This document provides an overview of data science and how it can be done in Node.js. It defines data science as combining software engineering and statistical analysis. It discusses regression modeling and recommender systems as examples. Regression modeling predicts future values like number of users based on past data. Recommender systems predict what other products a customer may buy based on their preferences. Node.js is recommended for data science due to its event-driven asynchronous nature and packages like NPM and D3.js. Code examples are provided for both techniques.
3. Likely.js Recommendation Engine
Classify.js Naïve Bayes Classifier
Lyric Linear Regression
Logistical.js Logistic Regression (work in progress)
4. Data Science in Node.js
• What is Data Science?
• Why Node?
• Example 1: Regression Modeling
• Example 2: Recommender Systems
• Where to go next?
5. What is Data Science?
Software Engineering
Statistical Analysis
6. What is Data Science?
1. Question
2. Data Gathering
3. Exploration
4. Modeling
5. Answer
6. Production
7. What is Data Science?
1. Question
2. Data Gathering
3. Exploration
4. Modeling
5. Answer
6. Production
8. Why Node?
• Functional
• Event driven
• D3
• Binary data
• Speed
• R
• Python
• Java
• C++
• Go