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Curriculum Vitae
Date: 25 January 2010
NAME: Sarel Jacobus Mouton
ADRESS: 1782 Berg LN.
Amandasig Pretoria-North
TELNO: +27837451718 (RSA)
+243991008647 (DRC)
Qualifications: Matric at High School Elandspoort
After School Education: Fire men Gr 2
Courses and training obtained: Basic Ambulance Course
HV Substation Erecting (11KV-400KV)
SVC Power Correction Erection (5 build )
Harmonic Capacitors PF Correction Services
11KV-33KV Switch-gears
GIS Systems ( Sf-6, Gas Injected systems 33KV )
Power Transformers ( From 1MVA-60MVA )
LV Substations Commissioning ( att Tenke Fungurume
Mining )
DOL Com. ( TFM )
VSD Com. ( TFM )
Motor testing ( Letseng Diamond Mine, and TFM Mining )
( Back up power Generators )
HV Cable terminations and Joints
LV Cable Terminations and Joints
Erecting off CB, Isolators, Pantographs CT`s, VT`s and SA
Fault finding on LV, HV systems`
Erecting, and rigging off Cell-phone towers
Civil works on cell-phone towers
LV-electrical installations on cell-phone towers
Previous Employers:
1) Pretoria Fire Department ( 1989-1991 )
1) Fire men GR 2
2) Basic ambulance course
3) Diving
4) Up sailing
Was on the response team for accidents, fire and
emergency cases
Pretoria Ambulance Services ( 1991-1992 )
1) Response to emergency accidents
2) Response to emergency cases.
South-African Defense Force ( 1992- 1994 )
1) National service
2) LTK Construction ( 1993-2006 )
1) Senior erector on circuit breakers ( Siemens and ABB)
2) Senior erector on Isolators ( Hapam, Ahlstom)
3) Senior erector on Pantographs ( Hapam)
4) Senior erector on current transformers ( all makes)
5) Senior erector on voltage transformers ( all makes)
6) Senior erector on CVTs and line traps
7) Senior stringer on conductors and bus bars
8) SVCs 7 off
9) GIS Siemens panels
10) HV cable terminations and joints
11) MV cable terminations and joints
12) LV cable termination and joints
13) Wire of control panels and JB
14) Wire of equipment
15) Off loading of transformers
16) Erecting of transformers
17) Aluminum bus bars pipe erecting.
18) Supervising my own sites.
Orange Cell phone network ( Namibia ) ( 2006-2007 )
1) Civil work on cell phone tower
2) Rigging of cell phone tower
3) Wire of cell phone tower
3) Saglec Construction ( HV&LV Power Installations )
( 2007-2008
1) Senior erector on circuit breakers ( Siemens and ABB)
2) Senior erector on Isolators ( Hapam, Ahlstom)
3) Senior erector on Pantographs ( Hapam)
4) Senior erector on current transformers ( all makes)
5) Senior erector on voltage transformers ( all makes)
6) Senior erector on CVTs and line traps
7) Senior stringer on conductors and bus bars
8) SVCs 7 off
9) GIS Siemens panels
10) HV cable terminations and joints
11) MV cable terminations and joints
12) LV cable termination and joints
13) Wire of control panels and JB
14) Wire of equipment
15) Off loading of transformers
16) Erecting of transformers
17) Aluminum bus bars pipe erecting.
18) Supervising my own sites.
4) TFM(FMI)-Commissioning at Tenke Fungurume Mining
(2008-2008 )
1) Erecting the HV main substation
2) Assisting in commissioning of substation
3) Erecting of transformers
4) Supervising the MV switch gear installation
5) Assisting in commissioning of MV switch gear
6) Commissioning of all LV MCC
5) TFM high voltage Maintenance (2008  2010)
1) Maintenance on MV switchgears
2) Maintenance on transformers
3) Repairing blown HT cables
4) Maintenance on HV substation
5) Maintenance on Rapid rectifiers
6) Maintenance on Sag mill electrical
7) Fault finding on LV systems
8) Inspecting power lines for faults
Dennis True
Sorel Mouton
Rick Bryce
5) Mutanda Mining ( MUMI ) Electrical and
Instrumentation Superintendent. ( 2010-Present )
1) Supervising the electrical phase 1 installation
2) Commissioning of the phase 1 installation
3) Start up of phase 1 process circuit
4) Maintaining of phase 1 circuit
5) Supervising of phase 2 and 3 electrical installations
6) Start up of phase 2 and 3 process circuits
7) FAT test of phase 4 electrical equipments
8) Supervising the electrical installation of phase 4
9) Start up of the phase 4 process circuit.
10) Maintaining of all 4 phases
11) Running circuits and working out available power drowned.
12) Problem solving on electrical circuits
13) Improving off electrical systems by analyzing, fault finding
and resolving
1) 100 tph. Ball mill
2) 250 tph Sag mill with 350 tph ball mill
3) 500 tph Sag mill
4) 3 X post leaching systems
5) 3 X leaching systems
6) 3 X CCD systems
7) 3 X Clarifiers systems
8) 5 X SX systems
9) 7 X Electro winnings
10) 17 X rectifiers systems
11) 17 X rectifier transformers
12) 14 X medium voltage switch gears
13) 45 X motor control stations
14) 3 X 6.6 KV VSD's ( Siemens Rubicon)
15) liquid Resistance starters
16) Strata starters
17) Siemens L/V VSD
18) Siemens L/V Soft starters
19) Siemens DOL starters
20) Evaporating systems
21) 1 X Iron Manganese system
22) 2 X Iron Manganese belt filters
23) 1 X Cobalt filter press
24) 1 X Cobalt circuit
Curriculum Vitae Sarel Mouton
Curriculum Vitae Sarel Mouton

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Curriculum Vitae Sarel Mouton

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Date: 25 January 2010 NAME: Sarel Jacobus Mouton ADRESS: 1782 Berg LN. Amandasig Pretoria-North Pretoria RSA TELNO: +27837451718 (RSA) +243991008647 (DRC) Qualifications: Matric at High School Elandspoort After School Education: Fire men Gr 2 Courses and training obtained: Basic Ambulance Course Diving Up-sailing HV Substation Erecting (11KV-400KV) SVC Power Correction Erection (5 build ) Harmonic Capacitors PF Correction Services 11KV-33KV Switch-gears GIS Systems ( Sf-6, Gas Injected systems 33KV ) Power Transformers ( From 1MVA-60MVA ) LV Substations Commissioning ( att Tenke Fungurume Mining ) DOL Com. ( TFM ) VSD Com. ( TFM ) Motor testing ( Letseng Diamond Mine, and TFM Mining ) ( Back up power Generators ) HV Cable terminations and Joints LV Cable Terminations and Joints Erecting off CB, Isolators, Pantographs CT`s, VT`s and SA Fault finding on LV, HV systems` Erecting, and rigging off Cell-phone towers Civil works on cell-phone towers LV-electrical installations on cell-phone towers Previous Employers: 1) Pretoria Fire Department ( 1989-1991 ) 1) Fire men GR 2 2) Basic ambulance course 3) Diving 4) Up sailing Duties Was on the response team for accidents, fire and
  • 2. emergency cases Pretoria Ambulance Services ( 1991-1992 ) 1) Response to emergency accidents 2) Response to emergency cases. South-African Defense Force ( 1992- 1994 ) 1) National service 2) LTK Construction ( 1993-2006 ) 1) Senior erector on circuit breakers ( Siemens and ABB) 2) Senior erector on Isolators ( Hapam, Ahlstom) 3) Senior erector on Pantographs ( Hapam) 4) Senior erector on current transformers ( all makes) 5) Senior erector on voltage transformers ( all makes) 6) Senior erector on CVTs and line traps 7) Senior stringer on conductors and bus bars 8) SVCs 7 off 9) GIS Siemens panels 10) HV cable terminations and joints 11) MV cable terminations and joints 12) LV cable termination and joints 13) Wire of control panels and JB 14) Wire of equipment 15) Off loading of transformers 16) Erecting of transformers 17) Aluminum bus bars pipe erecting. 18) Supervising my own sites. Orange Cell phone network ( Namibia ) ( 2006-2007 ) 1) Civil work on cell phone tower 2) Rigging of cell phone tower 3) Wire of cell phone tower 3) Saglec Construction ( HV&LV Power Installations ) ( 2007-2008 1) Senior erector on circuit breakers ( Siemens and ABB) 2) Senior erector on Isolators ( Hapam, Ahlstom) 3) Senior erector on Pantographs ( Hapam) 4) Senior erector on current transformers ( all makes) 5) Senior erector on voltage transformers ( all makes) 6) Senior erector on CVTs and line traps 7) Senior stringer on conductors and bus bars 8) SVCs 7 off 9) GIS Siemens panels 10) HV cable terminations and joints 11) MV cable terminations and joints 12) LV cable termination and joints 13) Wire of control panels and JB 14) Wire of equipment 15) Off loading of transformers
  • 3. 16) Erecting of transformers 17) Aluminum bus bars pipe erecting. 18) Supervising my own sites. 4) TFM(FMI)-Commissioning at Tenke Fungurume Mining (2008-2008 ) 1) Erecting the HV main substation 2) Assisting in commissioning of substation 3) Erecting of transformers 4) Supervising the MV switch gear installation 5) Assisting in commissioning of MV switch gear 6) Commissioning of all LV MCC 5) TFM high voltage Maintenance (2008 2010) 1) Maintenance on MV switchgears 2) Maintenance on transformers 3) Repairing blown HT cables 4) Maintenance on HV substation 5) Maintenance on Rapid rectifiers 6) Maintenance on Sag mill electrical 7) Fault finding on LV systems 8) Inspecting power lines for faults References: Dennis True Sorel Mouton 012210.pdf Rick Bryce Sarel.pdf
  • 4. 5) Mutanda Mining ( MUMI ) Electrical and Instrumentation Superintendent. ( 2010-Present ) 1) Supervising the electrical phase 1 installation 2) Commissioning of the phase 1 installation 3) Start up of phase 1 process circuit 4) Maintaining of phase 1 circuit 5) Supervising of phase 2 and 3 electrical installations 6) Start up of phase 2 and 3 process circuits 7) FAT test of phase 4 electrical equipments 8) Supervising the electrical installation of phase 4 9) Start up of the phase 4 process circuit. 10) Maintaining of all 4 phases 11) Running circuits and working out available power drowned. 12) Problem solving on electrical circuits 13) Improving off electrical systems by analyzing, fault finding and resolving Systems . 1) 100 tph. Ball mill 2) 250 tph Sag mill with 350 tph ball mill 3) 500 tph Sag mill 4) 3 X post leaching systems 5) 3 X leaching systems 6) 3 X CCD systems 7) 3 X Clarifiers systems 8) 5 X SX systems 9) 7 X Electro winnings 10) 17 X rectifiers systems 11) 17 X rectifier transformers 12) 14 X medium voltage switch gears 13) 45 X motor control stations 14) 3 X 6.6 KV VSD's ( Siemens Rubicon) 15) liquid Resistance starters 16) Strata starters 17) Siemens L/V VSD 18) Siemens L/V Soft starters 19) Siemens DOL starters 20) Evaporating systems 21) 1 X Iron Manganese system 22) 2 X Iron Manganese belt filters 23) 1 X Cobalt filter press 24) 1 X Cobalt circuit