The 1994 film The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife. While in prison, Andy befriends another inmate named Red and helps the prisoners maintain their humanity despite the inhumane conditions. The film received seven Oscar nominations including for Best Picture and acting nods for Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. It was a commercial success, grossing $58 million worldwide against a $25 million budget.
2. Released in USA: 1994
Released in UK: 1995
Director and Writer: Frank Darabont (Screenplay)
Nominated for 7 Oscars:
- Best Actor in a Leading Role (Morgan Freeman)
- Best Cinematography (Roger Deakins)
- Best Film Editing (Richard Francis-Bruce)
- Best Music, Original Score (Thomas Newman)
- Best Picture (Niki Marvin)
- Best Sound (Robert J. Litt, Elliot Tyson, Michael Herbick, Willie D. Burton)
- Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
(Frank Darabont)
Opening Weekend Gross: $727,327 (USA)
Complete Gross: $58,500,000 (Worldwide)
3. Tim Robbins Andy Dufresne
Morgan Freeman Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding
Bob Gunton Warden Norton
William Sadler Heywood
Clancy Brown Captain Hadley
Gil Bellows Tommy
Mark Rolston Bogs Diamond
4. A successful banker named Andy Dufresne is
found guilty for the murder of his wife, he is sent
to Shawshank prison to serve a life term. Whilst
in Shawshank Andy becomes friends with Red,
he tries to adapt to his life in prison, some of it
much harder than many would think, and goes
on an unforgettable journey with Red and some
of the other inmates, for years inside prison