What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Richmond VA. USA ---- 1983-85
St. Louis MO. USA ---- 1985-88
Verriere-le-Buisson FRANCE ---- 1988-93
Barcelona SPAIN ---- 1993-95
Arlington TX. USA ---- 1995-2001
Raleigh NC. USA ---- Aug01-May06
Vinita OK. USA ---- July06-Sept06
Ouzeen UKRAINE ---- Oct06-Dec06
Volnovakha UKRAINE ---- Dec06-Dec08
Paris FRANCE ---- Dec08-Sept09
Bradford UK ---- Sept09-Sept10
Gulu UGANDA ---- Oct10-Jan11
Winhoek NAMIBIA ---- July11-July12
33 countries + counting!!!