m trying to quit gambling!!!
仂 亳仄 弌舒舒弍 :亊 舒弍仂 于 舒.仗亳.
Well, U write about me...
Never Argue With Idiots.. 1st They Bring U To Their Level & Then Beat U With Their Experience....!!! "
Dial 100-rabh in case of emergency.
When you are in light
everything will follow you.
But when you enter dark even
you own shadow will leave you.
仂 亳仄 弌舒舒弍.
亊 亳仆亢亠仆亠 亳 舒弍舒舒 于 亳
亊 亢亳于 于 亞亞舒仂仆 (Gurgaon) 亳磲仂仄 于 亟亠仍亳
丕 仄亠仆 仄舒仍亠仆从舒 亠仄.
仂亶 仗舒仗舒 亳仆亢亠仆亠, 舒 仄仂 仄舒仄舒 亟仂仄仂仂亰舒亶从舒
丕 仄亠仆 仂亟仆舒 亠舒, 丕 仆亠亠 仂亟仆
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