# evolution
# transitional forms
# science in poetic format
# science in hindi
# symbiosis
# science-bilingual format
# algae
# fungi
# gymnosperms
# cenozoic era
# paleozoic
# bacteria
# metamorphosis
# angiosperms
# bryophytes
# mesozoic era
# prehistoric life
# cenozoic
# archaea
# adaptation
# reptiles
# pteridophytes
# precambrian
# chordates
# virus
# evolution of life
# protista
# classification
# migration
# jurassic period
# fishes
# triassic period
# nature -scientific-poetry
# biomes
# pollination
# plantae
# homosapiens
# primates
# taxonomy
# amphibians
# protozoa
# parental care
# camouflage
# rna
# exoelectrogens
# transformation
# animal skills
# cell biology
# mammals
# moulting
# signaling
# vertebrates
# hormones
# kingdoms of life
# silene stenophylla
# siberia
# courtship games
# cellular respiration
# tundra
# grasslands
# linking species
# ferns
# dna
# bioluminescence
# farming animals
# jelly fishes
# strange events
# chromatophores
# photosynthesis
# mimicry
# paleogene
# animal senses
# animal instincts
# bats
# bioclock
# protophyta
# cyanobacteria
# krebs cycle
# oxidative phosphorylation
# non chordates
# photophores
# great extinction
# proterozoic
# paleozoic era
# photoperiodism
# prayer
# lichens
# hominins
# amazing
# caterpillars
# prokaryotes
# domains
# gametes
# mating
# mitochondria
# heredity & variation
# charales
# struggle for existence
# binocular vision
# physiology
# pliocene
# mesozoic
# strange animals
# mutations
# plant communication
# platypus
# permian
# gardner ants
# pterosaurs
# mesozoic times
# cambrian period
# tricks
# mycorrhiza
# transitional form
# squids
# anabaena
# octopus
# aves
# perma frost
# butterflies
# instincts
# spiders
# insects
# defense
# invertebrates
# mass migration
# bilingual
# aerobic respiration
# animal archtecture
# ingenious ways
# survival of fittest
# electron donars
# fertilisation
# methanogens
# hightech animals
# congregation
# marvellous nature
# neoproterozoic
# transdifferentiation
# migratory birds
# growth &development
# great extinctions
# self assembly
# champion plants
# sea horses
# kayakalp
# structure & functions
# eocene
# green algae
# taiga
# extinctions
# flapping
# cephalopods
# neogene
# proboscis
# dino birds
# atp
#scientific poetry
# eukaryotes
# cell organelles
# miocene
# echolocation
# pleistocene
# turtles
# hypnotism
# plant kingdom
# nose
# recent times
# apes
# ancestors of birds
# quaternary period
# sperm whales
# leaping
# whales
# cretaceous
# ears
# globe trotters
# rain forests
# hovering
# tertiary period
# deserts
# dinosaurs
# tropics
# honey bees
# praying mantis
# pumpkin
# vitamins
# enzymes
# stone tools
# live bait
# largest fruits
# birds
# black heron
# alaska
# organelles
# pacific ocean
# arctic
#web of life
# russian academy of science
# cell structure
# nucleus - director
# high flying birds
# nuptial gifts
# butterfly
#algal blooms
# hawk moth
# honeypot ants
# test tube babies
# portuguese man of war
# double coconut
# scychelles
# mermaids purses
# germination
# fungal gardens
# rise of sap in trees
# nucleus
# drama of life
# sense of hearing
# co evolution
# jurassic
# magicians
# animal homes
# male mom
# coevolution
# electrogenic
# hummingbirds
# megafauna
# animal engineers
# ants
# friendship
# terror birds
# mutualism
# neogene period
# aquatic
# kelp forests
# adjustment
# starfish
# relationships
# kiwi
# self defense
# sense of smell
# fungus gardens
# apomixis
# darwin
# termites
# bioimmortality
# ribosome
# offense
# fundamental processes
# cellular processes
# macromolecules
# lifecycle
# arthropoda
# turrytopsis
# frequency jamming
# largest flowers
# photoperiod
# strange life styles
# oldest trees
# cuttlefish
# tallest trees
# wonderful animals
# jet speed
# pigments
# vibration sensing
# domain eukaria
# microbes
# extremophiles
# alleles
# hetrotrophs
# dinobirds
# features
# transition from reptiles to aves
# albatross
waste water treatment
# elephant seals
# emperor penguins
# holocene
# life cycles
# double helix
# lizards
# single strand
# transcription
# translation
# protein
# myxomycetes
# polarised light
# sun compass
# jumping
# flying
# genes
# brown algae
# red algae
# chromosomes
# gondwana
# noctiluca
# revivals of life
# parasite
# immortality
# carboniferous period
# firefly
# australopithecus
# vascular plants
# ardipithecus
# ordovician
# lucy
# stem cells
# bilingual format
# swans
# hydra
#precambrian times
# special features
# biology
# protofungi
microbial fuel cells
# iridophores
# jet propulsion
# age of man
# pleistocene epoch
# sharks
# modern plants & animals
# natural selection
# nectar sipping
# oligocene
# tertiary
# paleocene epoch
# flying reptiles
# mfc
# molluscs
# decoration
# phytochromes
# cryptochromes
# opsins
# ginkgo
# darwins theory
# seed ferns
# sponges
# anaerobic respiration
# creation
# living fossil
# bio world
# flowering plants
#animal communication
# bacteria farming animals
# cryogenian
# amazing life forms
# tallest moss
# fungus farming animals
# wonders galore
# mating games
# senses
# giant reptiles
# tetrapods
# bio immortality
# animalia
# fronds
# macromolecule
# owls
# cnedarians
# s yashina etal
# jellyfishes
# devonian
# courtship
# botany
# nature
# nonchordates
# tactics
# corals
# protista &plants
#heredity & variation
# gliding frogs
# respiration
# flying dragons
# terns
# english/hindi
# flying snakes
# colours
# enigmatic sandpipers
# leaping marsupials
# invertebrates & vertebrates
# specialfeatures
# nomenclature
# terminology
# plant classification
# algae funji bacteria
# makers and movers of life
# humpback
# revivals
# animals
# sky compass
# amphibians and reptiles
# singing
# between fishes and amphibians
#geo magnetic cues
# great events
# river smell
# homing pigeon
# wheatear
# magnetic compass
# olfactory cue
#extrinsic factors
# intermediate forms
#night sky
# intrinsic
# great revivals
# life's mystery
# great creation
# phenomena
# fishes & amphibians
# mating calls
# shearwater
# monarch butterflies
# bubble net feeding
# amphibians & reptiles
# desert locusts
# desert ants
# migrating
# breaching
# gobi fish
# reptiles & mammals
# salmon fish
# group tunes
# reptiles & birds
#links between species
# changes from period to period
# fundamental processes of life
# reptiles and mammals
# reptiles and birds
# germination of life
# vibrant life
drastic changes
# sharirantar
# archetypal leaf
# archetypal plant
# modification
# heridity
# information molecule
# nucleotides
#multiple roles
# structure
# functions
role in life /death
# genetic code
# sugarphosphate strands
# bases
# protein synthesis
# light sensing molecules
# phototropins
# entrain
# behaviour
# glucose
# glycolysis
#aerobic respiration
# oxidation
# pyruvate
# proton gradient
# synthase
# holometaboly
# hemimetaboly
# great morphological physiological changes
# behavioral changes
# crossing
# hybridization
# random distribution
# bioevolution
# survival of the fittest
# wallace
# tree of life
# web of life
# gene drift
# hgt
# monera
# eukaryota
# habit habtat changes
# immunity
# virus genome
# synthesis
# roles
# mendels laws
# inheritance
# variation
# sexual reproduction
# dominance
# recessive
# segregation
# assortment
# genetics
# laws of inheritance
# pure breeding
# homozygous
# cytoskeleton
# structure & functions of organelle s
# acacia
# intmate relations
# marine biome
# environment
# climate
# commensalism
# parasitism
# corals and algae
# nitrogen fixation
# rhizobia
# legumes
# mutual signalling
# tree to tree talk
# airial pathway
# volatile organic compounds
# godess of learning
#bouque of poems
# natural phenomena
# mendalism
# life cycle
# life sustaining processes
# eukaryotic cell
# role
# organelles - actors
# protoplasm
# cytoplasm
# ribosomes
# cell secrets
# chloroplast
# cell talk
# cell membrane
#interspecific communication
# quorumsensing
# light's splendour
# light's beauty
# lights actions and effects
light and living beings
# chemical signaling
# electrical signaling
# action potential
# varying potential
# phloem
# xylem
# membrane channels
# ions
# chara
# plasmodesmata
# hetrozygous
# endoplasmic reticulum
# common mycelial net work
# root soil pathway
# root secretions
# plant signaling
#electrical signaling
# green flourescent protein
# ca++
# electro mechanical response
# spontaneous movements
# jcbose
# venusflytrap
# desmodium
# dancing leaflets
# mimosa pudica
# communication
# intraspecfic signaling
# animal architecture
* courtship games
# record holder animals
# animal sense
# animals techniques & tools
# animal tricks
# eyecatching animalia
# remarkable developments
# deception
# animal husbandry
# synchronus actions
# animal communication
# animals lifestyle
# synchronus spawning
# simultaneous breeding
# red crabs
# annual migration
# synchronus breeding
# nupital gifts
# camouflge
# ephedra
# cycads
# taiga biome
# yews
# cones
# dicots
# seed germination
# flowering
# fruit formation
# asteraceae
# orchidaceae
# leguminaceae
# graminae
# fabaceae
# poaceae
#animal architecture
# beetles
# frogs
# molting
# cichlids
# pearly jaw fish
# giant bug
# glass frog
# kangaroos
# sleeping bags
# fancy purse like
# air bubble like
# fascinating
# animal lifestyle
# strange ways
# wonderful techniques
# amazing structures
# bower birds
# decorating bower
# wooing mate
# spawning
# sexual frenzy
# synchronously
# barrier reef
# spectacular
# natural wonder
# bells
# medusa
# stinging tentacles
# roosting
# hibernation
# over wintering
# sixth sense
# hornbill
# bitterlings
# small sharks
# surrogate mother
# ingeneous ways
# strange aspects of animals s life
# unusual parental care practices
# mega fauna
# bio diversity
# protoman
# ice ages
# age of mammoths & mastodons
# recent
# modern
# age of homosapiens
# archaic
# science in bilingual form
#classification of plants
# history of scientific literature
# origin & evolution
# science in bilingual format
# domain archaea
# phyla
# domain
# habitat
# prokaryotic
# autotrpophs
# morphology
english poetry
# bio evolution
#science in poetic format
# paleo biology
#paleo biology
#biology in hindi
#geological times
# conquestof land
# mass extinction
# silurian flora
# silurian fauna
# carboniferous
# mass extinctions
# paleontology
# paleobiology
# tall gymnosperms
# transitional mammals
# transitional birds
# pterodactyles
# ordovician period
# eukaria
# pioneers
# hornworts
# liverworts
# mosses
# asexual sexual reproduction
# sporophytes
# vascular
#alternationof generation
# clubmosses
# horsetails
# crypytogams
# tracheophytes
# phanerogams
# pines
# pinus
# tertiary period # paleogene
# microbiology
# autotrophic
# hetrotrophic
# parasitic
# autotrophs
# phaeophyta
# characteristics
# basidiomycetes
# ascomycetes
# oomycetes
# chitrids
# zygomyctes
# bioluminescent
# mushrooms
# chatacteristics
# poisons
# foams
# glues
# sprays
# poison frogs
# grass hoppers
# buulldog ants
# shooting guns
# cassowary
# mantis
# paternal care
# pseudopenis
# female penis
# daggers on feet
# startling techniques
# displays
#hook or crook
# phermones
# fight
# gifts
# struggle
# animals ingenuity
# surprising prey
# shocking predator
# matching with surroundings
# changing colour shape pattern
# surprising
# hiding
# shattering
# inkspray
# alarm
# stun
# jamming
# tricky animals
# ink squirting
#running on water
# shattering tail
# chemicals
# mechanism
# pain tolerance
# cancer resistance
# record holding animals
# runing
# swimming
# hunting
# bomb diving
# stooping
# sailing
# deep diving
# biolumnescence
# floating & swimming experts
# lantern fish
# potuguese ma of war
# nautilus
# air bladders
# bumble bee
# flying fish
# animals techniques
# skills & ways
# strange behaviour
# display
# sound signals
# song and dance
# illusion
# bower
# spermatophore
# claspers
# reproduction
# procreation
# molerat
# kangaroo
# mole rat
@ kangaroo
# gut sliding
# wavy motion
# extrordinary features
# strange mammals
# 4 in one platypus
# mole rat
# moth
# owl
# high tech animals
# high tech location systems
# sonar
# radar
# infrared detectors
uv rays sensors
# electricity sensors
# night vision
# hightech animal senses
# electro receptive
# mechano receptive
# olfactory
# high tech senses
# electric sensors
# electroreception
# supersensitive hearing
# supersensitive smelling
# ken eyesight
# agriculture by animals
# animal husbandry by animals
# colourful things
# aesthatic sense
# beevers
# white ants
# beevar dams
# white ant mounds
# glowing mounds
# bioluminescent larva
# green light
# headlight beetles
#amazing termite mounds
# beavers
# master builders
# extraordinary
# keen
# acute
# strange
# komodo dragon
# bears
# wolves
# stinging jellies
# bubble net fishing
# butcher birds
# otters
# crown jellyfish atolla
# song thrush
# shrike butcher bird
# bubblenet fishing
# mongoose
# jumping spider
# american fresh water turtle
# pit viper
# cloak & dagger
# mimicking spider
# leaf mantis
# flower mantis
# black heron-egret
# snapping turtle
# matching with surrondings
# hearing sense
# aphids
# agriculture by ants & termites
# animal husbandry by ants
# nectaries
# long corolla tubes
# hawk moths
# orchids
# suck
# sip
# mollusks
# mesmerizing life
# lightshows
# eternal youth
# moonjellyfish
# moon jellyfish
#tiny jellyfishes
# largest tree
# redwood tree
# california
# chestnut tree
# beautiful flowers
# champian plants
# raflesia
# titan arum
# talipot palm
# queen of the andes
# plants with largest leaves
# raphia
# water liliy
#victoria amazonica
# tree with largest fruit
# jack fruit
# largest seed
# palms
# lodoicea
# cucurbita maxima
# kashifal
# lodicea
#coco-de -mer
# mystery
# folklore
# s yashini
# silken web
#spider rain
# long life
# trans differenciation
# ostrich
# largest bird
# tallest bird
# heaviest bird
# biggest egg
# flying mammals
# fastest mammals
# echolocation experts
# smallest mammals
# vampires
flying foxes
# axolotl
# planaria
# regeneration
# repair
# sea squirt
# b leachii
# reconstruction
#largest trees
# bacteria# thiomargarita
#largest bacteria
# t magnifica
#carribian region
# mangroves
# rotting leaves
# rhizocarpon
# lichenometry
#crustose lichen
# largest lichen
# umbilicaria
north america
#brown algae
# kelps
# sea weeds
# giant algae
# bladder algae
# atomic radiation
# fastest growing organisms
# sheter of a variety of life
# largesst inflorescence
# caryophyllaceae
# fossil seeds fruits
# in vitro experiments
# revival of seeds & fruits
# s yashini etal
# permafrost
# in vitro
# squirrel burrows
#pleistocene epoch
s yashina
# frozen seeds fruits
# revival of life
# rejuvination
# date palm
# phoenix dactylifera
# revival
# israel
# methuselah
# dr sarah sallon
# honey mushroom # armillaria # hyphae # mycellium
# ancient yeast# old fungus# preserved# amber-# re
# dr raul cano # burma# beer# fermentation
# highest flying insects
# alpine varieties
# arctic varieties
# pollen baskets
# fuzzy
# warning colours
# bird migration
# sooty shearwater
# newzealnd
# trans oceanic flights
# arctic tern
# champian
# trans oceanic flight
# bartailed godwit
# nonstop flight
# canada
# mexico
& wintering
# milkweeds
# painted lady
# africa
# sahara
# mediterranian
# europe
# porpoising
# tobogganing
# deeep divers
# antarctic
# colony
# symbol of purity
# inherited traits
annual migration
# wandering albatross
# circumnavigating
# south pole
# antarctica
# flappingless flight
# ruppells vulture
# # africa
# griffons vulture
# highest flying bird
# keen eyesight
# keen smell
# common cranes
# tallest birds
# v formation
# himalayas
# india
# piddi
# fastest flapping
# scyphozoa
# float
# bell
# bladder
# pearly nautilus
# multiple chambers
# floating expert
# buoyancy
# whale shark
# biggest fish
# large liver
# graceful
# ballooning
# australia
# brazil
# mass ballooning
# spiderling
# flood
# bacteria # oldest # million
# bumble bees
# leatherbacks
# largest turtle
# shell less turtle
# fastest swimming reptile
#migrating turtle
#parental care
#homing instinct
# decapoda
# cephalopoda
# largest eyes
# giants
# olympians
# cuttle fish
# intelligent
# siphon
# cuttle fishes
# acrobats
# fastest flappers
# fast speed
# american birds
biofuel generation
microbial electrolisis cells
biofilms on electrodes
green energy
graphite electrodes
noble metals
nano wires
nano particles
food spoiler
space research
#exo electrogens
# synecochoccus
# synechocystis
# nostoc
# single stranded virus
# retro virus
# sarcoma
# rous
# retrotranscriptase
# champions
# vishvkarma
# thanks
# largest virus
# p sibericum
# amoeba
#largest fruiting body
# trillion spores
# millions of pores
cleaning petroleumspills
removing uranium from water
nelium oleander
# green red brown algae
#external electron transport
# mediators
# ulva
# chlamydomonas
#micro algae
# electrons
# hyper thermophiles
# solfatara volcano
# yellowstone national park
# space shuttle
# hyper haloalkaliphilic
# haloarchaea
# natrialba
#hypersaline lakes
# rock salt
# wonders of nature
# biological ptocesses
# biological phenomena
# science in poetical style
# oxygen
# acetate
# mec
# biomass
#value added products
# microalgae
# chlorella vulgaris
#oxidation of organic matter
# reduction of metals ;ions
# electron acceptors
# aerobic
# unaerobic
# microalage
# nitzschia
#nitzschia palea
# biosensors
# pamfc
# photosynthetic organisms
# macro algae
# tree ferns
# cyathea
# c.australis
# c medullaris
# osmunda
# stasis
# royal fern
# flowering fern
# o.claytoniana
# ginkgo biloba
# bilobed leaves
# naked seeds in 'fruits' !
# living fossils
# metaseqoia
# wollemi pine
#dinosaur days
#great survivors
#champion trees
# unicellular
# complex organisation
# green alga
# #umbrella cap
# rhizoids
# acrobat birds
# brown blooms
sargassum belt
#green blooms
# bluegreen algae
#red tide
# harmful blooms
# aerial dispersal
#helicopter seeds
# paratrooper seeds
# maple trees
# ashes
# dandelion
# tipuana tipu
# fraxinus
alsomitra macrocarpa
# fluterer
# moss
# dawsonia
# upright gametophyte
# upright sporophyte
# seta
# fermentation
# beer
# bread
# leavening agent
# fuelcells
#electricity generation
# smallest fungi
# chytrids
# motile zoospores
# ancient fungi
# billion years ago
# smallest organisms
# mycoplasma
# genital diseases
# pnemonia
# respiratory tract diseases
# pelgibacter
# ubique -universal
# ancient clade
# self replicating
# freeliving
# simple
# dna virus
# rna virus
# double stranded virus
# #marine algae
# capsule
# champions of plant kingdom
# champion angiosperms
# champion gymnosperms
# champion pteridophytes
# champion bryophytes
# azolla fern
# spores
eternal friendship
#perfact marriage
# live in relationship
# azolla
# fern
# unique
# hindi
# smallest algae
# b.bigeloii
# semiextracellular cytosis
# unicellular algae
# yeast
#smallest fungi
# unicellular fungi
# great mass extinction
# bees
# meteor impact
# age of mammals
# savannas
bees and butterflies
paleogene period
#oligocene epoch
# transitional time
# giant mammals
# first monkeys
# miocene epoch
# hominids
#pliocene epoch
# homo
# mammoths
# glacials
# interglacials
#homo species
# homoerectus
# extinction of megafauna
# progymnosperms
# archaeopteris
# pteridosperms
# tiktaalik
# march of plants
# march of invertebrates
#conquest of land
& age of ferns
# age of seed ferns
# age of giant arthropods
# age of amphibians
# dawn of reptiles
# siberian traps
# volcanoes
# meteorites
# age of reptiles
# age of gymnosperms
# age of revival
#flying reptiles
# mammal ancestors
# bird ancestor
# flora
# fauna
# marsupial frogs
# giant bugs
# pregnant male
#science in hindi
# hormonal
# seasonal chnges
#shedding & renewal
# exoskeleton
# ecdyasis
# ecdysis
# shedding &renewal of body parts
# remodeling
# dramatic kayakalp
# development
# larva
# pupa
# glass eel
# crustaceans
# echinoderms
# long day plants
# short day flowering plants
# prakashkal
# lightsensing molecules
# light wavelengths
# blue light range
#red light range
# acquiring home by animals
# first angiosperms
# holocene epoch
# modern age
#recent times
# dodo
# passenger pigeon
# destruction of amozon forest
# photosynthesis in animals
# evolution of photosynthesis
# wonderful features of photosynthesis
# kingdom animalia
# adbhut jeevan shailiyan
#strange animal lifestyles
# red crabs migration
# corals mass simultaneous spawning
# bald eagles
# jelly fishes chasing sun
# butterflies giving gifts
# beluga whale pods enjoying
# amazing techniques
# strange animal life styles
# community care
# maternal care
#paternal care
#biparental care
# birds ancestors
# archaeopteryx
# creatceous period
#mesozoic era
# transition from reptiles to mammals
# hominidae
# homonins
3 #miocene
# protomen
# protoprimates
# prosimians
# simians
# anthropoids
# hominoids
# chimpanzees
# orangutan
# human ancestors
# neanderthals
# reptiliomorphs
# feather
# wings
# special senses
reptilian ancestors
# therapsids
# ancestors
# homo species
# pliestocene
# selfassembly
# multiplication
# infection
# techniques
# relationship in species
# chinese fossils
science in hindi
# kingdoms
# links between species
# amazing instances
#linking species
# evolution of birds
# permian period
# feathered reptiles
# protoavis
#birth of life
# archaean
# eubacteria
# marine
# microbial mats
# oxygenation event
#snowball earth
# snowball earths
# ediacaran
#microbial mats
# clusters
# phanerozoic
# age of algae
# diversification
# radiation
# conquest of land
# silurian period
# jawed fishes
# bony fishes
# freshwater fishes
# bryozoa
# mollusca
# extraordinary care
# dawn 'birds'
# snakes
# crocodiles
# fishpods
# flying fishes
# deutrostomia
# agnatha
# exocoetus
# hemichordates
# cell signaling
# cell adhesion
# dictyostyleum discoideum
# filamentous
# a
# actinomycetes
# actinobacteria
# hypha
# mycelium
# antibiotics
# covid 19
# diseases
# emergence of new species
# gliding
#landing style
# lifestyle
# master jumper flea
# olympion bull frog
# catch mechanism
# amazing feats
# bushbabies
# leaping experts
# speedy leaps
# night monkeys
# south african jungles
# catching prey & leaping simultaneously
# great road runner
# fast runner
# cheetah
#escaping tactics
# desert semidesert bird
# falcon
# perigryne
# flying ace
# fastest flier
# speedy dive
# diving speed highest
# accurate targeting
# frigate
# fast flier
# romantic guestures
# amazing life styles
# virulent
# bloom
# jesus christ lizard
# padmpad
# runing on water
# central american reptiles
#south american lizards
# animal lifestyles
# amazing features
# sea dragan
# springtail
#olympic champions
# fastest runners
# somersaulters #
# scuba divers
# high jumpers
# long jumpers
# biggest body
# biggest brains
# master fliers
# globetrotters
# mobula fish
# manta fish
# ferocious
# skilled predator
# benefecial insect
# apis mellifera
# sole honey producers
# sole makeers of waxy hive
# hairy eyes
# supersensitivity
# biggest brain
# loudest animal
# deep divers
# spermaceti
# blue whale
# largest animal
# largest heart
# loud sound
#highest water spout
# biggest baby
# pinnipeds
# mainly aquatic
# beach lovers
# deepdiving
#loudly braying
# flippers
# budding
# acrobatics
# aerial pirate
# magnificient
# sleeping on wings
# snatching fish from flying birds
# swift
# fastest flying bird
# continuous flight
# shape of wings
#flying ace
eating mating on wings
# sail fish
# dorsal fin
# long upper jaw
# fastest fish
# master hunter
# fastest fishes
# blue fin tuna
# black marlin
# amazing speed
# dragon fly
# fastest insect
# drone model
# great acrobat
# good hunter
# tiger beetle
# deer
# foxes
# jesus bug
# high tech snses
# electric senses
# sound weapons
# electrolocation
# electric signals for courtship
# dolphin
# electric eels
# animal eyes
# monocular
# trinocular
# rotating eyes
#jumping spider
# eagle
# mantis shrimp
# chamaleon
# mollusc
# bivalve with 200 eyes
# dairy farming animals
# meat farming animals
# plants farming animals
# animals indulging in agriculture
# farmer snails
# termites fungal gardens
#origin of species
# anemone fish
# tuatara
# clarks grebe
# parrot fish
# flicker bird
# fluke flat worm
# animal masterbuilders
# diving bell spider
# garden spider
# golden web spider
# tailor birds
# weaver birds
# edible nest birds
#potter wasps
# paper maker wasps
# animal farmers
# beever dams
# termite mounds
#sense of smell
# keen eye sight
# barometer
# surfacetension
# eye sight
# eye
# komodo dragon
# polarisation
# sepia
# turritopsis
# aurocaria
# self renewal
# dinoflagellates
#crystal jelly
# batsean mimicry
# mullerian mimicry
# cuckoos mimicry
# automimicry
# aggressive mimicry
# defensive mimicry
# coral snakes
# mimicry in fishes &reptiles
#jesus christ lizard
# pompom crab
# archer fish
# puffadder snake
# hide and seek
# mating risks
# dangerous mating efforts
# fastest sprinter
# farmer beetles
fungus gardens
# dairy farming ants
# dairy running & meatfarming ants
# farmer worms
# p nagasau
# squamellaria
# fiji
# rag worm
# gardener bacteria
# roseobacter
# gardener fishes
# damsel fishes
# domesticated shrimps
# e huxleyi
# gardner animals
# yeti crab
# slime mould
# social amoeba
# dictostelium
# morchella
# moths
# humming
# animal hypnotism
# leucophores
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