technologies, 
Carnegie College 
揃 Developed new and innovative methods of delivery, resulting in the provision of high quality 
relevant flexible training within an ever changing educational environment; 
揃 Highly experienced in using a variety of planning software tools to accurately timetable employees, 
rooms/equipment and learner groups, resulting in increased efficiency in resource deployment and 
utilisation across a range of disciplines within a number of departments; 
揃 Initiated an internal audit reviewing current estate, employee and equipment needs, identifying 
weaknesses developing project proposals and evaluations to senior management. This led to 
funding being secured to create a national centre of excellence in-line with current and future 
strategic aims; 
揃 Chair for all Health & Safety matters within the department. Reporting to senior managers on issues 
arising within a variety of areas. Auditing all work carried out by sub-contractors, ensuring they 
have the relevant training tickets/qualifications, and are competent in all matters relating to 
health and safety while on site; 
揃 Centre co-ordinator for the Quality Assurance systems, ensuring all regulatory awarding body 
requirements are met and all documentation and record keeping meets the required standards. 
Recently reviewed, developed and implemented a number of new processes that has resulted in 
a 5% annual increase per year against set Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs); 
揃 Nationally recognised as sector specialist in the management and delivery of the City & Guilds Wind 
Turbine Maintenance Course 2339-44 within the energy sector. Core member of Energy Skills 
Partnership, National Skills Academy reviewing the development needs of engineers and
technicians for the sector. Seconded to the Scottish Government to review the skills shortage within 
the energy sector and developed the ELRAH workforce paper (2012), identifying the workforce 
needs for the energy sector over the next 5-10 years resulting in a new qualification for the industry. 
Dec 2006  June 2009: Head of School  Engineering & Technology, Lauder College 
揃 Managed the development of the School of Engineering & Technology providing a strong vision 
and direction for the School. Prepared and delivered the academic plan for the School and 
communicated this effectively both internally and externally with all stakeholders; 
揃 Contribute to strategic and operational objectives including provision and review of statistical 
information, KPIs, to senior management, developing SMART action plans and implementing 
benchmarking against national standards, promoting and leading the quality improvement 
throughout the department; 
揃 Through consultation introduced programme departmental meetings, allowing employees to 
understand internal & external factors influencing them and the business. This approach has 
allowed the teams to develop into a successful, growing and positive environment to work in with all 
stakeholders being able to contribute to the development of the department while achieving the 
strategic and business aims of the department; 
揃 Responsible for setting and meeting individual and team targets, through the Staff Development & 
Career Review (SDCR) developing effective communication and working co-operatively with 
employees to achieve organisational objectives; 
揃 Provided leadership and direction for a number cross disciplined staff implementing strategies to 
ensure their continued professional development. Where possible delegated authority to increase 
performance of nominated employees to develop their skills in-line with College policy and 
procedures, enabling succession planning and business continuity to be effective. 
Nov 2003  Dec 2006: Department Manager: Engineering & Apprentice Training, Institute of Applied 
揃 Continuously reviewed the portfolio ensuring it incorporates up-to-date curricular initiatives and best 
practice methodology. Maintaining the college wide quality standards; 
揃 Liaised with local engineering employers and analysed local Labour Market Intelligence, resulting in 
a rationalisation of curriculum delivery and ensured appropriate articulation pathways and delivery 
from SCQF level 4 to 10, across all areas allowing efficient delivery in-line with key sector needs; 
揃 Department lead on University education articulation. Responsible for developing key agreements 
with a number of University providers allowing clear pathways for learners to achieve their goal; 
揃 Identified staff training needs and develop to ensure that the department is kept abreast of new and 
varied developments within mechanical engineering; 
揃 Department co-ordinator for new and innovative approaches to learning within the engineering 
environment. Instrumental in developing appropriate training packages allowing workforce 
development within a number of sectors in Fife and UK wide; 
揃 Using national industry standards continuously implement a benchmarking exercise with 
appropriate smart action plans implemented to ensure quality and my vision can be achieved in all 
areas within engineering. 
Jan 2001 - Nov 2003: Lecturer in Mechatronics, Lauder College 
揃 Produced and delivered the course materials at NC and HN level to mechanical, electrical & 
electronic learners. Involved in the production of on-line learning materials; 
揃 Industrial liaison officer for local engineering firms  identifying new needs within industry and 
applying/modifying courses to suit demand; 
揃 Department link in the development of the school/college partnership model, enabling young 
learners to access engineering at a variety of stages; 
揃 Through a variety of partnerships successfully ran Skills for Work programmes with a number of 
local schools developing young learners skillsets for a range of employment opportunities. 
July 1998  Dec 2000: Technical Shift Leader, NEC Livingston 
揃 Supervised 24 skilled and semi-skilled maintenance personnel, responsible to the Technical 
Production Manager producing daily briefings to senior staff in the UK and Japan on issues relating 
to production downtime. System specialist responsible for regularly monitoring and reporting on
the progress of work carried out, produced monthly reports identifying solutions to issues impacting 
揃 Experienced electrical/mechanical technical on-shift maintenance planner. Effectively planned all 
on-shift activities and maintenance tasks of shift personnel under my control for a variety for a 
variety of engineering systems providing fault diagnosis and defect rectification solutions where 
necessary, ensuring all systems and plant is operated and maintained safely and effectively; 
揃 Team leader taking the lead in the Total Preventative Maintenance team approach within NEC. 
Identified projects, delegated tasks, set timescales for completion and updated senior management 
on the cost, impact and benefit of a variety of projects. A number of projects resulted in a cost 
saving in time and parts usage, resulting in a 贈40000 saving per month for the department. This 
was highlighted as good practice and adopted across NEC; 
揃 Directly liaised with internal and external bodies to affect the repair and maintenance of equipment 
under my control to agreed timescales. Accountable for all aspects of Health & Safety of on shift 
technical personnel and on-site contractors. 
May 1984  June 1998: Chief Petty Officer Marine Engineering Artificer, Royal Navy 
揃 Senior Engineer advising staff on a range of engineering issues. Controlled the permit to work 
system ensuring all integrity standards and procedures were followed carrying out audits ensuring 
compliance. Liaised with internal and external bodies to affect the repair and maintenance of 
equipment under my control. Advised on all technical matters to ships staff, contractors and 
dockyard personnel; 
揃 Extensive experience in planning de-commission, test and re-commissioning high integrity, high-energy 
systems, liaising with third parties and client representatives to effect system readiness of 
plant and systems. Carried out calibration of level one test equipment ensured that all Quality & 
Assurance paperwork were completed correctly, records updated with the relevant design 
department being informed when changes were completed; 
揃 Senior technical specialist responsible for: Submarine Console Operations  responsible for high 
integrity, high energy systems e.g. hydraulics, air and the control & instrumentation systems. 
Reactor Panel Operations controlled, operated and maintained electrical components and 
instrumentation of a marine nuclear steam plant. Electrical Panel Operations  operated the 
electrical distribution systems throughout a submarine. Main Machinery Space Operations - 
operated steam turbines and auxiliary systems, such as distillation, air conditioning plants and 
lubricating oil systems. Control Operator  responsible for the safe control of primary and secondary 
reactor shut-down systems. 
June 2000 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) - Mechanical & Electronic Systems, Glasgow 
Caledonian University 
April 1998 Diploma in Engineering Management - University of Greenwich 
June 1996 HNC Electronics & Electrical Engineering 
December 1987 BTEC, City & Guilds Diploma in Engineering 
Oct 2014 IOSH Managing Safely Certificate 
May 2014 Renewable UK Working at Heights qualification 
January 2012 Elected Fellow - Institute of Mechanical Engineers 
June 2009 Institute of Management Level 5 Qualification 
June 2006 Elected Chartered Member - Engineering Council 
May 2005 Senior External Verifier with SQA for Mechanical Engineering 
June 2003 Awarded Teacher Qualification in Further Education 
Sept 2001 D32 & D33 Awards Gained 
September 1998 Elected Member - Institute of Incorporate Executive Engineers 
References available on request

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE ALEXANDER MURRAY Address: The Coach House, Crawford Park, Perth Road, Dunblane, FK15 0HA Telephone: Home 01786 823288 Mobile 07715 530928 Email: sandyandlynn@tiscali.co.uk Personal Statement: Qualified Chartered Engineer with a wide range of experience in management and project/programme management. Extremely experienced team builder, able to motivate provide direction and leadership for teams especially during times of change. Strong influencing and negotiating skills with the ability to identify key stakeholders and develop and maintain long lasting, value add relationships to benefit all parties. Open-minded and lateral thinker, approaching issues presented to me in a highly creative, innovative and inclusive manner. Diplomatic and integrate well into any situation, adapting quickly and modifying my approach to establish and maintain key links and partnership. Employment History May 2014 to Present: Curriculum Manager Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Fife College 揃 Lead and manage the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering academic and vocational portfolio, delivering high quality engineering training within Fife College. Responsible for the development of the strategic plan for the next 3-5 years, delivering the business plan and developing long term strategies and quality enhancements; 揃 Financially responsible for monitoring and reporting the control and spend of 贈1.2million annual departmental budget to the Finance Director with personal responsibility for a range of plant and equipment valued up to 贈4million; 揃 Entrepreneurial and commercially aware, I develop concepts and ideas enabling economical delivery on a variety of products. Able to motivate teams ensuring they perform and achieve the delivery through cost control, efficiency and quality improvements; 揃 Key account manager for a number for local and national engineering companies. Working in partnership with government bodies (Skills Development Scotland), developing a greater awareness of the wider business environment. This has resulted in continual development of national policies which have influenced national training and employment trends; 揃 Experienced Project Manager responsible for planning, managing and completing, within budget and timescales, a variety of medium to large projects across multiple multi-utility sites; 揃 Involved in a number of recent restructuring initiatives. This has resulted in the development and implementation of a number of effective change management strategies, which I have led employees through the process in an effective and transparent way; 揃 Responsible for the recruitment and development for 22 multi-disciplined employees. Continually seeking and securing external funding to develop their Continually Professional Development (CPD) through knowledge transfer with a variety of industrial partners, annually reviewing and implementing strategies ensuring their skills are up to date and relevant; June 2009 to May 2014: Assistant Head of School Engineering & Sustainable Technologies, Carnegie College 揃 Developed new and innovative methods of delivery, resulting in the provision of high quality relevant flexible training within an ever changing educational environment; 揃 Highly experienced in using a variety of planning software tools to accurately timetable employees, rooms/equipment and learner groups, resulting in increased efficiency in resource deployment and utilisation across a range of disciplines within a number of departments; 揃 Initiated an internal audit reviewing current estate, employee and equipment needs, identifying weaknesses developing project proposals and evaluations to senior management. This led to funding being secured to create a national centre of excellence in-line with current and future strategic aims; 揃 Chair for all Health & Safety matters within the department. Reporting to senior managers on issues arising within a variety of areas. Auditing all work carried out by sub-contractors, ensuring they have the relevant training tickets/qualifications, and are competent in all matters relating to health and safety while on site; 揃 Centre co-ordinator for the Quality Assurance systems, ensuring all regulatory awarding body requirements are met and all documentation and record keeping meets the required standards. Recently reviewed, developed and implemented a number of new processes that has resulted in a 5% annual increase per year against set Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs); 揃 Nationally recognised as sector specialist in the management and delivery of the City & Guilds Wind Turbine Maintenance Course 2339-44 within the energy sector. Core member of Energy Skills Partnership, National Skills Academy reviewing the development needs of engineers and
  • 2. CURRICULUM VITAE ALEXANDER MURRAY technicians for the sector. Seconded to the Scottish Government to review the skills shortage within the energy sector and developed the ELRAH workforce paper (2012), identifying the workforce needs for the energy sector over the next 5-10 years resulting in a new qualification for the industry. Dec 2006 June 2009: Head of School Engineering & Technology, Lauder College 揃 Managed the development of the School of Engineering & Technology providing a strong vision and direction for the School. Prepared and delivered the academic plan for the School and communicated this effectively both internally and externally with all stakeholders; 揃 Contribute to strategic and operational objectives including provision and review of statistical information, KPIs, to senior management, developing SMART action plans and implementing benchmarking against national standards, promoting and leading the quality improvement throughout the department; 揃 Through consultation introduced programme departmental meetings, allowing employees to understand internal & external factors influencing them and the business. This approach has allowed the teams to develop into a successful, growing and positive environment to work in with all stakeholders being able to contribute to the development of the department while achieving the strategic and business aims of the department; 揃 Responsible for setting and meeting individual and team targets, through the Staff Development & Career Review (SDCR) developing effective communication and working co-operatively with employees to achieve organisational objectives; 揃 Provided leadership and direction for a number cross disciplined staff implementing strategies to ensure their continued professional development. Where possible delegated authority to increase performance of nominated employees to develop their skills in-line with College policy and procedures, enabling succession planning and business continuity to be effective. Nov 2003 Dec 2006: Department Manager: Engineering & Apprentice Training, Institute of Applied Technology 揃 Continuously reviewed the portfolio ensuring it incorporates up-to-date curricular initiatives and best practice methodology. Maintaining the college wide quality standards; 揃 Liaised with local engineering employers and analysed local Labour Market Intelligence, resulting in a rationalisation of curriculum delivery and ensured appropriate articulation pathways and delivery from SCQF level 4 to 10, across all areas allowing efficient delivery in-line with key sector needs; 揃 Department lead on University education articulation. Responsible for developing key agreements with a number of University providers allowing clear pathways for learners to achieve their goal; 揃 Identified staff training needs and develop to ensure that the department is kept abreast of new and varied developments within mechanical engineering; 揃 Department co-ordinator for new and innovative approaches to learning within the engineering environment. Instrumental in developing appropriate training packages allowing workforce development within a number of sectors in Fife and UK wide; 揃 Using national industry standards continuously implement a benchmarking exercise with appropriate smart action plans implemented to ensure quality and my vision can be achieved in all areas within engineering. Jan 2001 - Nov 2003: Lecturer in Mechatronics, Lauder College 揃 Produced and delivered the course materials at NC and HN level to mechanical, electrical & electronic learners. Involved in the production of on-line learning materials; 揃 Industrial liaison officer for local engineering firms identifying new needs within industry and applying/modifying courses to suit demand; 揃 Department link in the development of the school/college partnership model, enabling young learners to access engineering at a variety of stages; 揃 Through a variety of partnerships successfully ran Skills for Work programmes with a number of local schools developing young learners skillsets for a range of employment opportunities. July 1998 Dec 2000: Technical Shift Leader, NEC Livingston 揃 Supervised 24 skilled and semi-skilled maintenance personnel, responsible to the Technical Production Manager producing daily briefings to senior staff in the UK and Japan on issues relating to production downtime. System specialist responsible for regularly monitoring and reporting on
  • 3. CURRICULUM VITAE ALEXANDER MURRAY the progress of work carried out, produced monthly reports identifying solutions to issues impacting production; 揃 Experienced electrical/mechanical technical on-shift maintenance planner. Effectively planned all on-shift activities and maintenance tasks of shift personnel under my control for a variety for a variety of engineering systems providing fault diagnosis and defect rectification solutions where necessary, ensuring all systems and plant is operated and maintained safely and effectively; 揃 Team leader taking the lead in the Total Preventative Maintenance team approach within NEC. Identified projects, delegated tasks, set timescales for completion and updated senior management on the cost, impact and benefit of a variety of projects. A number of projects resulted in a cost saving in time and parts usage, resulting in a 贈40000 saving per month for the department. This was highlighted as good practice and adopted across NEC; 揃 Directly liaised with internal and external bodies to affect the repair and maintenance of equipment under my control to agreed timescales. Accountable for all aspects of Health & Safety of on shift technical personnel and on-site contractors. May 1984 June 1998: Chief Petty Officer Marine Engineering Artificer, Royal Navy 揃 Senior Engineer advising staff on a range of engineering issues. Controlled the permit to work system ensuring all integrity standards and procedures were followed carrying out audits ensuring compliance. Liaised with internal and external bodies to affect the repair and maintenance of equipment under my control. Advised on all technical matters to ships staff, contractors and dockyard personnel; 揃 Extensive experience in planning de-commission, test and re-commissioning high integrity, high-energy systems, liaising with third parties and client representatives to effect system readiness of plant and systems. Carried out calibration of level one test equipment ensured that all Quality & Assurance paperwork were completed correctly, records updated with the relevant design department being informed when changes were completed; 揃 Senior technical specialist responsible for: Submarine Console Operations responsible for high integrity, high energy systems e.g. hydraulics, air and the control & instrumentation systems. Reactor Panel Operations controlled, operated and maintained electrical components and instrumentation of a marine nuclear steam plant. Electrical Panel Operations operated the electrical distribution systems throughout a submarine. Main Machinery Space Operations - operated steam turbines and auxiliary systems, such as distillation, air conditioning plants and lubricating oil systems. Control Operator responsible for the safe control of primary and secondary reactor shut-down systems. Qualfications June 2000 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) - Mechanical & Electronic Systems, Glasgow Caledonian University April 1998 Diploma in Engineering Management - University of Greenwich June 1996 HNC Electronics & Electrical Engineering December 1987 BTEC, City & Guilds Diploma in Engineering Training Oct 2014 IOSH Managing Safely Certificate May 2014 Renewable UK Working at Heights qualification January 2012 Elected Fellow - Institute of Mechanical Engineers June 2009 Institute of Management Level 5 Qualification June 2006 Elected Chartered Member - Engineering Council May 2005 Senior External Verifier with SQA for Mechanical Engineering June 2003 Awarded Teacher Qualification in Further Education Sept 2001 D32 & D33 Awards Gained September 1998 Elected Member - Institute of Incorporate Executive Engineers References available on request