This document provides guidance on using accounting and disclosure reports in the EASi system. It explains how to filter and sort reports to reconcile accounting values with underlying transaction details. Key features covered include running reports on demand or in batches, customizing existing reports, and the types of accounting, disclosure, capitalization and shareholder information reports available. Supporting detail reports provide line-item award data to verify values reported in summary accounting reports.
2015 SaaS Cost Capitalization Survey and DatabaseMatthew PerreaultThis document discusses the results of a survey of over 75 publicly traded SaaS companies regarding their accounting policies for capitalizing software development costs and sales commissions. The survey found that in 2015, 64% of companies capitalized software development costs, compared to 70% in 2014 and 60% in 2013. Only 20% of companies surveyed in 2015 capitalized sales commissions, a decline from 21% in 2014. The document provides possible reasons for the trends observed and examples of wording used in company footnotes regarding their capitalization policies.
final thesis for submissionSyeda Raiha GardeziThis document is a research paper that examines the impact of capital structure on the profitability of banking sectors in Pakistan. It analyzes data from 4 conventional banks and 4 Islamic banks over 19 years. The results show that for conventional banks, profitability is positively affected by capital structure, indicating a positive relationship between profitability and capital structure. However, for Islamic banks profitability is negatively affected by capital structure, showing a negative relationship between profitability and capital structure. The paper aims to contribute to understanding how capital structure impacts profitability differently between conventional and Islamic banking.
Capitalization Rate for Commercial Investment Real EstateMichael Feakins, CCIMThe Cap Rate is a core ratio in commercial real estate investments and is very useful because it is so simple. All you really need is a reliable 1-year Net Operating Income (NOI) number. For this reason it is often used to create a beginning purchase price and ending sale price. Also, it can be used as a Return on Investment (ROI) or Profitability Ratio as shown in the example above.
Use of the Cap Rate to create a beginning purchase price or an ending sale price Net Operating Income (NOI) is part of the Cap Rate, and it is important to understand which NOI is being used --- Last Years, Next Years, or a 'Current Year' NOI created by multiplying the current month by 12? Use of each of these NOI values has issues:
Impact of Firm Specific Factors on Capital Structure Decision: An Empirical S...Waqas TariqThis document summarizes a study that examines the impact of firm-specific factors on capital structure decisions of companies listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange in Bangladesh from 2003-2007. The study tests whether factors like profitability, tangibility, non-debt tax shield, growth opportunity, liquidity, earnings volatility, size, dividend payment, managerial ownership, and industry classification significantly impact leverage. Regression analysis found profitability, tangibility, liquidity, and managerial ownership negatively impact leverage, while growth opportunity and non-debt tax shield positively impact leverage. Size, earnings volatility, and dividend payment were not found to be significant. Results also showed debt ratios differ significantly across industries in Bangladesh.
Capital structureArul Anandar College, KarumathurThe document discusses capital structure, which refers to the composition and proportions of various capital sources like loans, reserves, shares, and bonds that make up a company's total capital (capitalization). It also discusses the impacts of leverage and different capital structure alternatives on earnings per share. Over-capitalization occurs when a company's earnings are insufficient to provide a fair return on its investments, while under-capitalization means a company's capital is less than what is required.
Capitalization and punctuationMaria Penny LumberaThis document provides information on various punctuation marks and capitalization. It defines punctuation marks such as periods, commas, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, question marks, exclamation points, and quotation marks. It explains how to use these punctuation marks properly and provides examples of their use. The document also discusses capitalization rules for beginning sentences, words in titles, and proper nouns.
Fusion Financial Reporting and Analysis Proof of ConceptKhalil Rehman NLP (MPrac) MCIPS, PMP,OCPThis document provides instructions for accessing and running financial reports in Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting. It includes:
- Login details for the Fusion Applications environment
- An overview of how to run the Vision Foods US Income Statement report, including how to change prompt values, expand/collapse account hierarchies, and drill down to underlying transactions
- Instructions for running the Vision Foods Rolling 12 Month Income Statement report and changing point of view dimensions to update the report and embedded graph
Operating segments finalHyderabad Chapter of ICWAIThe document summarizes the key differences between AS 17 and the revised IFRS 8 regarding segment reporting. IFRS 8 takes a management approach to identifying operating segments based on how management views and makes decisions about the entity. It requires public entities to disclose selected segment information in both annual and interim financial reports. IFRS 8 also provides guidelines on identifying reportable segments and disclosure requirements for segment information.
Oracle Accounting reporting sequencesAli IbrahimThis document discusses accounting and reporting sequences in Oracle Release 12. It provides an overview of sequences and their benefits. It then describes the setup and creation process for accounting sequences, which are assigned when journals are posted or subledger transactions are accounted, and reporting sequences, which are assigned when a GL period is closed. The key steps involve defining sequences and versions, sequencing contexts, and assigning sequences to contexts based on parameters like ledger, journal source, and category.
Online Training Basel IIeasy2complyPresentation objective is to provide an overview of our Basel II building blocks, offer insight into the look and feel of the application and Showcase how you can easily use our software.
FSA Chapter 5Francisco FloresThe document discusses interim and segment reporting requirements. It notes that interim reports can provide timely financial information to users. Segment disclosures describe a company's activities in different industries and geographical areas given growing diversification. There are two views on recognizing expenses and revenues in interim reports. IAS 34 allows condensed or complete interim financial statements but does not mandate frequency or timing of reports. IFRS 8 defines operating and reportable segments and disclosure requirements regarding identified segments and their products/services.
Mr20 enus 01-Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics®...Sami JAMMALIThis training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to build basic and advanced financial statements using Management Reporter.
Online Training Solvency IIeasy2complyPresentation objective is to provide an overview of our Solvency II building blocks, offer insight into the look and feel of the application and Showcase how you can easily use our software.
Sample Reports GraceTim WaltersThis document provides an overview of the reporting capabilities available through the FixQ portfolio management system. It describes the broad range of over 200 reports that can analyze portfolio data from various angles. It also outlines how FixQ allows for automated packaging and distribution of reports through its macro feature, which can schedule recurring reports and operations to streamline information sharing. Finally, it discusses the customizable home page or "widget gateway" that provides a quick snapshot of portfolio status through tools like a top gainers/losers list and customizable portfolio overview.
Abila_MIP_Fund_Account_Auditors_Guide_1stChoiceTeresa FrancisThis document provides an overview of the audit features and functionality available in the Abila MIP Fund Accounting software. It describes the software's database security controls, flexible chart of accounts structure, extensive audit trails, transaction review and posting tools, and financial reporting capabilities. The software aims to help auditors efficiently audit nonprofit and government clients by facilitating transaction tracking, compliance with accounting standards, and direct access to underlying accounting data.
Abila mip fund_account_auditors_guide_1st_choiceTeresa FrancisThis document provides an overview of the audit features and functionality available in the Abila MIP Fund Accounting software. It describes the software's database security controls, flexible chart of accounts structure, extensive audit trails, transaction review and posting tools, and financial reporting capabilities. The software aims to help auditors efficiently audit nonprofit and government clients by facilitating transaction tracking, compliance with accounting standards, and direct access to underlying accounting data.
Wizmen Product OverviewWizmen SystemsWIZMEN Systems team has the expertise to design, build and deploy web systems that meet the customer's specific business needs from the ground up.
Web applications designed by us help our clients to solve their business issues in the most efficient manner, i.e. reduction in operational costs, improving workflow, or to find cost-effective ways of carrying out business.
For most companies, speed of ERP implementation is critical for maximizing the ROI from ERP investments. We have helped many companies to successfully implement large, complex ERP systems effectively through our end-to-end services portfolio.
Our clients are very satisfied by having access to real-time business information that is intelligible and useful, across the enterprise.
We are specialists in providing the professional ERP solutions that serve a range of business sectors including medium to large-scale enterprises. We have a track record of providing cutting edge solutions to meet each client’s individual requirements across an array of industries.
Our strength and expertise is in ERP implementation, ERP customization, application development, systems integration, computer infrastructure and the provision of specialist technical services and support. We provide you the best ROI through the in-time delivery of product and services. We always strive hard to provide low risk, focused IT solutions that are adaptable to your needs.
Our edge over our competitors is
We have a versatile team, experienced to tackle functional and technical issues.
We have a very short implementation without compromising the quality of services.
We have a vast experience to deal with a variety of business sectors.
We have a very flexible, responsive and decisive approach towards our valued clients.
We have a much elaborated support site which is 24x7, all the interaction with client is made through this site. Complete history of old jobs as well as their updates is always available here.
27283asb as-17lakshjitThis document outlines Accounting Standard 17 on segment reporting issued in 2000. It defines key terms related to segment reporting such as business segment, geographical segment, reportable segment, segment revenue, segment expense, segment assets and segment liabilities. It provides guidance on identifying reportable segments and disclosure requirements for segment information in financial statements.
Mr20 enus 07-Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics®...Sami JAMMALIThis training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to build basic and advanced financial statements using Management Reporter.
Adi manualEricYim111) The document provides instructions for using Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) to run pre-configured and ad-hoc financial reports from the University's Oracle Financials system and output them to Excel.
2) It describes how to log in to ADI, select standard or create ad-hoc reports, choose report options like period and content set, and publish the output.
3) Appendices provide lists of available standard reports, row and column sets, and report themes to apply formatting. The instructions aim to guide users through running both predefined and custom reports from ADI.
Assets detailedbvrrao1This document provides an overview of configuring asset accounting in SAP. It discusses organizational structures, integration with the general ledger, valuation, depreciation, configuring the depreciation key, special valuation, master data, information systems, asset data transfer, and preparation for production startup. The summary discusses copying a reference chart of depreciation from Germany to create a new chart, specifying descriptions, deleting unnecessary depreciation areas, assigning input tax indicators, and assigning the chart of depreciation to a company code.
Chapter Four.pptxMohamedAbdi347025This document provides an overview of Chapter 24 which covers presentation and disclosure in financial reporting. The key learning objectives are to understand the full disclosure principle, notes to financial statements, disclosure requirements for related parties and business segments, accounting issues for interim reports, auditor's reports, management responsibilities, and issues with financial forecasts. The chapter discusses full disclosure, use of notes, disclosure rules for special transactions, segment reporting, problems with interim reports, types of auditor opinions, management commentary, and fraudulent financial reporting.
Financial information systemUjjwal 'Shanu'The document provides instructions for running reports in the Financial Information System (FIS). It describes locating available reports, submitting a report to run by selecting data and options, and outputting the report. Key reports are the Budget Comparison, Trust Summary, General Ledger Detail, and Trial Balance reports. The instructions explain selecting data fields, dates or periods, and output file type. Users can view PDF reports, or edit CSV files in Excel. The View Job Status application is used to monitor reports and remove items from the queue.
New operating segmentsESHETIE MEKONENE AMAREThis document provides an overview of IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The key points are:
IFRS 8 requires entities to disclose segment information to help users understand its business activities and operating results. It applies to public entities or those filing financial statements. Operating segments are components regularly reviewed by management to allocate resources and assess performance. Reportable segments meet certain quantitative thresholds or are otherwise determined to be reportable by management. The standard outlines requirements for identifying segments, reportable segments, disclosing segment information, and entity-wide disclosures.
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus - Active Directory audit software.Ashok KumarManageEngine ADAudit Plus is a web-based software that audits and reports on changes made in Active Directory, including changes to users, computers, groups, GPOs, OUs, domain policies, and logon activities. It provides a centralized dashboard that gives snapshots of important events through graphs and charts. Examples include logon failure counts, account lockouts, and password changes. The software also contains various predefined reports that are categorized and can be customized, scheduled, and exported. It allows configuring alerts as well as roles and privileges for technicians to access reports.
IND AS 108 OPERATING SEGMENTSNirmal GhorawatThe document provides an overview of Ind-AS 108 on operating segments. It discusses key aspects such as identifying the chief operating decision maker (CODM), operating segments, determining reportable segments, and required disclosures. The core principle is that an entity must disclose information to enable users to evaluate the nature and financial effects of its business activities and economic environment. It outlines the application process including identifying the CODM and operating segments, applying quantitative thresholds to determine reportable segments, and required disclosures on segments, products/services, geographical information, and major customers.
Kovair ALM and DevOps Reports and Dashboards - Product literatureKovairKovair Software is a Silicon Valley software company that specializes in integrated application lifecycle management (ALM) solutions. Their objective is to make the software development process faster, better, and more collaborative using any tools, platforms, or technologies. Kovair focuses on integrating third-party tools to enable application creation in a synchronized environment. Reports and dashboards in Kovair provide visual representations of important data to help managers track tasks and make decisions.
Oracle Accounting reporting sequencesAli IbrahimThis document discusses accounting and reporting sequences in Oracle Release 12. It provides an overview of sequences and their benefits. It then describes the setup and creation process for accounting sequences, which are assigned when journals are posted or subledger transactions are accounted, and reporting sequences, which are assigned when a GL period is closed. The key steps involve defining sequences and versions, sequencing contexts, and assigning sequences to contexts based on parameters like ledger, journal source, and category.
Online Training Basel IIeasy2complyPresentation objective is to provide an overview of our Basel II building blocks, offer insight into the look and feel of the application and Showcase how you can easily use our software.
FSA Chapter 5Francisco FloresThe document discusses interim and segment reporting requirements. It notes that interim reports can provide timely financial information to users. Segment disclosures describe a company's activities in different industries and geographical areas given growing diversification. There are two views on recognizing expenses and revenues in interim reports. IAS 34 allows condensed or complete interim financial statements but does not mandate frequency or timing of reports. IFRS 8 defines operating and reportable segments and disclosure requirements regarding identified segments and their products/services.
Mr20 enus 01-Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics®...Sami JAMMALIThis training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to build basic and advanced financial statements using Management Reporter.
Online Training Solvency IIeasy2complyPresentation objective is to provide an overview of our Solvency II building blocks, offer insight into the look and feel of the application and Showcase how you can easily use our software.
Sample Reports GraceTim WaltersThis document provides an overview of the reporting capabilities available through the FixQ portfolio management system. It describes the broad range of over 200 reports that can analyze portfolio data from various angles. It also outlines how FixQ allows for automated packaging and distribution of reports through its macro feature, which can schedule recurring reports and operations to streamline information sharing. Finally, it discusses the customizable home page or "widget gateway" that provides a quick snapshot of portfolio status through tools like a top gainers/losers list and customizable portfolio overview.
Abila_MIP_Fund_Account_Auditors_Guide_1stChoiceTeresa FrancisThis document provides an overview of the audit features and functionality available in the Abila MIP Fund Accounting software. It describes the software's database security controls, flexible chart of accounts structure, extensive audit trails, transaction review and posting tools, and financial reporting capabilities. The software aims to help auditors efficiently audit nonprofit and government clients by facilitating transaction tracking, compliance with accounting standards, and direct access to underlying accounting data.
Abila mip fund_account_auditors_guide_1st_choiceTeresa FrancisThis document provides an overview of the audit features and functionality available in the Abila MIP Fund Accounting software. It describes the software's database security controls, flexible chart of accounts structure, extensive audit trails, transaction review and posting tools, and financial reporting capabilities. The software aims to help auditors efficiently audit nonprofit and government clients by facilitating transaction tracking, compliance with accounting standards, and direct access to underlying accounting data.
Wizmen Product OverviewWizmen SystemsWIZMEN Systems team has the expertise to design, build and deploy web systems that meet the customer's specific business needs from the ground up.
Web applications designed by us help our clients to solve their business issues in the most efficient manner, i.e. reduction in operational costs, improving workflow, or to find cost-effective ways of carrying out business.
For most companies, speed of ERP implementation is critical for maximizing the ROI from ERP investments. We have helped many companies to successfully implement large, complex ERP systems effectively through our end-to-end services portfolio.
Our clients are very satisfied by having access to real-time business information that is intelligible and useful, across the enterprise.
We are specialists in providing the professional ERP solutions that serve a range of business sectors including medium to large-scale enterprises. We have a track record of providing cutting edge solutions to meet each client’s individual requirements across an array of industries.
Our strength and expertise is in ERP implementation, ERP customization, application development, systems integration, computer infrastructure and the provision of specialist technical services and support. We provide you the best ROI through the in-time delivery of product and services. We always strive hard to provide low risk, focused IT solutions that are adaptable to your needs.
Our edge over our competitors is
We have a versatile team, experienced to tackle functional and technical issues.
We have a very short implementation without compromising the quality of services.
We have a vast experience to deal with a variety of business sectors.
We have a very flexible, responsive and decisive approach towards our valued clients.
We have a much elaborated support site which is 24x7, all the interaction with client is made through this site. Complete history of old jobs as well as their updates is always available here.
27283asb as-17lakshjitThis document outlines Accounting Standard 17 on segment reporting issued in 2000. It defines key terms related to segment reporting such as business segment, geographical segment, reportable segment, segment revenue, segment expense, segment assets and segment liabilities. It provides guidance on identifying reportable segments and disclosure requirements for segment information in financial statements.
Mr20 enus 07-Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics®...Sami JAMMALIThis training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to build basic and advanced financial statements using Management Reporter.
Adi manualEricYim111) The document provides instructions for using Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) to run pre-configured and ad-hoc financial reports from the University's Oracle Financials system and output them to Excel.
2) It describes how to log in to ADI, select standard or create ad-hoc reports, choose report options like period and content set, and publish the output.
3) Appendices provide lists of available standard reports, row and column sets, and report themes to apply formatting. The instructions aim to guide users through running both predefined and custom reports from ADI.
Assets detailedbvrrao1This document provides an overview of configuring asset accounting in SAP. It discusses organizational structures, integration with the general ledger, valuation, depreciation, configuring the depreciation key, special valuation, master data, information systems, asset data transfer, and preparation for production startup. The summary discusses copying a reference chart of depreciation from Germany to create a new chart, specifying descriptions, deleting unnecessary depreciation areas, assigning input tax indicators, and assigning the chart of depreciation to a company code.
Chapter Four.pptxMohamedAbdi347025This document provides an overview of Chapter 24 which covers presentation and disclosure in financial reporting. The key learning objectives are to understand the full disclosure principle, notes to financial statements, disclosure requirements for related parties and business segments, accounting issues for interim reports, auditor's reports, management responsibilities, and issues with financial forecasts. The chapter discusses full disclosure, use of notes, disclosure rules for special transactions, segment reporting, problems with interim reports, types of auditor opinions, management commentary, and fraudulent financial reporting.
Financial information systemUjjwal 'Shanu'The document provides instructions for running reports in the Financial Information System (FIS). It describes locating available reports, submitting a report to run by selecting data and options, and outputting the report. Key reports are the Budget Comparison, Trust Summary, General Ledger Detail, and Trial Balance reports. The instructions explain selecting data fields, dates or periods, and output file type. Users can view PDF reports, or edit CSV files in Excel. The View Job Status application is used to monitor reports and remove items from the queue.
New operating segmentsESHETIE MEKONENE AMAREThis document provides an overview of IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The key points are:
IFRS 8 requires entities to disclose segment information to help users understand its business activities and operating results. It applies to public entities or those filing financial statements. Operating segments are components regularly reviewed by management to allocate resources and assess performance. Reportable segments meet certain quantitative thresholds or are otherwise determined to be reportable by management. The standard outlines requirements for identifying segments, reportable segments, disclosing segment information, and entity-wide disclosures.
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus - Active Directory audit software.Ashok KumarManageEngine ADAudit Plus is a web-based software that audits and reports on changes made in Active Directory, including changes to users, computers, groups, GPOs, OUs, domain policies, and logon activities. It provides a centralized dashboard that gives snapshots of important events through graphs and charts. Examples include logon failure counts, account lockouts, and password changes. The software also contains various predefined reports that are categorized and can be customized, scheduled, and exported. It allows configuring alerts as well as roles and privileges for technicians to access reports.
IND AS 108 OPERATING SEGMENTSNirmal GhorawatThe document provides an overview of Ind-AS 108 on operating segments. It discusses key aspects such as identifying the chief operating decision maker (CODM), operating segments, determining reportable segments, and required disclosures. The core principle is that an entity must disclose information to enable users to evaluate the nature and financial effects of its business activities and economic environment. It outlines the application process including identifying the CODM and operating segments, applying quantitative thresholds to determine reportable segments, and required disclosures on segments, products/services, geographical information, and major customers.
Kovair ALM and DevOps Reports and Dashboards - Product literatureKovairKovair Software is a Silicon Valley software company that specializes in integrated application lifecycle management (ALM) solutions. Their objective is to make the software development process faster, better, and more collaborative using any tools, platforms, or technologies. Kovair focuses on integrating third-party tools to enable application creation in a synchronized environment. Reports and dashboards in Kovair provide visual representations of important data to help managers track tasks and make decisions.